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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. tbh no real skin in the game either way wrt PluginData. Folder wise, I'm good to go with my current folder structure. Maybe another way of looking at this is what problem are you trying to solve? Getting more than two developers to agree to stuff is like herding cats, unless there's an interop issue to be solved that is causing them pain (i.e. CTT/CRP/CCK).
  2. Seriously... now you are just being a jerk. May want to re-think your approach a bit.
  3. Hopping in - dumpexcess is there to prevent things shutting down due to lack of storage I would rather some stuff spill out than an entire production chain shut down and kill off kerbals.
  4. Either add more mass, or reduce the size of the bombs you're using and see if that sorts it.
  5. Other than MKS which i need to merge - was out for the weekend, so anticipate everything rolling out either Monday or Tuesday. I may even get punchy and adjust forum thread titles
  6. Which part? The config files themselves or what specific settings to use in the configs to make sure things are balanced?
  7. 1.5.1 versions are in the constellation, also in the raw github versions if you are feeling punchy doing a general 1.5.1 release for the individual repos this weekend
  8. heh, @DoktorKrogg beat me to it No official backports are done. I'll be doing PR-a-rama again once everything is good to go. Will also be doing a modeling stream on Wednesday at around 8pm EST (give or take)
  9. Yep - but grab it from the constellation install for now. Wrapping up a few things for the official release.
  10. I said Konstruction - and the parts you do not want only. You will have to (carefully) experiment.
  11. Go into your Gamedata folder, UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction and delete the parts you do not want.
  12. Wiki is community editable And yeah, a drill's output can be distributed between multiple converters, but the total is constant. You are welcome!
  13. Sorry, need more context. I've already done the recompile for 1.5.x, just testing a couple of things before I push it. But that's a DLL update.
  14. Github versions on a per-mod basis are for 1.4.x - the constellation however works with 1.5.x - you can get it here https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases/tag/2018.10.21.01
  15. The constellation is the latest build of all of my stuff compiled for 1.5 but does not include the converter update yet. It's there for folks to kick around if they are on 1.5.x
  16. It will apply to drills and converters (i.e. pretty much anything that is swappable). And I still use Twitch, just not in a while due to a lot of Squad activity
  17. Yup, see above Also there's a 1.5.x pre-release available (the current version works for 1.4.x) - we're just sorting a few extra things and letting dependencies catch up before the 1.5.x version.
  18. Constellation is up: https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases/tag/2018.10.21.01
  19. Also semi-related - there will be (very shortly) a 1.5.x pre-release of the constellation available. Note that it does not yet have all of the changes in it, and the save-breaky ones are not in it yet, but it will let you play while we sort the last bits out. It will also be the version I stream with tonight
  20. So a quick heads up! There's a new release being bundled up - but a slight delay as we do a few extra bits. First, thanks to @DoktorKrogg for digging into OrbLog and issues with swappable bays We just have to wrap the changes up before we can push the main release out. We're also adding in a few other things. Specifically, new config options to disable the costs of swapping converters (which should help with a lot of those 'oops!' moments), and a sliding scale for the cost of expanding modules. Since this will end up violating the laws of physics, it's really there for troubleshooting and experimenting, but if you're cool with stuff from nothing and want a bit easier play experience, go for it. The bad news is that because bays got reworked, the save is going to be a breaking one... i.e. all of your bays are going to be messed up, and your converters shut down. Good news is that it's super easy to mitigate this on an existing save. Before upgrading, visit all of your bases so everything catches up! If you have USI-LS, go the the tracking center and turn off life support penalties (in case your supplies were reliant on converters) Upgrade! In your settings, turn on the Kolonization option for free bay swapping. Correct all of your base parts to use correct bays. Turn back on life support penalties once you are sure your hab/supply numbers are where they need to be. ???? Profit! Side note - I am also working on a change to USI-LS to allow for 'resetting' a Kerbal, but not sure if that is in this release.
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