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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. @Grobluk - Ok - if all it has is KAS blocking a load, I can install that on my testbed. Just want the minimum since it is a lot harder to run in debug mode with a ton of mods. I really appreciate it!
  2. FYI - can someone with a lag issue with the pre-release get me a save? Having trouble repro'ing this (Stock+USI only please)
  3. Eh? Karbonite should produce oxidizer... if it is not, then that's a bug. (i.e. Karbonite is an alternative and always has been for LFO generation)
  4. Yes there is - they are still couplers/distributors with good battery storage.
  5. they should also be earlier in the tech tree, and they also serve as couplers/distributors
  6. Grab the nuclear reactors, the scout power packs are pretty low efficiency and are there more as an initial bootstrap option
  7. Ok probably want to avoid the pre-release then till I see why we're getting lower FPS
  8. No, nor can it ever be. Kerbalism is an example of a mod that solves the background processing issue by completely overriding all stock converters, and cutting features of stock that MKS relies on. So the two mods are fundamentally incompatible. No patch is going to solve this.
  9. @steuben - biased of course (given I wrote it), but I would recommend MKS since it's been doing the colonization thing for years now. Bear in mind it is a colonization gameplay mod, not a parts mod, and almost a new game unto itself. RE concerns about complexity - the new release (in pre-release now) provides the option to turn off the 'wear' mechanic, removing one of the tougher production chains, making it a bit more gentle on new players (and of course you can always turn it back on once you get your feet wet). There's also a pretty solid community driven KSPedia and Wiki and a ton of helpful players It also dovetails perfectly with the rest of the USI bits like life support, etc.
  10. Though in general, the current mechanic is pretty heavily optimized... but for an extensive save, you'd start taking a hit. This is why the mods that try to do otherwise take some shortcuts and drop functionality, because otherwise the cost would cause (more) noticeable lag. And traditionally, mods that have tried to do background processing eventually hit a performance wall. Pro tip: This is why we didn't do it in stock
  11. Just don't expect it to be free, or remotely as efficient as doing your own launches.
  12. PL works only on the surface. And I've let my bases sit for years between visits (The only issue then is machinery wearing out if enabled).
  13. Background processing (i.e. running processes on unloaded vessels) is generally a really really bad idea, especially given the number of bases, converters, etc. you typically see in late game with colonization. But there *is* a new logistics system in the works
  14. Log please? Also would be good to see if anyone else is experiencing this FYI you are referring to Flex-O-Tubes (which require KIS) - Expand-o-tubes have been deprecated for a while. Been a part of FTT for ages now
  15. Uninstall TRP-HIre. There is a 100% overlap by design to support this. Search does not work for custom categories. As for stuff being in the wrong categories... not sure, sounds like a conflict of some kind to me. And that sounds like a bad thing that ASET is doing The command module is an Orca command module from USI's FTT mod. The other rover is probably a Malemute from USI's Malemute Rover mod. Heads up, there is a new constellation pre-release up at: https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases/tag/2017.05.03.00 Remember that this is a pre-release! You will have to update manually with the final constellation version once that is pushed. Lots of MKS/USI-LS changes along with some Karbonite balances, etc. (see the individual readmes for details). Ping us if you have any issues
  16. Actually i can 100% guarantee it will not work with KSP 1.1.3
  17. If you mean KSP 1.1.3 - that version of KSP is not supported. Confirm your version of KSP please.
  18. you may mean this: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Crew-Skills-Impact-on-Parts
  19. Not unless someone decides to make a module manager config, balance guides are available.
  20. Of those three the only consideration is to get USI Tools last (and KSP-AVC will warn you about this) as it was updated out of band. Also, MKS comes with Konstruction
  21. @SaturnianBlue - as noted, never rename stuff. This is the fastest way to things not working
  22. Yes, the Ranger part when fully expanded and kitted out weighs 15 tons. So yep, it gets a higher bonus Yes, using a Ranger assembly plant (fully kitted out) will give a larger bonus than a Tundra workshop.
  23. Context please. (Acrually - if you're talking about GC efficiency I believe the Ranger is 3x which would make sense given its final mass)
  24. Kerbal longevity will very likely be an optional USI-LS setting in the future for those interested in generation ships.
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