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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. huh... now I want to make versions of floaties specifically for the horrible things you are doing with my parts there.
  2. If someone logs a github issue I can make you a ranger-sized ore converter
  3. If something is negative, please log a github issue - thought I had these tested.
  4. Given the criticality of engineers and scientists, having an exploring pilot is not going to save a colony, and of course they can still starve. And scouts do not provide any colonization bonuses. Also remember USI-LS started with orange immunity If there is overwhelming feedback that this is too OP, it can be reviewed. But for now, it's something I wanted to play with.
  5. Not my implementation, @allista's and see above, EL is not being dropped (at least not until there is a suitable replacement which includes orbital). The GC implementation has a lot of elements that I really like, and we see eye to eye regarding the appropriate complexity of off-world construction.
  6. EL support will remain as-is for now, as it's working even though it is a friction point sometimes. I was about to build my own thing, but since what Allista has is pretty much in line with what I had in mind, decided collaboration was the way to go with this one As noted, orbital is more complex but being worked on. Once the dust settles, it's going to be pretty sweet, with very nice integration and shiny parts.
  7. OSE still dovetails in really well, so that support will remain, no need to change that. Only bit that ever causes friction is EL.
  8. Looks like you did not include Firespitter, which is bundled. All of the bits bundled with FTT need to be included or it will not work.
  9. @DStaal - that's the bit @allista and I are working through now (i.e. how to switch from Metals to MaterialKits without messing up old saves, etc. To the latter, my thought was that the generation of brand new DIYKits could be done in-situ (or in orbit). So you could have an advanced manufacturing facility convert SpecializedParts into new DIY Kits (due to the complexity and challenge of that resource chain) then assemble them locally with MaterialKits (which are easier to salvage or produce). The net being it completely removed the need to deal with EL, since it's been a challenge for the past year or so trying to sync with Taniwha RE resources. On my side, I'll be making some new models for GC (probably a combo of stock-alike and akita-alike) while keeping the ones bundled with GC to an absolute minimum since that mod should remain very light weight. Also - there's going to be a small tweak to ResourceLodes. Smaller ones that spawn around your base like we have now, and larger ones that can be found via the orbital survey scanner that can be planet wide. The idea is to give a bit more utility to the orbital survey scanner, and also to help influence base location choice, as these will be excellent sources for initial base construction.
  10. 0.50.10 - 2017.01.07 -------------------- Added the ExplorerSkill effect and Scout trait. Explorers (which include Scouts and Pilots) are immune from habitation effects in USI-LS. Any Kerbal on a planet that has a Kolonization level of 500% and is in a vessel with a habitation rating of 1 year or more will be immune to habitation effects, as this world is now 'Kolonized'. Habitation Extenders will take into account habitation multipliers, making ark ships easier. Fixed an issue where ResourceLodes could be added to craft No more flag scrapping! (Thanks MadMerlyn!) Several profile/CLS fixes for tundra modules from Kerbas-ad-astra Added an attach node to the mini drill (Thanks MadMerlyn!) *NOTE - looks like I accidentally pushed this without adding Scouts to the Kolonization menu, so you will be stuck with pilots for now. Will update this next patch*
  11. Just by keeping Kerbals (pilots, Kolonists, and others with the Rep Boost effect) on a planet and alive and well. So just by using MKS you will naturally raise up this value, and it is on a per-body basis. Thank you! In other news, working with @allista on integration between MKS, Konstruction, and his marvelous Ground Construction mod. The long term plan is to bundle this in, and have it be the standard for building vessels off-planet in MKS (i.e. replacing EL as the standard). So we're hashing out where I can help, and what we need to adjust to make for a really nice, seamless integration
  12. FYI - doing some work on the next release, which is going to include a few nice changes to help fledgling colonies. First is a new trait (the Scout) and a new effect (the ExplorerSkill). Pilots will be explorers as well by default. A Kerbal with the explorer skill is immune to all habitation effects in USI-LS, as they have a disregard for safety and comfort that is astounding even by Kerbal standards. Second. Hab Extenders (parts that consume Colony Supplies) will now respect hab modifiers. So you can push down colony supply consumption as well. This should make ark ships a bit easier to build out. Lastly. Any planet that can push it's Kolonization rating past 500% will be (officially) 'Kolonized', meaning any Kerbal on that body will no longer suffer home sickness provided there is at least 1 year of hab time available (i.e. I don't care how comfy someone is on their new world, nobody likes living in a box). This will very likely be released as a patch this weekend
  13. One of the many available tanks under logistics. I bundle USI Core with this mod so you have access to these.
  14. Yep - change the setting by opening the life support menu while at the space center
  15. Glad you dig it Let me know if I managed to break anything else!
  16. FYI - the Tundra 250 combines logistics and the pioneer into a single package! This would be a bug! Can someone log a Github issue please? Hopefully we get the original thread back! And thank you by the way for the coffee fund It by design needs to be attached to the vessel that contains the sifter. Use a claw Saw below this got sorted - awesome For wear, yes. It still is used to move machinery around as well as nuclear fuels.
  17. IF the two vessels in question are only comprised of USI and stock parts, toss me a save
  18. For hab, the beauty is that it works even if not connected (provided there's a kerbal in it). So land some hab modules nearby and move in a kerbal, That's going to drive crew rotation frequency. The pilot is only needed to pull, not push. So on your mine, leave the engineer in the hab with your drill nearby. Put your pilot at the processor so they can pull resources. Supply crates can be used by anyone within 150m, no pilot required. To get supplies going start with Argroponics and some way of making fertilizer. Charts should be on the wiki or possibly in KSPedia
  19. There was a UI in the past but I need to redo it given all of the changes to KSP in the interim
  20. Except that there would be a conflict with CRP, or you'd have even more weirdness because of mass differences.
  21. Are you on EVA? (Sorry scratch that misread) Show a pic of the vessel please.
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