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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. @gamerscircle - The only way to take advantage of PL in MKS is to have a logistics center and direct-attached storage. Terwin has it right
  2. As it should, given that the lag is causing some folks to not bother with any planets at all
  3. I have another tweak to improve tethers as well, seeing if I can get that into the next version.
  4. @maranble14 - something looks a bit odd with those wheels (specifically the extra deploy option), will have to take a look.
  5. Only correction is that efficiency parts do not have to be on the same vessel - just in the same base
  6. Very likely something related to PQS - in orbit you're in scaled space.
  7. Nope - it's pretty much needed for any planet pack. It's really weird that it causes grief, but is what it is
  8. There's no reason to be getting single digit lag unless you are on a potato. If you are, start by looking at the console log and see if you have some spam going on. If you're still getting a lag issue, then get me a save with just USI/stock parts (and mods bundled with the MKS download).
  9. Install manually from GitHub (latest release, link on the USI Catalog Page). Put the stuff in GameData in your GameData folder. Do not omit or change or move anything.
  10. Update to the latest versions - your MKS version is two versions out of date.
  11. Do you use USI-LS? If not, those parts really don't do anything (and as I recall still toss an error, need a GitHub issue to sort that)
  12. Also remember that logistics are only relevant for disconnected vessels. i.e. if you plan your base right, local storage can be sufficient for most of the resources involved.
  13. @Asilar - the reason the costs are low is because of the large number of Kerbals used by MKS, hence why I only include it with MKS not USI Tools. No aversion to making it configurable if someone logs a github issue
  14. Yeah that one should be exempt, not many folks use it from CRP, and I use it as a wear mechanic
  15. Going to be doing an efficiency review based on some of the feedback here, and tossing out a pre-release for the weekend.
  16. Yikes, lots to catch up on in this thread... will do so later today, up to my armpits in work for Squad at the moment tho... But to hop in quickly (for @Perringo and @voicey99 ) the formulas and such are not meant to be any sort of black magic nor hidden from view, they are all there in the code (and simplified from earlier versions), but I need to look at the saves being tagged to issues to see what's up. As always, the more save examples the better.
  17. But this does work as a stand-alone mod... There's a patch that makes the stock ISRU module take Ore and output MaterialKits. (For MKS Users, GC-Core does not include this patch because MKS handles the MK production chain already). This has nothing to do with EL's presence or lack therof. If you are using EL, you would just use the EL parts as normal so they do their thing.
  18. @Terwin - close GC-Core (what MKS uses) does not modify stock at all, since MKS has MK production built in. GC-Full (which you would use if you were not using MKS) includes the stock config. This was one of the reasons for breaking the two out
  19. - Enable Kolony Growth. - Activate the module. - Ensure there's crew capacity available in the module. - Ensure you have at least one male and one female Kerbal in your base. - Wait 450 days. It will pop up in attached KIS storage. If it is not, check in the OSE Workshop thread
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