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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. GC integration, successor to the Honeybadger modules, part of a super large construction rover pack (needed for MKS 5m/10m parts).
  2. As I recall, yes, it is based on volume and available KIS storage. Thanks The Osprey is coming along slow but sure. Though now that I have ground pylons working, I will probably switch gears a bit to 5m/10m MKS parts.
  3. The one on the left is a form factor of MKS modules I retired... the one on the right is the replacement.
  4. The Geology lab is a narrow band scanner (which is really handy for finding optimum resource spots). I use the Malemute as a runabout. The Karibou is really a mobile base platform. Unrelated... in case you are curious what two years of practice modelling looks like:
  5. ahhh gotcha! Github issue please
  6. You can pull Firespitter from the list... it's 1.2.2 compatible already.
  7. @Nertea - thanks for these beautiful parts We had a great time on my career stream playing with them!
  8. If you use MKS, I bundle a version of this code with it, thanks to TRP's generosity
  9. Something I am fleshing out details for now But in line with the idea of transforming bases from just 'something you build' to 'hubs of activity' Sure, it would make sense and make ark ships more interesting. I believe so, though getting to them might be a pain Can you explain edit 2 please?
  10. A manned workshop module (the inflatable one - possibly the tundra 250 one as well. since I am 90% sure I copied the config correctly!)
  11. ART includes a hatch that lets you use a hollow asteroid as living space - though I should really extend that a bit more
  12. True, there's a point where each of the items in question start making sense. i.e. for a trip to Minmus, a greenhouse is a waste.
  13. A lot less mass than you think. With a greenhouse you're already at a 10:1 ratio because of fertilizer use (it's lossless, so you just need a modest initial stock of supplies). Add in recyclers, and your supply consumption is way down. Then it's a matter of the right mix of hab extenders and hab multipliers. MKS has a wide array of both, including many (like the hab ring) that are suitable for large interplanetary vessels.
  14. What it says on the tin though it's an MKS thing It's a case where a different set of Kerbals could arrive at a destination than the ones who originally set out. Though unless you have homesickness cause perma-death, you'd end up with a lot of grumpy relatives. Either that or just jettison them... (Though on an unrelated note.... Colony Mishaps are on the MKS agenda, now that Colony Growth is a thing to counter-balance it)
  15. MKS has a pretty wide assortment of life support parts. And for interstellar vessels, you're not opting into the entire planet-side production chain. You're also going to get things like medical bays, Kerbal breeding, and a few other interesting things for those long flights It also has the tightest integration (for obvious reasons).
  16. The little fuel tank there is purely visual. It disappears when you mate with a 1.25m part (i.e. the gray band above it), and looks pretty when you snug a 0.625m part in that attachment point (like a spark engine for your ascent stage - the LEM has a little bit of space for LFO)), and also disappears when its lower node is used for a 1.875 part (hence the shroud bit). And I thought it was more visually interesting than another round disc
  17. heh, log a github issue please Turn on the habitation modules.
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