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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Ended up needing those cantilevered boogies for the wheels otherwise it may be a bit nose heavy. Everything will be model welded for GC except the wheels. Which are the same diameter as the largest stock ones.
  2. Thread catch up time! First - Recyclers will be fixed (that is, Kerbals will share them disconnected) in the next patch. Second - thanks everyone who's helped out providing answers Nine times out of ten, by the time I get to the thread someone has already answered stuff - which leaves me more time to work on the mod (more of that later). @benad you are very welcome, glad you dig the mod @Temeriki - interesting idea, my concern is that it would make some stuff *really* complex. Hence why I dropped any variance for bravery/stupidity. it was just too many moving parts. But thank you for the suggestion. Turing on tethers simly causes a grouded vessel to stick in place. No extra thing to attach, all MKS modules have this capability. @Electrocutor - for missing textures, etc. the very best way to solve this is to send a PR to the correct repo Regarding consolidation, as noted I am really careful about that. I have some planned, but not many. The structure and granularity has worked out pretty well for me and for folks using the mods. @voicey99 - A general USI thread sounds like a good idea, I'll sort that @DStaal - The new logistics stuff is still on the horizon, it's one of the larger bits I want to get sorted. But at the moment the focus is on Ground Construction integration @jd284 - log that issue RE the Ag converter (Organic input and output) and I will change it accordingly. The input/output is not necessary since I already have the 'Required' set. And here's what I have been working on... Or go to https://skfb.ly/Z8MN for the 3D view
  3. The best bet is to include the documentation above along with a save file (that uses only stock and USI parts) and put it on GitHub and I can chase it down
  4. Correct, they are immune to hab effects. The plus is that you'll at least have one Kerbal running around who is not homesick, and (as the name implies) they are good for long-range missions where you need a Kerbal for whatever reason (lack of comms, etc.).
  5. It's a custom 2m cab that fits with just this form factor (tho I have a 2.5 adapter so you could slap a Karibou cab on it). It's kinda where I landed when I looked at how big that pod could be to still fit in a 5m fairing. Going for the industrial look with this one
  6. Some tweaks, etc. - here's the welded workshop model (with stand-ins for the stock wheels for scale). This would be several parts in Konstruction, but welded into a rover form for GC. Includes the cab, the workshop, and a large storage module for material kits. a
  7. Provide a save with the base in question, using only stock and USI parts (which it looks like that one has) and attach it to a Github issue.
  8. Do both vessels have a Kerbal in them? One requirement for sharing stuff is that the vessels are occupied. And yep if you can remove the MechJeb stuff that will help me test.
  9. Get me a save with that vessel. If you already did, point me to the ticket with exact steps so I can look.
  10. hrm... well if those two did not make it in it will be a future release, going to let things settle in for now.
  11. Constellation will be later today, for now just add in manually. Changes were USI-LS and MKS
  12. Ok - there's a fix up Also some catch-up on the changelog: 0.50.13 - 2017.01.16 -------------------- Fixed runaway efficiency bonuses Removed duplicate USITools 0.50.12 - 2017.01.15 -------------------- Performance updates Added the ability for MKS modules to enable ground tethering. Added additional fixes for overly 'jittery' bases. Added weight transfer to the small KIS container (Thanks Wyzard256!) Added weight transfer to the radial liquid tank and other Ranger-size tanks (Thanks dboi88!) Fixed texture path for Toolbar icons (Thanks fat-lobyte!) Fixed issue where the KoloniationMonitor was displaying incorrect resources (thanks again fat-lobyte!) Efficiency Parts are no longer bound to skill bonuses 0.50.11 - 2017.01.08 -------------------- Fixed an issue where multi-bay modules were not operating at peak efficiency (Note that this is a USI Tools change so be sure to have the latest version! This is why I bundle MiniAVC ;)) Reduced the size of Resource Lodes to 5kl Added a new resource lode that can be found via the orbital survey scanner. Unlike the smaller ones found with the Pioneer module, these are planet-wide and significantly larger (500kl). Scouts can now be recruited. The USI-LS window no longer conflicts with the Kolonization Dashboard. Fixed prices of Tundra manufacturing modules.
  13. Yeah that's CollisionFX doing something Yeah, I need to take a look.
  14. For the duplicate categories, delete any copy of USITools not in the 000_USITools folder. For the tourist issue - more specifics and preferably a screenshot
  15. Every scientist in a landed MKS base generates that. So if it is something you don't want, you can either (a) remove it, or (b) don't collect it (it has to be actively collected, similar to the MPL).
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