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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Those are not blacklisted at all, so they should totally be able to participate. Just to be clear though, PL does not occur in the background in case that's what you are wondering Never a bother, just did not understand what your idea was
  2. I'd suggest using the thread search feature given the velocity at which this thread moves.
  3. In the next patch, Machinery can participate in Planetary Logistics only (not local logistics as maintenance covers that). This can happen because there are no machinery-using parts that are also warehouses.
  4. FYI - no release today - coordinating everything with Allista as we want to roll both the GC update and the corresponding MKS update simultaneously.
  5. That should be working fine. I'll test it out given that I am prepping a new release anyway
  6. You covered most of it The short term plan is that I am working with @allista on the integration points (the latest cut that goes out tonight removes some parts, configs, and CC for example - but I believe Allista still has to handle the CKAN side). We're also discussing off-world DIYKit creation as the next step. It's still a WIP, but making progress
  7. Saw. Tho that will be in a later update - today I am just doing MKS and USI-LS
  8. You will need to remove CC and the Ground Construction skycrane part (possibly the workshop as well - see if it locks up)
  9. CC is being removed as a hard dependency, along with a lot of the overrides from GC itself (basically with MKS you will just get the DIYKit, with the workshop capability limited to specific modules).
  10. Sorry, said bug has zero to do with Ground Construction to be clear. All about owning up to bugs (and sorting them), but let's not blame another mod please.
  11. Show us your GameData folder please.
  12. Typos are best solved with a pull request or an issue. The logistics are neither wireless nor magical. They are an abstraction. If a Kerbal is starving and there's a box of food landed next to them... they are going to go grab that food. It's a core part of how the mod works. If you dislike it, just force yourself to connect everything with pipes that you can roleplay as pneumatic tubes launching water bottles and food containers.
  13. Agroponics are some pretty easy math - fertilizer becomes supplies at a 10:1 ratio, and consumption per day is already shown.
  14. True, tho I'd probably compare it mass to mass with TAC-LS recyclers as well. Not saying either way is right or wrong, just different.
  15. No, it just means you will have a means of creating new boxes, thus separating the creation of new kits (hard) from the creation of vessels from those kits (easy - relatively). Think Knock Down Kit vs Assembly Plant.
  16. EPL just moves from being the defacto construction mod to being something you can use if you want, but not something I bundle support for. Provided that patch takes the form of configs only to EL, that works (i.e. base it off the current one and patch the EL parts if you're so inclined) and I'd likely leave it up as a separate (official) download. But not bundled, i.e. purely opt-in, and I will be retiring the models for now. Thanks - I will take a look Ground Construction converted over to MaterialKits recently, which solves this issue Until orbital is in place (and that timing is up to @allista, it works just like GC does (ground only, requires the DIYKit, etc). but using MKS extractors and the MKS path to MaterialKits. I expect that the DIYKit mass will be made up of SpecializedParts once that expansion to GC is complete, thus preserving the traditional MKS resource path for construction. Machinery may be on the blacklist - I'll take a look. It should be on the blacklist only for local transfers, not for planetary. Nope
  17. The thought I had was that the DIYKit is made of specialized parts (basically what @Terwin said). Then up to mods to determine how it gets there. And to be honest, getting your stuff built for 10% of the mass (or whatever the DIYKit mass percentage is) is still an amazing deal. Then leave it to mods (MKS, for example) to give you a non-Kerbin path to it. Since it needs to (in my opinion) be a non-trivial operation, and we would not want something where the out-of-the-box version was significantly easier than the modded version (i.e. the friction between MKS and EL).
  18. Heads up - there will be a full release later today, but there will be a USI Tools release up shortly to fix the nullref issues folks are seeing (More heads up) the release today will be the new USI Tools, but also the update to the hard GC dependency to resolve the issues folks are seeing, and to also roll in GC functionality to only specific MKS modules
  19. Number of seconds (it works out to about 1 kerbal year) of hab has to be present for pilots and scouts to get hab immunity.
  20. I agree, @Temeriki - at least on the MKS side, building something off-world is going to be a non-trivial operation. To take an automotive analogy, it's like comparing a knock down kit to an auto assembly plant.
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