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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Perfecto One of ZZZ's is perfectly fine for this
  2. @helaeon - Thanks I am off to a conference next week, so rolling out goodies before I go, figure I can handle any hotfixes in the downtime or when I get back. Did you include the 3.75 in the pack? If not, toss me a config and we can make sure it makes it in
  3. This is a core code change, so yeah - known issue that is sorted in the newer versions.
  4. If you reload the scene, the visuals reappear. This is a known issue (it would likely take exposing a method in stock that KIS could call that would force a re-evaluation of the nodes). I've seen this before but thought it was sorted - can you confirm your version of Konstruction? (it's in the version file)
  5. FYI - I'll be doing releases this weekend, so if you could, toss in the PR so it makes it into the official bundle, and thanks again!
  6. The wheels are still sketchy - as is the WLS (I'll probably deprecate those. I need to wrap up the spitfire so I can do a release and dump the legacy bits
  7. I like the idea Sure, no issues at all
  8. Depends... if you're under 100 warp then you are going to get battery drain. But if you leave for a few months and come back, it is not going to try snagging more power than the batteries can support.
  9. It works with the same constraints as stock, that is, at a certain point it disables EC consumption to prevent battery overrun. Installing background processing mods may have unpredictable results.
  10. Yep Yep Not sure what gameplay benefit that provides other than folks just clicking the warp button. Though it would be easy enough to restrict hab sharing between disconnected vessels to landed only.
  11. So a quick update Textures are done on the new Atlas harvester - switched from yellow to a more neutral gray. Also - ran the config numbers. The large harvester, at 133 tons, has a dirt harvesting efficiency of over 4,000 (about equivalent to 25 industrial strip miners, or over 130 of the normal MKS drills). The large refineries (20m and 10m varieties will be provided) will be able to take dirt directly to refined products (Metals, Chemicals, Polymers, etc.) which will help further reduce part count.
  12. Anchoring bases to the ground with uneven terrain when using Ground Construction and DIYKits to deploy base components.
  13. Correct - click the green cube when at the space center scene. Lots of wheels and dials.
  14. Bear in mind USI-LS also has support for perma-death. So if that's what is holding you back, it's worth reconsidering It is not changing because you are on the launchpad, so habitation timers get resent. Deep Freeze is USI-LS compatible. Also, USI-LS has lots of small containers as well And yeah... I would not recommend Kerbalism.
  15. Planetary warehouse only fills up when you have focus. This is used mostly for pre-deployment not ongoing consumption.
  16. Depends on where the PR was done.... may have been pushed to a deprecated DLL (The Airbags DLL is no longer used, those bits got merged into USITools).
  17. Your best bet is to send a rescue mission, and once she's under 25km altitude of Kerbin, her status will reset.
  18. Screenshot? Also screenshot of GameData folder, KSP version, USITools version, MKS version?
  19. OP is out of date as Regolith is stock. Are you trying to make Exotic Matter while warping, or while standing still?
  20. Konstruction does not use Kerbal skills in any way You are probably thinking Ground Construction
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