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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I suddenly feel a complete lack of inspiration to ever do this feature request. Since this exchange is pretty much the exact opposite of how one would go about getting something you want done.
  2. We gladly accept pull requests if it's something you are passionate about, but that's a chunk of work I just do not have the bandwidth to right now.
  3. There's not an option for the stock list - just turn off custom kerbals and hire the classes you want. You're going to end up in exactly the same place minus getting a preview of the names
  4. Speaking purely from the MKS side... the whole point is that you have to do some pretty heavy initial bootstrapping. Building your first colony should be hard... your second, not so much
  5. Yeah, that would be wildly outside of the scope of this mod. Better for the relevant mod threads.
  6. Also not sure how this differs from what we already have.
  7. It should already be current, not sure why CKAN is not picking it up.
  8. Correct, they do not work in their undeployed state.
  9. Works for me Only reason the original had such a low power requirement was because stock lacks reactors, and I wanted it to be truly stand alone. Totally fine with cranking up the power requirement if a reactor pack is installed (at least for USI/NFE levels).
  10. @the_real_Fluttershy - grab the most recent USI Tools (link in my sig).
  11. In fariness, a breaking issue with localization (in this case, Chinese) was being taken care of. Hence holding off on any other localization pulls until I saw where that landed.
  12. Maybe an MM patch in an Extras folder with the appropriate multipliers (both in terms of drive speed and in terms of fuel consumption). The GPP rescale does this.
  13. @helaeon - ping me when you feel things are wrapped up and I can time the rest of the USI releases accordingly
  14. Good question... I need to poke into the code and see what the intent was.
  15. @helaeon - it should really be single drive, single bubble (these are balance levers after all). I might get punchy and allow for multiple bubbles (via multiple drives) but not bubble extension, but I would consider that a very low priority
  16. Probably better for the Pathfinder thread if your issue is with buildings inflating.
  17. Not really, but rock on And never said you should - this was all off of the original question of which pairs of mods work best together and why.
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