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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Is the engine configured to use the same bombs you have loaded?
  2. Best bet would be to look at old GitHub releases - but it might be a bit sketchy with dependencies.
  3. This should be sorted with the pre-release (cooling changed a bit to no longer scale up heat consumption with efficiency bonuses).
  4. Grab latest CRP (link on the catalog in my sig) see if that sorts it
  5. That one's odd - what language are you using (as it looks like a localization issue)
  6. Also if you make pretty FX, feel free to share. @JadeOfMaar - decided water made for a more accurate reaction mass (also you can get it from ore and some other resources in a pinch). Also folks may or may not have noticed that torch ships now work under high warp (though not on rails yet).
  7. @The-Doctor - Already built in Just turn off the machinery wear mechanic in game difficulties, and without life support, all of the manufacturing chains are basically gone. Then, you can always turn it on if you want more of a challenge without having to start over.
  8. Incompatible. Kerbalism overrides the stock converters and drops some necessary functionality. The patch is to remove Kerbalism. Your game options settings.
  9. We've found serious weirdness with Kopernicus in the past on an upgraded install. If you have that, delete your settings file and see if it fixes it.
  10. Let me poke around then Tho as noted, a save makes that considerably easier
  11. @Spacenoob - show me a pic, odds are you have 'em placed wrong
  12. You can always use the latest MM - the next release batch will include a newer MM. And looks like some files snuck back in...
  13. Kerbalism breaks MKS mechanics. Always had. Will it load? sure. Will MKS actually work? No. Now do your steps in reverse... add GPP last And yeah... look at your log file on the link above.
  14. First problem. MKS is absolutely not compatible with Kerbalism. Second... a MM error just results in an unloaded patch. Your princess is in another castle on this one.
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