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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Should be able to do this - you can turn off customization in the config, at which point, everything goes back to randomized.
  2. I'll take stock part modules with an alternate config Asking because it is a lot easier for me to debug KSP without mods. Also eliminates the possibility of a mod interfering. You can also toss me info on exactly what kind of behavior you're looking to accomplish, there may be a way of sorting it in a different way. (i.e. if you have a config we can slap on a drill or an RTG or something, that helps).
  3. @Nertea - if you (or anyone) can get me a stock save that can replicate this, I can take a look.
  4. Yes. A vessel with a converter must have local storage for all inputs and outputs.
  5. You can transfer from your refueling base to the landed ship via local logistics on your Kolonization dashboard.
  6. Please explain exactly what it is you're trying to do, and I expect we can sort it out for you. There are (intentionally) lots of different paths for the life support reaction chains to make things easier to set up.
  7. Very likely stock EC scaling then. So a very different mechanic would need to be used, likely with a new part module.
  8. I'm fine taking a peek at balance (and would look at other mods to balance against), but want to be careful about radically changing the numbers, since it can have a negative impact on bases already out there.
  9. Good deal - I had some plans to go over several models and add normals, though that's secondary to getting some other parts out the door
  10. Pretty!! And good question - I colored them to be consistent with some of the Mark 3 parts, so I'd assume a diffused coating of some kind. They get black portraits too Very likely by design. Imagine a vessel with a PDU as well as a refinery - you could accidentally resource starve yourself and things would get weird.
  11. You can also see how your ship is stacking up (both with supplies and with hab times) in the VAB via the LS icon. And don't forget to turn them on once you launch
  12. So weird... do we have any idea why? Only thing I can think of is if water (one of the oldest CRP resources) is using a deprecated flow mode or something
  13. I'd also add that since the camera issue is not in any way a gameplay issue (just a cosmetic one) that it's priority is exceptionally low.
  14. Point still stands - need to see an actual craft. Because I can tell you right now, your config is seriously lacking in engines (i I take your laundry list above literally).
  15. Technically it should work with a negative value, but I have never tried.
  16. Any docking issue you have is stock. They are quite literally an exact copy of a stock docking port with an extra part module.
  17. The range was moved when solar thermal characteristics changed. So probably just a case of bad luck finding an active band.
  18. Already supported. To the first point. Long experience shows that inter-port welding is what people are going to assume, and it's going to be a support headache. The ability to dock is clearly shown - but nowhere does it imply you can dock with other ports... construction ports dock with eachother. This is consistent with other mods with alternate docking ports (inter-port compatibility is the exception not the norm). You've asked twice, and I disagree on the necessity of this.
  19. Oh it's easy enough to prevent accidental welding, just more of an issue of people griping because they can't weld a construction port to a non construction port... at which point I expect there would be a request for 'all things weldable' followed by us going completely in a circle
  20. Ok, yeah I can see some of those cases making sense. Another concern is going to be the support requests with mismatched ports
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