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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. You would need a 1.2.2 version of USI_Tools as well then, since that is what handles the custom category.
  2. This is completely false. Good thing most modders really don't care whether a user thinks they are serious about their hobby or not. Because this is an unreasonable expectation.
  3. Hey @allista Sorry for the late reply, but here are some thoughts. Context wise, I'll be focusing on Core (the bit that MKS includes) understanding that there may be some differences with the full GC version First RE mass/balance. Mass should be the same - a 10 ton part should be assembled from 10 tons of resources. The reason you'd use GC is to reduce launch mass by leveraging local ISRU for MatKits, and to make it a lot easier to land something stuffed in a box or two vs. a more complex assembly. i.e. I like things the way they are For MKS, I also assume that the DIYKit itself is made up of the SpecializedParts component of any part that's built. I've had no issue with the costing of the DIYkit, as long as it's in the same ballpark we're good. Any variances will even out in the mix. For MatKits, as noted, the ISRU version is slow, but I would agree that this should be a fallback and overridden when other mods that provide their own chains are used. In the case of MKS, production speed is traded for resource complexity and infrastructure. Most of the time, I just ship the MatKits out until I have better infrastructure built up. Re de novo kit production. To paraphrase the flowchart, you need SpecParts to make a DIYkit. This is exactly how I would envision it for MKS (including the Machinery requirement). the only diff between GC with MKS and without is that without, you'd use ISRU to make everything (Machinery, matKits, SpecParts) where MKS has separate bits and workflow for this. From there, I agree with the flow RE spawning, etc. For transport, this IMO is an exercise for the user. the kit spawns, and is either in orbit (via hanger or attached to some other part with a decouple option like a dry dock), or spawns as a vessel on the ground (same way I do resouce lodes today in MKS - feel free to borrow any code!). You could also do the attach method on the ground I suppose. And in theory could also limit orbital vessel size to the dry dock dimension, thus encouraging more bootstrapping for larger and larger space docks. Transport in core GC could be as simple as running over with a claw. In MKS land, you would probably do something Akita based. Remember there's also the Osprey in the wings which can easily move some massive DIYKits.
  4. @Kerbal101 - You don't, it will need to be localized and a new release put out.
  5. You are confusing blunt criticism with unnecessary rudeness. As noted, PR's are welcome.
  6. Sorry that hard work that I do for free makes you want to stab yourself in the eye with a fork. What an inspiring post. [snip]
  7. @Gordon Dry - yep, what @goldenpsp said. I do not personally use FAR, so the best way to get additional mod interop is via a pull request.
  8. Point still stands though... It's one of those long-standing (though thankfully, diminishing) falsehoods that TAC-LS is *more* challenging than USI-LS. This was true at launch, but false once all of the config dials were added ages ago.
  9. I'd even add that I am unsure what challenge TAC-LS has that USI-LS does not given the multitude of configuration options
  10. Use the official version as that's the one I will be including in the next update
  11. @Delimetrius - I don;t see MKS in that list. Also are you using CKAN or installing manually? If manually, where are you getting your download? Lastly, be sure to use the newly released version of Ground Construction (with AT Utils) that just got released today.
  12. Yep, the current works in 1.3 although some of the wheels are still wonky (link is a couple of posts above yours). Semi-related, I'll be doing more model refreshes in the coming months, with streaming on twitch
  13. Inaccurate. Even after said departures, we had a larger dev team than before 1.0, and have continued to expand.
  14. With all due respect, I had the same or more tenure than half of the names described as the 'old' team
  15. And once again this illustrates why it is important to understand how to install a mod manually.
  16. DIY kits do not require a special part to attach to. And those parts are going to eventually vanish.
  17. No plans for re-use at the moment, they are deprecated since the form factors, etc. don't tie out to the current parts.
  18. @KerbolExplorer - Because this has been deprecated for ages, and was last compatible with 1.1.x. Use regular MKS and turn off machinery consumption.
  19. Also... if you're asking for support, you really need to start including KSP version, MKS version, and where you got it. 100% of the crash issues I have seen are people trying to use 1.2.x stuff on 1.3 (or vice versa). Don't do this.
  20. FYI the 1.3 version of MKS comes with a 1.3 compatible version of ground construction. Just don't use CKAN...
  21. For those having nullref issues ( @BrutalRIP, @Nergal8617 ) - get the latest USITools. It should sort your issue.
  22. Awesome! Did you give us your old save? It would be good to figure out a save that lets us repro this and add a guard clause
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