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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Tech tree placement is as designed. They are a bit of a bear to control, very expensive, and very heavy.
  2. Is warehouse enabled for the spec parts container? (Also the general reminder that support is not provided for 1.3.x versions)
  3. Yes, Unity will sometimes eat parts on import... and having your Gimbal at the top of a long bell rotated to 89.9997 degrees will cause drift. But even setting this to 90 in unity does not change that it is stored as a floating point (as evidenced by your 0's and 90's getting occasionally wonky in Unity).
  4. Sure... until you need a gimbal And you still have floating point math. Node Transform -> Model -> Gimbal transform -> Bell -> Thrust Transform (or Gimbal -> Thrust with the bell in parallel). Now compound this with multiple transforms, part compression, etc. - i.e. take a very long skinny craft that's nose heavy with a beefy engine, and you'll get drift pretty quick. Some combos are worse than others. Unity Vector3 x/y/z components are float. Also - here's an easy exercise. Take a Mk1-3 pod. Attach an empty Rockomax 64 tank. Add a Vector. Debug cheat into orbit and turn on infinite fuel. Point prograde. Full throttle, no SAS. Wait for the drift. The Cheetah and Wolfhound had a couple of 0.0001's that exaggerated this, which is what got sorted.
  5. FYI - Cheetah and Wolfhound had a lot of twiddling done to get their thrust center improved. Usual caveat that we're at the mercy of floating point math, and a thrust transform tied to the gimbal.
  6. Yep - that's been sorted as well
  7. Really depends. IMO if you're going to a larger scale, harder life support is part of the challenge
  8. The manipulator arms are best worked in pairs. Unsure why your wrist controls are not working though.
  9. I'll probably do another patch update just to make sure everything is in sync... sometimes there are slight version changes post-release.
  10. I've seen this once before... is it consistent, or does it appear if you leave and come back?
  11. Going to see which animation module I used - if it's one that exposes play speed, then it could be a config change.
  12. Nope for the first one, add a github issue for the second one Need more specifics please Also a reminder to please post KSP/MKS/USITools versions when asking for support, even on follow-ups as this is a fast moving thread. And community support only for anything prior to KSP 1.4.x
  13. Yeah the caps have changed in the configs for 1.4.x (along with some stock changes).
  14. The mesh guide is literally the mesh you see. Drag cubes for variants are calculated on the mesh itself.
  15. Probably MKS - that's one of the things it does out of the box.
  16. Same questions. KSP version, Konstruction version. And have never heard of this issue.
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