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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Because we're dealing with floating point math and available GUI real estate. The right answer is that if you want something to be extremely scarce (beyond 0.001%) you're better served by limiting the harvester itself. There are a ton of dials and levers for handling resource harvesting, folks are not limited to just one. RE the current discussion, I have no skin in this game, ultimately I'll let folks hash it out. Though I'd say that the focus of CRP has to be within the operational parameters of the stock game and it should be mod agnostic.
  2. You don't even need module manager for that... resource distribution configs are additive. It's more an issue when people mess with resource densities/costs.
  3. No need really since it is fine in any 1.4.x version, and the version file clears it through 1.4.9
  4. Check the settings for vets when you go to that scene.
  5. Those are defaults only - use the life support icon in the space center scene to change the settings in-game.
  6. MKS balances against itself vs. stock, nor do I change stock. Also note that MPUs have a different capability set than stock ISRU. Efficiency also dramatically increases with kolonization bonuses. I'd need more details and an example RE the drills.
  7. Machinery normally wears out so you either need to make more or resupply. Turning this off makes the mod a lot simpler.
  8. And if you don't like a complex manufacturing chain... just turn off consumption of machinery in the settings.
  9. How about providing more information? because it's obviously working for lots of people.
  10. All of my mods are 1.4.x compatible. Not 1.3.x compatible. OP threads do need updating as noted. (edit) I'll also assume English is not your primary language,
  11. Yep, as others have said, the MPU's are designed exactly for this purpose
  12. This is ridiculously wrong, but it looks like you sorted what you want to so moot point.
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