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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Messing with virtual kerbals is just not a valuable use of time IMO. MKS works the same way as stock inflatables, and this is squarely a KIS issue and should be addressed in that mod.
  2. It's meant to mount sideways inside the truss sections. A better patch would be to give it alternate orientations similar to the new Mk2 lander can
  3. The config is only a default. To change it you need to do it in the GUI in the space center scene
  4. I use generic IVAs for a lot of that stuff... so until pretty IVAs are made, it's going to be a thing (unless you get rid of the IVA in the config... then no portraits).
  5. huh, try it with a minimal mod set maybe?
  6. Not dead at all, works fine. We've done no breaking API changes, so this (and all of the other goodies) work fine in 1.6.
  7. @bdole92 - show me a screenshot of your GameData folder, you're probably missing something important (like Firespitter).
  8. @Sylvira - USILS should be perfectly fine. Odds are it's either a mod config issue (I hear some are sketchy now due to a module manager change) or some other issue?
  9. @TackleMcClean - There's an update constellation coming in a bit with a fix that may sort this.
  10. (What @goldenpsp said). Tho I'll be bumping up the version number later today.
  11. Yep, should still be working fine in 1.6 as there were no breaking API changes.
  12. Yep. In cases where the geometry was exactly the same, they will be swapped in place. In cases where the geometry changed, your old versions will remain in game (and hidden) but you will have access to the new versions of the parts to use on future craft.
  13. Drag cube issue. Something I need to sort.
  14. Oh I loved M.U.L.E.! And glad you dig the mod! In other news... there's some VERY cool stuff coming up that will turn this up to 11
  15. As noted - Kerbalism is pretty hard-core incompatible with MKS. It overrides stock modules (rant time - stock overrides need to be opt-in, not mess with other people's stuff that leverages stock). So even if I did not have my own LS mod, I would never recommend Kerbalism for that reason.
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