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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. @Gilph - could also be because not everything is 1L - stock uses 5L for LFO/Mono as an example.
  2. @allista - I can do a new texture that removes the words, etc (basically plain with a normal map) to make it a bit more stretch friendly
  3. Don't - I include it for a reason, version numbers are important. Especially when sometimes USI Tools gets a patch without a complete re-release of MKS.
  4. The drag cube will be based on the physical profile of that engine's mesh. so a Mastodon in a 2.5m profile behaves like a 2.5m profile engine, and it's narrow variant behaves like a similarly sized narrow engine.
  5. All of the CRP resources are 1L units, so you could just look at any of the configs and copy those (converting to liters)
  6. I don't understand the question... they just.. work. But only connect to eachother. KSP version? Konstruction version? Description of the issue?
  7. That's... kinda what is going on already here... The DLL is always the top priority. For parts, feel free to send pull requests until I have time to redo them
  8. @DStaal Yep, happy to include it in the interim. Though once GC has functional parity (orbital bits, etc.) I'll probably move it over to an optional folder to avoid confusion and let it be a manual download.
  9. Hopping in because @TDplay hit the nail on the head The idea with MK's is that you launch very light infrastructure (just the important bits) and build out most of what you need in-situ. And yep, by the time you get all of that rolling, you can also do matkits/machinery for building and setting up stuff with GC. You can also split your launches and toss several smaller rockets with MatKit shipments, or even pre-deploy lots of MatKits, then send the base later. The entire gameplay mechanic is about doing things in stages and slowly moving towards self sufficiency, not trying to do the whole thing in one go in a single launch. It's also a lot more enjoyable IMO - the journey after all is usually the best part. It's also why I fundamentally disagree with how EL does things... dropping a single drill and a converter and rockets magically appear feels super sketchy to me, which is why MKS bundles GC. Now you folks are free to do whatever you want in your own games, but there is in fact a method to the madness - Explore / Prospect for water/fertilizer analogues - Send up bundles of MatKits/SpecParts for your initial base - Set up life support and hab - Explore / Prospect for substrate/Minerals/MetallicOre - Send up more bundles of MatKits/SpecParts for mining ops - Set up mining/refining base (using those pre-deployed matkits) - Start making you own MatKits/Machinery - Set up more advanced assembly plants, start making more SpecParts/MatKits/Machinery - Use OrbLog to send these finished goods to an orbital station, and ship out to new colony locations from a more economic gravity well Now - things are going to get super interesting once GC has In-Situ DIYKits/Orbital DIYKits, at which point, you get to add a few more steps (though you could use EL for the orbital steps for now) - Use OrbLog to get your MatKits/Machinery/SpecParts/Fuel/Supplies/Etc. to an orbital platform or ground base - Build more stuff to explore more areas on the same planet, or venture out! - ??? - Profit!
  10. Yep, the DLL in the master branch (which is what CKAN should pull from for core, and Modders should pull for their own stuff) is 1.4.1 current
  11. That's because EC does not generate when not in focus... but it's also not consumed (a bit of hand-wavium). As long as you have enough EC to sustain operations when you are in focus, you are fine.
  12. You start out at 100% - then it goes up to 500% over time Will take a peek and see what's up Unrelated, regarding resource / mesh / texture switching, I'll be swapping to the stock implementation (although I will have to update Firespitter to properly wire up resource switching to stock texture switching).
  13. Yep - just remember you would have to visit your mining rig so it runs through catchup and deposits the resources.
  14. Their purpose is to allow re-use of older components as your base expands to more complex reaction chains. Now, if they are not being taken into account during catchup - that's a bug. But I'd need to know if it is one being reported on the 1.4.1 version of MKS
  15. While the thread title needs updating, it does not change the fact that the mod has been 1.4.1 updated
  16. MDB files are not necessary. Windows Defender has been a bit... aggressive lately.
  17. The Airlock is working as designed. And as folks have already figured out, the airlock docks to a docking port Junior.
  18. Do you have KAS/KIS loaded? There's no deploy button for that part - it works in the same way as a KAS pipe.
  19. See above... it is 1.4.1 compatible (assuming you are using a 1.4.x compatible version of course). What extender tube are you talking about?
  20. Consider T-Creds more about rapid assembly and storage vs. production. hence the speed. Sorted in a later release, I assume you are on 1.3.1? Yay Thanks Microsoft Should be working, I will have to poke around and see why not. Yeah should be there... This is incorrect.
  21. Never heard of this one to be honest, so I would say it is not a known issue. Though a more clear definition of 'kraken attacks' would help
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