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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Solar has too much variability to show in the vab. So you'll have to experiment. Since it's turned off in catch up anyway, just make sure you have enough battery storage and you will be fine.
  2. Adding a bit to what was said above. WOLF Is all about the plumbing. that connects your MKS bases together. So rather than having half a dozen support bases to get everything you need to support your massive Minmus shipyard, WOLF lets you build up the infrastructure in the background and focus on the fun bits (interacting with that MKS shipyard base). The level of abstraction is really up to you. Anywhere from having a lot of little bases that you have to manage and crew to just having one base with a hopper. This can get pretty meta. Like having an orbital shipyard around Kerbin that gets all of it's supplies from WOLF infrastructure on the Mun, and it's MaterialKits from WOLF infrastructure on Minmus, with the only actual vessel being the orbital shipyard on Kerbin. All of your interaction with WOLF is done via the WOLF control panel instead of individual vessels - which is a lot more efficient for your save game
  3. Always an option, though I'd have to noodle it.
  4. And this is why there are so many dials and options in that UI
  5. Also note that there are very specific formulas I use for LS so all parts are correctly balanced - meaning, there's no 'special' parts that get you better mass, etc. for the same hab, recycling, etc.
  6. Please look at the immediate message after that... I would not call a three part hab section that can carry 20 kerbals for six years lacking in power
  7. Well I just used stock parts in that example If I used MKS parts I could get it a lot lower (even super low with the 10m/20m Atlas parts or hab ring). But I also intentionally do not add a lot of extra stuff to USI-LS as it's a support mod, and folks that use other USI stuff have plenty of other options. I'd add that 20 Kerbals is a bit extreme. So I would say it's not a hab issue but a part ecosystem issue. Two different things. 20 Kerbals... Six years... Three parts: 'The Martian' Hermes style... Six crew, seven year hab timer.... three parts. I can keep rattling these 30-second builds off all day, but I think @Loren Pechtel and @vossiewulf that should cover it.
  8. FYI @vossiewulf - here's a ship using stock with USI-LS that can support twenty Kerbals for five years. This was just winging it - I could probably make a more mass efficient one, but you get the idea. (Edit: Add some of the larger recyclers and a couple more greenhouses plus the large fertilizer vat included and you're gonna be fine on life support as well).
  9. So a few points and I apologize for the brevity as i am on mobile. First. Every parameter is configurable including multipliers and effects. Just open up the life support window in the space center scene. Second. All of the contracts in the world will not prevent someone from going totally bananas when cooped up for too long. Med bays are basically shrinks doping you up till you come back down in this context. Third... What size do you expect a vessel to be that houses 20 people for five years without them going nuts and deciding to airlock Ferbald Kerman because he keeps up that annoying humming? Fourth. You are using a combination of quarters and hab multiplier parts right? Making a vessel with hab times in decades is not hard. But it's going to have a realistic relative size if you are failing to use multiplier parts that's your problem. Add a few cupolas and play with the math in the VAB I ultimately just don't agree with your position above, and believe your issue is a vessel design one, coupled with unrealistic expectations regarding the psychological effects of groups squished in small quarters or subjected to isolation. There is a reason NASA pays volunteers to study this. Though I think vessel design is the more likely culprit given how Hardy Kerbals are configured to be.
  10. Or just make sure your transit vessels aren't tin cans?
  11. Looks like you're missing Firespitter and/or Community Resource Pack.
  12. Yep because life support is reset when they are still on Kerbin - otherwise folks would just game the system. Do the same with a vessel in orbit and you will be fine.
  13. Not so much CPU load as issues caused by having massive amounts of vessels just for plumbing. WOLF needs a lot fewer vessels, and we get all of the benefits of background processing without any of the costs at the price of some abstraction. MKS is definitely needed since WOLF has no visual representation of vessels once stuff is plugged in. So you would use WOLF to handle all of the plumbing (replacing your scattered resource processing and manufacturing bases), but still use MKS for the fun stuff (like your orbital shipyards or your main colony).
  14. I;d say ask the CKAN folks given all versions are up to date. Manually, just download the zip and drop the contents of GameData into your GameData folder.
  15. I'll likely hold off on doing another whole round of releases until I have something more substantive to include Also @DoktorKrogg and I will be working on our W.O.L.F. playthrough tonight at around 7pm Eastern or so on Twitch.
  16. FYI Firespitter 7.13 is up and includes the kontainer fix. You can nab it here: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases
  17. FYI there's a Firespitter fix complete for the kontainer issue (had a couple of extra hoops to go through). I'll push a release today/tonight.
  18. And all of my NDA's would fall into the very reasonable/completely expected and understood category.
  19. I am partial to being employed And as @Terwin noted, they are par for the course for knowledge workers. I've had to deal with NDA's in every job I have held for the past 25 years.
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