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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Thanks for this! Just a heads up - we're moving to a completely different ORS fork in 0.25. So some tweaks to what you have above. - Resource configs can be shared - that would rock! - Duplicate keys should no longer be an issue as we use different but similar resource configs. That being said, you can still MM duplicates away to reduce confusion. CRP water is pretty darn close to KSPI water RE distribution, though it's a lot more permissive (water everywhere) in 0.25 since the extraction mechanics are changing in a later update. - Totally agree on Uranium - it's not being used right now. Longer term we can figure out the best path to make uranium for both MKS (it will need it soon), NFT, etc. and KSPI. My query would be whether UF4 is what we dig out of the ground, or if we should add a shared raw material? - I though Argon was pretty darn close, let me know. That one there is for NFT compatibility. - The largest diff I saw in oceanic resources was that in Karbonite, Eve's ocean is full of Karbonite (which is closer to Squad's interpretation that it is full of Propellium). KSPI assumes a lot of water. So you end up with over 100%. This doesn't actually break anything, so I would not sweat it too much Also upcoming CRP removes almost all of the resources from atmos and oceans other than oxygen (and it is oxygen not oxidizer), Karbonite (where it exists), and ArgonGas. SCANSat will be on ORSX, which assuming all of your other stuff works, should put you in good shape. Reality is that CRP has a LOT more ground based stuff than KSPI, but I am totally cool with adding in anything that helps out since you would by extension get that not only for KSPI but also for other mods. i.e. we don't use aluminum but it was part of CRP. The only reason it is looking to be pulled is because KSPI does not use CRP, and those map textures add up, so I was pulling anything not used. That being said, we can always figure out how to work these things in. I am ALMOST done with my pre-release, at which point you will want to update your tests. Ping me as well if you need any help troubleshooting things.
  2. Thanks Let me know what bits you're looking for and I can help you find them.
  3. Nifty! I keep forgetting that the radial ducted fan engines are in the NEXT release
  4. With all due respect. The fact that the only way we got past the crustal duplicate key issue was to delete the duplicate planetary resource definitions was kinda a thing. A big thing. That broke stuff into oblivion. So the crustal resource issue is incredibly relevant, given that this is what I got to spend my time firefighting. Then our SCANSat integration broke. And other things broke. I love your mod. I love the work you've done with it. And as noted, once the dust settles and things stabilize, maybe we can play together on the same area of the playground (it would be nice, for example, to share resource maps to save on memory footprint, and to have better resource compatibility). I just don't see us playing with the same ball.
  5. Ironically, atmospheric and oceanic resources never caused a crash... they just caused us to have more than 100% of an atmosphere. Which was a minor issue. Swapping to a pattern where we have to pick one kinda ruins Karbonite as it has atmospheric considerations at odds with KSPI - is what it is. The issue was duplicate crustal resource keys. We fixed this. I sent you a pull request on day zero. And it was promptly disregarded when 0.1.3 broke stuff. Then 0.1.4 broke other things we depended on. Heck, I move pretty darn quick, and that one was out the door and on the street before I could even test it. In my strong opinion, a dialog should have taken place so we all knew the lay of the land, and some consensus reached before releases went out. Things were in fact running very smoothly. Everything worked. Nothing broke. Mods worked together and there was no weirdness. In that situation, the best thing would have been to defer a release until we could all come to consensus, sort it out, and make sure we all released simultaneously if it was going to involve breaking changes. This is not fun stuff. But it's what you have to deal with when you curate a mod that is meant to be a foundational piece of other mods (heck, there's a real fuels extension to Karbonite out there, as well as integration with RSS and EL for MKS/OKS that I have to be careful of). As it is, I was uncomfortable enough with the change management of ORS that I forked it and will continue in my own derivative work that I will share with the various teams that work on extensions to MKS, Karbonite, etc.. And even with that, my very first priority was to make sure I did not break KSPI, and also reached out to make sure I did not break KSPI-L as well. If, once the dust settles, we all want to talk about how we bring things together, that would rock. It's better for the players. NFT and KSPI compatibility (while we had it) was nice. TAC-LS and KSPI compatibility was nice, as was everything working swimmingly with Karbonite, MKS/OKS, FTT, etc. - my job is to get us as close to that world as possible. As it stands right now, I have most of that already in place other than 1.2 of KSPI. So as noted, I'm going to make very sure that I do not accidentally break something just so people can enjoy these bits together. If we land there, that's fine. If we decide to land in a place where there's a lot more interop, even better. As noted - I am on IRC and I have a PM.
  6. Let me know when that changes, that would be good. At this point since the current KSPI does not use CRP, and since I expect Wave will (rightfully so) follow what KSPI does with KSPI-L, there's no value to users in having the weight of CRP including a bunch of duplicate PNGs, etc. (I assume it would just use the same assets that the current KSPI release does). Since right now I am busily prepping for 0.25 (and major releases are generally when I do reorganization), I'm deprecating ORS and any KSPI-specific resources just to keep from accidentally stomping on KSPI. If that changes in the future, awesome - we can work it in. If that changes before 0.25, let me know - I do pre-releases for stuff like this so I don't surprise people who have dependencies on the mods I make. If the current situation does not change, then I want to make sure that at a minimum, I do my part to not stomp on your mod by accident, and make sure that my mod constellation and the ones I curate are not stomped on by any KSPI changes. I figure that's a good starting point My PM remains open - ping me if you wish to discuss, or have any questions. I'm also usually in the IRC channel.
  7. Politics? Nah, not really. Just doing what I have to do to avoid having the rug kicked out from under me on a too frequent basis. In any case, already finished my own fork and have most of my stuff converted to it, so a moot point. I make mods to have fun. Having my stuff break is not fun. Hence, I have taken the shortest path to fun. Wave - I am going to assume you will migrate to ORS 0.14? If so, CRP will be incompatible with it as of o.25, so I'd suggest using whatever Fractal has in the current KSPI. I've taken measures to resolve any resource issues already, but wanted to give you the heads up.
  8. Good deal, and the USI bits do have KSP-AVC support. Worst case you just want to make sure you use the latest ones (which KSP-AVC will inform you of).
  9. Odd, dropped it in MKS/OKS without a hitch - what issues did you experience?
  10. evac button is a known issue, this is still full of bees, a rework is almost done and will be released with 0.25 or possibly sooner - - - Updated - - - I'll need to see if the latest one I was given works - thus far they have exploded the DERP
  11. GitHub request please - would be a new model. RPM - if someone pull requests a cfg I will include it
  12. Hey all, I know there are a few mods with dependencies on Karbonite - specifcially, extractors, detectors, and converters. I have done a ton of refactoring and consolidation recently, but do not want there to be a bucket of horrible surprises when this releases. So if you could, let me know which part modules you are depending on, and also if you are using CRP stuff OTHER THAN the resource configs (i.e. resource maps, etc.) I will be doing a pre-release and giving folks a week or so to sort things out before I switch it to general availability. Will post here (so you may want to sub) when it is ready. Anticipate the pre-release being ready (hopefully) by the end of the day.
  13. Awesome, thanks To help me out - what USI/Karbonite modules are you using? Reason being I am sorting out all of the changes for 0.25 and I'd like to make sure I don't break anything day one.
  14. (FYI I offered up a new, animated model for this - did not hear yet if Fractal was planning on using this or not. If not, I was going to just use it for something else).
  15. It is the tiniest pod I could make for a Kerbal that waves their arms around a lot
  16. Heya As noted in other threads, I fully expect anything I make to have it's warning stickers pulled up and for people to remix/rehash any of my works. That's precisely why I license it that way. So the use of Karbonite is perfectly fine, and encouraged. I would however recommend waiting till 0.25 as it is about to get a pretty major revision. Usual deal - just as I generally ask 'do you have mod X?' etc. in support requests, if it is determined that they have taken my tinker toys and stuck a piece in their ear, I will send them here. Already have this with mods that extend Karbonite, so no biggie. My very strong recommendation: Don't change any mod stuff, and use KSP-AVC. If I were in your shoes (shoes that I expect would soon be engulved in flames) I'd only use KSP-AVC mods just to make the experience a hell of a lot easier. At the very least, use it for yourself. Also - my release schedule is aggressive. So be prepared.
  17. Let me phrase that a different way. Even if a mod includes a license that allows redistribution, I would strongly suggest talking to them lest as a direct result of pissing a modder off, we end up with a closed license where there used to be an open one. And everyone loses.
  18. Answered in other thread Issue was we lost our duplicate key check with 0.1.3, now I have a broken interface with 0.1.4. Again, totally get that this is your baby, but it's current form of change management is not suiting my needs, nor is it good for the fairly large userbase that I have to have this level of uncertainty on a core dependency. I realize this is probably growing pains given that I am not aware of other popular mods using ORS other than KSPI, but in the short term I have to take care of my users first.
  19. Actually it was caused by the duplicate ORS keys (something we had finally crushed) the fix that ORS 0.1.3 did not have in it when you re-released it.
  20. Our primary issue was the duplicate ORS key problem - which is what folks went back to the second 0.1.3 was released. I realize this was fixed in 0.1.4 (still need to confirm that), but I now have a long tail of support issues which basically involve telling people to delete 0.1.3 and hold off on KSPI because it's killing other mods. As noted in the other thread, this will not be an issue going forward. I totally respect that this is your original work and all - but it may have been nice to get more of a lay of the land before pushing a release to fix something that the community already fixed, only to have it break everything. It's great you are now rolling these changes back in, but the damage was done, and for the sake of my user base, I need better stability and long term change management (and that includes all of the ones who use KSPI - hence why my first focus (after my own stuff works) is to make sure I don't break KSPI. Same way I make sure not to break TAC-LS, or US, or NFT, or any number of other mods that are likely to be on the playground. The new stuff in KSPI looks great and I am looking forward to adding it back to my save Just gotta make sure I can also use all of my own mods as well and not have surprises on update day
  21. Ohhhhh... they mattered in 0.1.3 Still dealing with that one across half a dozen mods right now, and I have no idea yet what 0.1.4 is going to do, but since it is already in the wild, little I can do on that other than focus on switching to a fork and eliminating the issue. No worries, as noted it will be completely transparent to ORS and KSPI.
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