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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. All things can be done And yeah, going to start culling through some of the thoughts here and working on some concepts part wise. Code wise, other bits are coming along very well.
  2. Now to just make Kerbal suits with mouse ears Good stuff, got some ideas already, but keep 'em coming and by all means keep the discussion rolling.
  3. No offense taken at all and PRs are really appreciated as it's a lot of work (as I am sure you know), and it's a plugin that benefits many people, so as a community it's one I'd like to ensure remains around for years to come.
  4. @jd284 - grab the latest code for KolonyTools, compile it, and see if that sorts your issue with efficiency parts in catchup
  5. @Shadowmage / @blackheart612 - pretty much what @TheRagingIrishman said. I do maintain the plugin, it's the parts that need sorted. But a lot more folks use Firespitter for the plugin part. Now, if there's a bit that's broken on the code side, you're always welcome to toss a PR on Snjo's repo as I have full access there and take in pull requests before pushing releases. Probably better than more fragmentation IMO. (Edit) And for the record, I've Kept Firespitter as one of those day-zero updates for quite a while now, given I have a vested interest in it since it's a core dependency of a lot of my stuff. And being on the Squad staff does help a bit with that (and also reduces risk of abandonment).
  6. Sure, it's more a case where you have a nice base and bad things happen and there's no option to bring them back.
  7. You're missing functionality - multiple configs are supported and merged.
  8. Also consider a DIY kit is simply a subset of the hard-to-manufacture bits. There is nothing saying that the final structure could not be built using simple parts fabricated locally.
  9. We have a winner Now you know why I have a hard dependency on Ground Construction given the options it unlocks.
  10. kk, note this in a GitHub issue, and if we're lucky I can grab a save from someone else, otherwise I can whip one up
  11. (unrelated for the thread in general) So if you were to hypothetically get some larger, more permanent modules, what kind would you want to see first? What kind would you like to see in general? And if anyone has concept art ideas (movies, books, etc.), now would be a good time to show them off Also unrelated. Chugging ahead with a very large code surprise to go along with big bases that will be the foundational bit for interplanetary resource sharing, as well as other goodies.
  12. It's a subclass of an active radiator, with the only difference being that it can dump a lot of heat and has to be landed. But beyond that, it still follows all of the rules of an active radiator.
  13. Throttle is now all or nothing, you change thrust by varying what size bombs you use. Are you using the Medusa in orbit?
  14. Whatever stock uses for regular radiators, don't have numbers handy but I expect you would see them in the debug window. What's the root issue?
  15. It does have that effect, but no more or less than a normal radiator (i.e. it has a minor effect on core heat)
  16. Make sure you have the very latest USI Tools - it should not be doing this.
  17. @Omnipius - Probably sooner than Christmas Was just working on something today. But it's going to be a fair bit of code, though nothing too rough.
  18. Assuming you're using MKS - use a Kolonization Module for what you're trying to do.
  19. So a quick heads up. I am up to my armpits in new code for the next MKS phase. That being said, if there are still outstanding issues, please be sure to log github issues and attach save files. When I go through my stuff pre-release, I hit all of the Github repos, and any issue with a save attached to it is going to get priority. Thanks
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