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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. 20m domes though And you would not be able to leverage ground pylons so things might get a bit sketchy. Probably more along the lines of making large ark ships.
  2. Standardized categories people with different mods use. So rather than having five different ways of saying Rovers or Life Support, we use the same ones so parts fit together. Basically CRP but for categories.
  3. Yep, anything that can spawn a craft could spawn these. Could even launch them if you're punchy
  4. No, ExoticMatter is ExoticMatter with a clear CRP definition. And probably better to use a converter, etc. than override the behavior of the warp drive without a really good reason.
  5. Yep, working on configs for the new base parts. Have a concert this week in Brooklyn, but reserving most of this weekend for MKS modeling and streaming.
  6. @Cadet_BNSF - CCK is required. But all bets are off because you're on an older version of KSP. Also, in the future, you really need to warn folks that you are not on a current KSP version otherwise people end up wasting their time. Support for older KSP versions is not provided unless folks decide to be generous. Forewarning people that you are on an unsupported version helps ensure that continued generosity.
  7. Also remember that the RNG really is not random,, more like a simulation of something randomish
  8. heh, fair enough Also thanks @Three_Pounds for the PR!
  9. Ok - that's not depletion, that's contract status. And it looks like it's an exploit prevention tool for ore contracts since it looks like the 'glich' occurs when jettisoning tanks (which makes sense given the context of a contract where you may have to return said ore).
  10. @Nertea - makes sense. the rate of new resources is (fortunately) pretty low. For starters, I'd say discussion in the thread followed by the PR. We've done this in the past for things like Lithium, etc. - no reason to not extend it to all resources. Also restricting things to stuff that is cross-mod should limit a lot of it as well. Though a more correct definition would be cross-author (i.e. we should see multiple modders actually using the resource in their mods). It will also, to your point, mitigate people 'staking a claim' on a resource name. For the current stuff, I'll let @Angel-125 put forth the Konkrete proposal and it's proposed config for discussion. Fusion Pellets I'll move curation on. My thoughts RE CompressedAir - since this was a recent addition, it should be dropped unless someone can show me another mod that uses it with its current specifications other than KSPIE (would like to get other thoughts as we generally don't drop CRP resources).
  11. The solution proposed goes against the spirit of CRP and by mixing up display/resource names (other than for readability, which is an edge case) is going to end up causing more trouble than it is worth. And sorry, but attitude towards the project and project team is very on topic. A large part of why this project works is that we're all willing to come to the table and figure out how to make an optimum resource set that works for everyone. This sometimes means changing our mods and consolidating resources to keep everything in line, establishing and adhering to standards, and a host of other things that absolutely require a respectful working attitude with other members of the team. To not have these is too much of a risk given how many people depend on this mod and depend on the curators being able to work together.
  12. You are referencing text that I have never seen in the game (and I wrote the resource system). And depletion is not included in stock.
  13. Yep, this would be a model change. Not a major one, but still a change
  14. Please move back as this is not a gameplay question. Since the OP has expressed no interest in troubleshooting this, write it off as a mod issue for the benefit of anyone finding this thread later.
  15. Command seat has no controls. so that sounds correct. What are you trying to do with the lights? The wheel symmetry is known, I just do an alt-click and call it a day.
  16. Bewing was incorrect. You're referencing a feature (and text) that does not exist in stock. So either there is something going on we're not aware of, or a mod that you are not aware of causing interference. Hence, the very simple request to see what happens without mods.
  17. That sounds more like CRP IntakeAtm then, assuming similar specs. But likely moot points given the rest of that message. I'd suggest taking a step back from the keyboard for a bit, because all of the passive aggressive hostility in that message above is not helping.
  18. Actually, that would just make things worse since you're going to end up with duplicate display names which is going to confuse the hell out of players.
  19. Go to that same spot without all of those mods. Let us know what happens.
  20. Only comment on that... the entire point of CRP is that we had too many names for the same thing (lqdWater, water, etc.) or straight out conflicts. While anyone is free to use it, and anyone is free to do whatever they want in their own mods, the spirit (and really, the expectation) of folks involved in curating resource is that we work together to eliminate duplicate definitions. And this means a lot of discussion and compromise. Nobody is obligated to participate in that, but in the long haul, it is a disservice to the community when we decide its easier to have alternate definitions than to find some common ground and compromise. And as @regex pointed out, while this process can be messy at times, the end goal is a unified set of resources, and IMO having multiple definitions for compressed air is counter to that.
  21. Also - if you folks are going to change CRP in a way that messes with either of your mods, we should decide on a release date so everyone can coordinate. I can work with whatever you two want, as long as I have 24 hours notice.
  22. First. Everyone needs to cool it. Second. Probably best not to accuse people of copying when they just have the misfortune of using the same name for something that was not part of CRP (given that this is the entire reason CRP was built in the first place....) Third. FreeThinker and Angel-123 can sort this out, since it means (unlike fusion pellets) someone is going to have to change their mod. And in any case, it needs to be in the correct standardized unit size (if it is not already) before I will take in any adjusted PRs. And the two of you can sort out if you want to change curation. Fourth. To repeat. Everyone needs to cool it.
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