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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I'll take either, go with what the rest of the gang wants We can alo sneak in parts before release, final test is more to make sure we have all of the core mechanics tested And thanks again!
  2. Thanks! No way at all that I could have pulled this off without the community. I have very high hopes for this mod
  3. It's totally a matter of what parts I get. The one reason I like the new engines being in is it gives me a chance to test all bits of the plugin code. And this will of course not be the only release I'll likely be plugging in new parts pretty frequently as they roll in - I just don't want to delay an initial release.
  4. Quick update. Some new modules - a particle collector (That lets you get atmospheric resources on the edge of the atmosphere). Current range is 10% of the atmosphere (so for Kerbin, this is about a 7K band). Also a very generic ScoopedAir resource and matching intake specifically for jet engines, can be used alone or in conjunction with an atmospheric scoop. I'm going to add in the atmospheric engines, and any bits that are at a completed or close to completed state (for some of the newer assets folks are working on, we can add these once the modeling process is done as we have a few WIP's). So I think the code is almost wrapped up. I'm going to go through the thread one more time for issues that I may have missed, with the intent of posting a real RC tonight. We'll then enter part/model freeze (so keep working on stuff, but nothing new will make it into the first release) and focus on launch. My request is going to be for everyone to swarm on this and make sure we're ready for an initial public release this weekend
  5. Those are built into ORS. At some point I want to do some cleanup on that and propose an alternate resource set as those are either KSPI specific or not used. By design - you lose a lot of mass in the refining process, and some processes in the end will only do a partial refine.
  6. Oh, was not a solicitation at all, just one of those admin details that can hurt feelings so I try to take care of these early on
  7. Were these really necessary? Is calling your potential mod users 'idiots' really productive? Are you being effective or just trying to be right? Give it some thought.
  8. So last thing before I sign off. Given that I usually do the donation bit (it actually does help buy the beer and coffee, and the goodwill of my lovely wife that allows me the time to make mods), my intent will be to request folks let me know how to distribute their donation (I know our fantastic modellers deserve the lion's share of the credit), but in the event that a donation is not directed at a specific team member/team members, then I would propose giving the balance to charity (there's a local one for childhood cancer that is a great cause and one that I support regularly). This way it lets folks show their appreciation for the mod and it's various contributors, keeps things fair, and lands on a default that I would like to think everyone would be happy with. Again, just one of those small details that I would rather sort out first to keep things fair, friendly, and community focused.
  9. I think the point you are missing... and I daresay, the point that was missed when this whole thing first came up... is that you have to decide if you want to be right or be effective. Technically, everyone should read the fine print, be personally responsible, and understand how to modify config files. One can most certaily argue these points, as I see happening, till you are blue in the face. And when it comes down to the brass tacks, nobody can dispute that these are valid points. But at the end if the day, was taking that stand and choosing to die on that hill effective? Let's do a recap. When given a choice of voluntarily pulling the questioned software and de-fusing all of this, the choice was made to be 'right'. The net effect is that Squad came down hard with new rules, the community is damaged, and a good deal of personal capital in the form of community goodwill and trust was burned through. For the sake of being 'right'. What, in this case, would have been the effective choice? Me, I'd rather be effective any day of the week.
  10. It's probably a planet I missed in troubleshooting the hot spots, adding it to my launch list See below Let me look at this, sorry I'm up to my armpits in submissions - which is awesome, but I absolutely apologize if I misse something. I'll be going over the thread and my PMs again in detail wrapping up for launch. Oh dear mother of god that is awesome! Thanks will take a look PPM is purely based on the resource PNG Alternate ways of finding Karbonite, and also solves some interesting problems... like getting fuel on Jool, dealing with Laythe's oceans, and explaining those oceans of rocket fuel on Eve.
  11. A silly question... The brakes are off right? And you selected your Kerbal and did the 'Control from here' bit?
  12. Two fixes - legless frames (3 and 4 fold), and I'll see if I have time to plug in an action key. No 'G' on this one as it makes for a wonky UI since it's four legs in one. Not sure tbh, try and let me know Beautiful I'll take a raw file (blend, FBX, dae) That's my goal I'll want to plug it in game, will post some pics of it in action and play with it as I sort through more parts
  13. Yes. Yes you can. Resources are random with different weights and costs, all designed to be easy as pie to configure by folks who want to adapt and extend this
  14. The only flaw in that argument is that a lot of folks just download the new version of their favorite mods, and were a bit surprised when they came with extra stuff. Yes, in a perfect world, people would go to the forum post of each mod they grab every single time there is a new patch, and read all of the fine print. We do not live in that world. Even the opt-out bit, which seems obvious to those of us used to modding, is a challenge to some of our users. This does not make them bad people (heck, I got surprised in my own save, and I daresay I have some business downloading a mod from what one would assume is a pretty safe place - the Kerbal forums - or Curse, the official mod repo). The reality is that dealing with mod users is an ugly, messy, less than perfect business. People constantly break our stuff. They break it, change it, and are surprised when we don't support it. Again, they are not bad people, but placing an assumption of a certain universal level of technical savvy and due diligence on those users - or trying to tell them they should not do things that may hurt them, break stuff, or cause unintended or unexpected (yet well documented) consequences - is a recipe for sadness. This is reality, and why opt-out was, and still remains, the best choice. Squad's decision on this should not be a surprise.
  15. Awesome, thanks for the feedback. There was supposed to be a provision to turn your generator back on but it's not working at the moment - that being said, you may still have your third guy 'stutter' while two keep processing. I'll see if it's low hanging fruit, otherwise let me noodle over a long term solution.
  16. Oh, no worries - I'll edit the texture. And I never demand
  17. Indeed I do (Edit) some Karbonite orange in the texture would be nice, and if it came already as a mu with cfg that would help me get it in faster
  18. Very nice And yep, will add this in for launch Right now I have to sort through a ton of PMs so I can get a second round of 'todo's as I'm feeling we're on the cusp of a release candidate. What I would GREATLY appreciate is for folks, over the next couple of days, to test the heck out of the bits we already have - I want to make sure we have everything operational for the RC, with the intent of doing supplemental parts packs afterwards. Longer term, since I expect a lot of community content for this, there will be an official (curated) parts pack, and in the event of duplicates, etc. some alternates - in addition to whatever the community throws at us. Curated just means that if we have, say, ten different community created 1.25m Karbonite engines, I'll pick one to include in the official download - the other nine would either be in parts packs by their owner, or links in the thread. Probably the best analogue to this is textures for TAC-LS. There are a dozen community versions of the textures, but only one of the texture sets is now included with the download - which I think works out best for everyone. Also working on the first draft of the resource document. Additions will be based on released mods that use Karbonite (just so it does not get cluttered with a ton of WIPs). Again, this will be curated but folks are free to do whatever as we have some pretty open licensing. Meaning, if someone wants to add 'bottled water', 'spring water', 'hose water', and 'dog bowl water', and I reserve the right to say that we already have water and lqdwater (which cover TAC and KSPI), but reserve the right to keep the official resource list clean and tidy (as always, folks are free to do whatever they wish and rock on). Hopefully that makes sense - and especially for the latter bits please raise any concerns now
  19. The SCANSat config is now included as part of the Karbonite release. At some point I'll do a video showing how to do this, just to help out and lower the volume of questions from Karbonite/MKS/OKS folks in this thread Unrelated note - given the upcoming rules changes on data gathering mods, and given that ModStats in it's current implementation does not abide by that, and also given that I expect a large portion of my user base for Karbonite to not want mods with ModStats, I have a two part question. 1. Will ModStats be included in future versions of SCANSat? 2. If so, will there be a download option without the inclusion of ModStats? My users suggested I bring this up with you, so here I am
  20. Very out of scope for this But would be a nifty mod in general. Hurry up! Very cool It should at least deploy - make sure you delete out your Karbonite folder before reinstalling, as ORS is changing at a fairly fast pace. Keep at it on the model Just make sure you use metric in your modeling tool and set your cylinder to the right diameter. So much easier than scaling. I agree on no RTG for the generators. Contracts out of scope for launch, would love to see someone in the community have some fun with this one. Will do some imgur updates for launch since there will be new pics anyway Concur
  21. Update! Finally got it so you can have multiple Jaws carving out space simultaneously. Also the probe is fully functional - it's what determines an asteroid's makeup. VERY mod friendly, all done via a single config file Ratios are how much rock to get one unit of the resource. Fixing tanks and crew hatch (almost done, the hard bits are finished), adding the mass driver and separator, then the IVAs (unless they get silly on me, then I will put those on hold for a future patch).
  22. Use a ScanOMatic. Find any place with concentrations > 0. Plop down a harvester. Gather resources. Done. Higher PPM or percentages = greater efficiency.
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