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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Thanks - when the dust settles I'll start getting some links up. It would be lovely to see community maintaned patches that remove Kethane dependencies, but those really need their own thread for the mod owner to support their endeavours
  2. Yes I don't think it's far fetched as we already have Kethane generators, LiquidFuel generators, etc. and I like the mechanic. Heck, even rocket engines make electricity. And combustion makes a lot more power than solar any day of the week. Downside is that you're consuming your product. For the second bit - send me some and I can add them. Or add it to the GitHub issue tracker as a request Fair points, let me see what I can do.
  3. Nowhere right now - still very pre-release and scrappy. Anyone playing with this is playing with a shockingly green dev build.
  4. I'll phrase it a different way... I don't think asteroids are considered in the same stack for purposes of LFO transfers.
  5. Yeah I don't think asteroids are crossfeed Very likely due to how KSP handles liquid fuel as a resource. On a related note, this will soon be a non issue as there will be a native mass driver to go with this - either at release or darn close.
  6. I need more space in my subject tho Thank you for this! Those are more MKS resources Steal the ones from the MKS/OKS Install for a sample of how to add stuff You had me at props... *swoon* Use the fuel pipes in the direction shown in my image on the previous page I'll add this file in the next patch Lemme take a look!
  7. The drill actually does rotate but it's hidden so you dont get to see it Beyond that, no particle effects. Yet. likely phase 2. Scrappy startup and all that jazz. And we do have an atmospheric harvester model already
  8. Conversion while drill is active should flat out be fixed with 0.0.6 A Claw part is on a different list, not the Karbonite one And that list is not being touched till Karbonite and Hollow Asteroids are both released. On that note - my go-live for Karbonite: 1. Oceanic Harvesters (We can use the drill worst case) 2. Atmospheric Harvesters (This is next on my model list) 3. A few more tanks Anything I am missing? Again, remember we're in scrappy startup mode - more stuff will be added (i.e. look back at the first MKS release )
  9. Heya Will check out the behavior in the new code base as it has some pretty significant changes, and there were some persistence changes to the fields you're having issues with. Thanks for the info!
  10. 0.0.6 up! New converter plugin (had to tweak that one that was linked but it saved me a ton of work) and some other minor config updates
  11. Have that with MKS/OKS and will shortly have that with Hollow Asteroids Oh... and a mass driver (WaRi gave me a christmas present of a new model and texture). Also - the new converter works a treat. Prepping the release now - give me ten minutes. Lastly... here's how fuel works (Basically what has been observed previously, and follows KSP's fuel flow laws): - - - Updated - - - SCANSat. Solved issue.
  12. I love the idea of this mod. I will most definitely recommend it when my asteroid mining mod is wrapped up.
  13. Thanks! My suspicion is that multiple generators is flipping KSP out - I see bizzare behavior. Lemme try this one.
  14. Working on a new release. On a side note... ModuleGenerator sucks. That's your culprit. So while I have to eventually build my own replacement (to handle rails), for now I'll just shut down the generators when we run out of stuff or run out of space I now see why folks make their own generators That being said, if anyone is aware of a STABLE, and OPEN LICENSED one that's already done, let me know please.
  15. I vote the 'Go our own route with what makes sense balanced against stock' route. Options are good, don't want to be tied to any mod, though Nertea sounds closest so I am down with that if 'stock' and 'near future' land darn close. Looking into this shortly - My suspicion is that this is caused by conversion rate being faster than extraction rate and causing things to get silly
  16. Some KSP-I stuff uses that kind of power, it would make for some really interesting combinations. I'd also scale it down to the 0.625 level and see what that gives you as well, or a small radial part.
  17. FireSpitter and TweakScale you mean. Yes. Texture Replacer is there to stop ORS from breaking.
  18. If you have modeling skills, we'd love to have folks add stuff to Karbonite Link in my sig (or, likely, on the first page of this forum), (EDIT) And I will happily handle the Unity bit if you're just comfy with a modeling and texturing tool.
  19. Actually you asked me once to use a snippet of code from Hollow Asteroids and I cheerfully said yes, because all of my work is under a Creative Commons license, you just need to be sure to (a) provide attribution, and ( the derivitive work would have to be under the same license. Why would I be annoyed? I'm sure it was in jest, but one that doesn't reflect my attitude towards open sharing of code
  20. Has nothing to do with KSPI - it's how ORS translates EC for the display. For the latter issue, I'll need to investigate. Your MKS version is out of date - we're on 19.1
  21. Thanks And for the thread in general - I added 'Help Wanted' to the who's working on what bit on the first post, so modelers are more than welcome to join on in and contribute. Ideally the same modeler handles the different form factors for things, but I'll take all the help I can get
  22. No worries, I'm seriously considering switching out the LGM for a fairing cage with an external collider to mount stuff too. The existing one is MKS-like, but not MKS compatible anyway due to the need for longer landing legs. Out of the box, scope is pretty strict at one resource. It's easier to allow people to extend than to put the proverbial toothpaste back in the tube if we add more resources. I'm down with it. Another thought is just use different converters - make a monoprop/xe converter and a LF/Ox converter as separate bits, just because if we're not careful the screen will get way too busy. Straight out of the box ORS, plus SCANSat support with the dev build. For now. I have clever ideas for overlays but done in an ORS way not a Kethane way. It will be glorious but I can't even touch it till my other mods are caught up and Karbonite is out the door with release 0.1.0. I want the latter to happen this week. Excellent. Honestly, anything ORS based is going to be easy as pie to integrate, and there are tons of CC models out there. The entire intent is extensibility, and in the longer haul, to selectively pull back bits into the core product. Side note - the electric charging generator code sent to me by AshIzat is downright glorious. Probably the best generator concept I've seen in a while.
  23. Incredibly easy with ORS tbh. Unlike Kethane, ORS has full support for oceanic and atmospheric resource collection.
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