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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. The form factor they used is no longer used on any MKS parts, plus the textures were pretty rough. Once @allista has a version of GC that works in orbit, new parts will be created
  2. EL comes with its own parts... you would have had to install it for this to work anyway. Just don't depend on the old MKS parts as those models are eventually going to be deleted.
  3. Hopping in... I did have that 2,000 year save once... but I think that was an aberration Whether this gets added or not depends either on a pull request (or more likely someone wanting to join the USI team to do this, as it is a bit involved), or it becoming something that makes sense in the context of other things I am doing in the constellation.
  4. Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.
  5. This mod. Up for debate I suppose Tho I would lean towards somewhere between 50 and 75 years.
  6. Bingo. Probably a better question would be to ask why Kerbalism does a blanket override of core stock functions vs. using an opt-in model. No, there are no compatibility plans (if anything, I need to get around to including an explicit lack of compatibility via CKAN).
  7. Sorry, can you post stuff like this to DropBox or a bit less sketchy file download site?
  8. And Kerbalism remains incompatible with MKS, so kinda a moot point for this thread (See above :D)
  9. Doubt they will work on something that old, give it a go though Need a lot more specifics. KSP version, MKS version, USITools version, how you installed it, etc.
  10. Aging/death are a life support concern, not an MKS concern (which technically doesn't even require life support). And sounds like you are going to want the new 20m parts.... and a faster PC
  11. I think since before then - it's what the Kolonization modules did from day one.
  12. The last part would be a life support consideration. MKS supports Kerbal birth. And you can get very high (never 100%) efficiency with life support. it's been out for a while
  13. To step back a bit.. what is your personal definition of a generation ship from a gameplay standpoint?
  14. In theory, sure. While there's always going to be waste mass, you can stack things to the point where your voyage duration is incredibly long (hundreds of years).
  15. Log me a Github issue I know I say that a lot, but I do cull through them when working on the projects
  16. ummm.... 'Work' is kinda a stretch being that's a core dependency.
  17. Sure, but they would just be a paperweight (and as I recall, the config specifically hides them if KIS is not installed). Though OP may be referring to the multitrusses, which just use stock modules.
  18. Out this weekend, but once back I will take a look at the pull requests and see if we can figure out at what point it broke, and figure out who sent me an untested pull request
  19. Yes, GC is bundled with MKS. Deleting it may or may not cause weirdness as I assume its presence (I consider it a core part of the mod, so I can code/model/build accordingly). It is also very light.
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