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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. The parts are legacy and will be deprecated . As GC adds support for orbital construction, new parts will be created. Feel free to use either EL out of the box, or the EL community patch. First. Check the attitude. Second, yeah you probably have an install issue. A screenshot would be a good start, along with KSP version, mod version, etc.
  2. As I recall, one of the things being worked was the ability to create brand new DIYKits in-situ
  3. Good thing that's a tiny config change Feel free to send over the PR Better yet - if those bits node attach, just add in a node on the base of the Sunflower.
  4. there's not a stand-alone plug you could surface attach? If not, that may be a better way of getting traction (having that author add a stand-alone plug) since on my end, it would be research, modeling, and testing for a mod I don't use.
  5. Don't use that mod, nor am I sure what adding support entails. Can't do it via KIS/KAS?
  6. That's because you are using radial symmetry, not mirror. You are over complicating things Your wheel is upside down. reverse the direction, use ALT-click to copy. Flip for the other side. Done.
  7. Actually, if they are upside down, they are flat out not going to work because of how wheel colliders work.
  8. Can you toss a pic of your GameData folder, and confirm your KSP version?
  9. Hey @Araym, more a case that I have some additional deep functionality and custom difficulty settings. I've requested a PR for additional trait support (which I then need to peek at and see how it impacts the other settings), so it's not quite as cut and dry. And of course the golden rule on MKS that I take no hard dependencies on repos where I am not a collaborator (burnt too many times on dependencies that failed to update in time...).
  10. Agree w/Helaeon on this one There are assumptions that can be made when we know you're not on a planet. Extreme, unsupported weirdness would likely happen if that were changed. Karbonite/Karbonite Plus have some nice torch and fusion drives that are a nice complement and may solve your use case.
  11. Probably an out of date patch - a PR would be appreciated, or at least flag the issue on Github so it does not get lost in the shuffle Honestly, I stopped reading about a third of the way in. Go find another mod please. Also, thanks @DStaal
  12. tbh, I would not have lights on when hab is active because of a conflict with the mod noted above. (It is far more likely that I'd just give folks a 'turn everything on' or 'turn everything off' button)
  13. I saw he did some updates, but bear in mind I also do a lot of additional customization related specifically to the MKS sub-traits that do not exist nor would necessarily be practical in TRP-Hire.
  14. Fortunately orbital and in-place construction are coming to GC And as noted - absolutely nothing in MKS stops you from using EL
  15. You're getting this in the next release (or rather, something fairly close) as OrbLog is making a comeback with some tweaks
  16. tbh you probably just had a borked install and the reinstall fixed it.
  17. @apoch1999 - not understanding what you're saying there. Don't remove anything that comes with the download. Upgrade to the latest USI Tools version (you can nab it from the link in my sig). If you still have issues, post a screenshot of your GameData folder.
  18. You're probably going to have more trial and erroring then. I include all of those components for really good reasons.
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