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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Getting there With your numbers, the center would be at 300km not 250. The range would be anywhere from 100-500km at the low range, to 0-600km at the high range. With the abundance tapering off above and below 300km regardless. And yeah... start with really big abundance levels to troubleshoot
  2. Not quite They are still based off of the planetary radius. So something like X = a random number between Rad*MinRange and Rad*MaxRange. Then your band is your ideal range (Average of Min/Max altitude) plus or minus X
  3. @Nertea - Altitude is ASL. These are all spheres, but yes, equatorial for range. Essentially... Make a big band from MinAlt to MaxAlt. Go to the middle of it. Then make a gradient stretching both directions from that ideal altitude based on a random value between min/max range. in your pic, flip range over by 90 degrees | | X | | +----------+------------+------------+----------+ Min Alt Min Range Ideal Max Range Max Alt Range takes a value between Min and Max, and feathers the band on both sides of the Ideal Range. Higher Min Range will make a band easier to find.
  4. Side note - the reason it shows like that is for those rescue missions where they have lost power generation
  5. @Nertea Min/Max Altitude are multipliers of the body's radius. The average of which is your ideal altitude. Min/Max Range determines the upper/lower potential range - note that the range can be less than this based on the RNG. Then we look at where you are relative to the total width of the band... being at the perfect altitude gives you a 100% modifier... down to a 0% if you're on the edge of the band. Your abundance is then multiplied by this modifier. My recommendation is to always start with a very high abundance and high range, so you can at least make sure stuff works, then dial it back down as needed.
  6. That GUI is the USI-LS GUI, has nothing to do with your science labs btw. No difference from stock (which has no UI for EC for unloaded vessels) and the catch-up mechanics, which take into account limitations of battery storage.
  7. The med-bay is a fine option - Just that in your sample above, it would take about two months to resuscitate from the horrible ordeal you put them through.
  8. Which wheel? They use stock modules, so not sure why they would do that any more/less than stock wheels.
  9. this has been merged into Exploration Pack, which is already 1.2.2 compatible. (Might as well have the mods close off this thread since this mod has been merged)
  10. We're going to really have to agree to disagree on this. While I could counter and come back with precisely (again) why I chose a Part Module vs a Vessel Module, or my preference on the design of Kolony rewards, I am seeing diminishing value in doing so, and I do need to focus on a release.
  11. With all due respect, I wrote these modules. And while help is totally appreciated (a lot of folks toss in pull requests, etc.), it would take a lot of convincing to make a major, wholesale change on this codebase when the solution is already there in config files. As noted, I already saw the config bit that was missing. Your follow-up is incorrect however - MKSModule sets converters only for that part's converters, not for the whole vessel - each one is (necessarily) independent. Because these bonuses and updates are very part centric, I am not convinced in this scenario that a vessel module is the correct or desirable solution for a variety of reasons. Performance is not really an issue given it only kicks over once every 5 seconds. These two have nothing to do with eachother. The percentage research displayed is simply how far along the path you are, and used as part of the efficiency calculation. Checking colony rewards just gives you the stuff you've earned since your last visit (then drops to zero). While your current (outstanding) reward is effectively hidden, having visibility to your colony's progression is actually really important, especially the kolonization stat (which affects hab immunity in late game once it hits 500%). To add - the one bit where we do look vessel-wide - or rather, base wide since disconnected bases are supported - is when we have to do our efficiency part calculations and determine at this time what slice of the pie this specific part has.
  12. This was a config bug, sorted for the next patch. Without going too deep in the woods, trust me in that these modules communicate just fine, and USI Tools does in fact have access to Kolonization data (I had to design it that way without doing a circular reference). Not ruling out a vessel module (which has an entirely different set of considerations to sort through, and will still have to parse out colony parts, etc.) - but this specific problem was solved with a small change to the configs. As I noted earlier, these bonus effects are not just used on MKS converters Tho the omission of switching some modules over to ScienceBoost (specifically, all of the agriculture and farming modules) is a but that I can sort since I am in configs anyway. No worries, it looks like a chunk of it was taken care of in a prior update, and I fixed another contributor to this just a bit ago for the current patch. The two are mutually exclusive (the confusion RE Geologists, and the concept that Traits = Effects = Currency). If you have a suggestion for a synonym for geologists, I am all ears. But I think you're incorrect RE the need to display colony rewards. It's a pretty core part of how all of this works, and I would not be interested in changing that. While I am not opposed to a governor, I am careful about adding more stuff to the PAW. Log a github issue
  13. Best to report it in the offending mod's thread - it must be doing something wonky.
  14. That explains all of your issues. Without life support there's no point to the different modes anyway as they are directly related to life support and do not change the model. To expand the hab ring, you need to be on EVA, and have sufficient material kits to expand it (and it is a LOT. This is not a hollow ring, it's filled with all of the structueal support, equopment, bulkheads, etc. that it needs to operate... which means a lot of mass.
  15. What do you mean by a Launch Countdown mod module? If this is another mod, did you remove said mod and see if the error persists?
  16. Do you have Material Kits to expand it, and did you expand it while on EVA? RE Greenhouse mode - do you use USI Life Support?
  17. Totally unrelated by the way - working on the next release, and you will soon be getting new refineries and drills designed specifically for unattended operation. They will not get specialty or kolonization bonuses, but they will make setting up remote harvesters in advance of kolonization efforts significantly easier. They will be in 1.25, 2.5, and 3.75 form factors (I'm borrowing re-textured reactors to handle the model setup).
  18. Probably a miscommunication - yes, the bonuses take place in MKS Module, but the bonus is based on the Kerbal, not on the Module type (i.e. Scientist vs Agriculture... tho you are probably going to have a Scientist in an Ag Module). Also growth is exponential in that your bonus is (effectively) number of Kerbals with that boost trait in your entire vessel multiplied by the number of MKS parts that you have. This encourages growing both your base as well as your Kerbal count. As always, there's the potential for exploits (like spamming low-mass parts), but in general it rewards just 'playing the game'. For the rest... - Drills should already have the Geology bonus (at least the MKS ones). If it is an issue with the stock one, that can be sorted with a Module Manager fix and replace its harvester with ModuleResourceHarverster_USI. - Efficiency Parts should not take into account these bonuses as noted in #1114 and be a flat 100%. Let me know if you have a PR for that one bit, otherwise I need to sort that this morning as @allista is planning a GC release which means I am buttoning up an MKS release today. - All three bonuses are used frequently enough IMO - and bear in mind, not all are used just by MKS and in converters (for example, the Kolonization bonus is used to amplify the effect of MKS Habitation modules). For the proposals: - I am not sure of the value of adding the three new buckets, since (in theory, as these are already trait based), they would advance in lockstep. I think this one is a documentation issue more than anything else - I am not sure other than that where the gameplay bonus is. - They are already based on Kerbal skills, and counted for those Kerbals inhabiting MKS based parts. - Last point looks like a display issue - the running speed should be (in theory) clearly visible, since the display should account for efficiency bonuses which are part of stock. If these are missing, then that may be a stock bug that I need to look at. - The squaring and multiplying are by design (and does result in Geology being more important, as it can have an impact on farming for example). Definitely not opposed to a few more Kolony effects (maybe splitting out geology vs manufacturing, etc.?) tho these would always need to be paired with one of the three currencies. As it is, it is fairly simple - three bonuses, three main classes, three career rewards, three secondary effects.
  19. Another example would be ark ships where you do not have the luxury of mining new resources.
  20. Bonuses are accrued based on the Kerbals not the modules themselves, so a Wiki update is likely needed. If you have a fix for the ticket you noted (#1114) then a PR is always appreciated, tho bear in mind I am polishing up a release and will be pushing stuff tomorrow. Suggestions always welcome, changes for defects are welcome, other changes should usually be discussed in this thread first
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