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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. If someone logs a github ticket I can add some part module info as needed. No ticket means I will probably forget it
  2. With all due respect, I also don't consider those vague - they literally spell out how it works. If you feel something needs more specificity, I look forward to your pull request.
  3. Usual deal then - best bet is to get me a save with relevant vessels, and only USI and stock parts in said vessels so I can troubleshoot.
  4. Productivity is Extraplanetary Launchpads. And to be honest, it's best to ask this stuff in the mod threads.
  5. Ok... fix is up for testing (this includes the prior pre-release stuff) - if Dropbox says it is still uploading, give it a minute or two. https://www.dropbox.com/s/psurrvkcl0huvpw/MKS_PRE_2.zip?dl=0
  6. Got it Missed that one earlier. And testing now.... Expect a patch in the next day or two
  7. Just grab this as it is more recent. For dancing bases, I need a USI+stock base that definitively fails in one version and works in another. Since I can't repro it, this patch would fix both.
  8. Except that I can't repro this on 1.2.2 with the current Firespitter. So there's something else going down, probably a mod interaction. So no, there is no need to mark it as incompatible as it is... compatible.
  9. Ok! I am heading out to a conference today, but wanted to toss out a link to a new pre-release. The biggie is that this release included ground tethers on all MKS modules (just enable it via the PAW). Note that this is a pre-release! I need guinea pigs to give it a whirl and make sure there is no weirdness and (more importantly) no perf hit, especially with larger bases. The nice bit is that if this works out, it will eliminate our shimmy/shake/drift issues Grab the ZIP here - install like any other MKS install. If things go south, just replace with the current official MKS release. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4x11t7k0gupe3wk/MKS_PRE.zip?dl=0 (Assuming I get enough positive reports of horrible stuff not happening, this will be the official patch later in the week as I have time).
  10. @wile1411 - nope. It uses the default explosion intensity for the part.
  11. Glad it worked out semi-related. Anchors are coming back - just finished some initial testing, and it is working pretty well. I'm going to post out a place to get some pre-release DLLs (probably tomorrow morning) so folks can play with it, and help me check for any performance issues, etc. Don't want to do a full on release as I am at a conference next week (including giving a session on 3D modeling! so if you are at CodeMash, ping me and say hi!)
  12. Your best bet is going to be to track the Kerbal before unfreezing them (there's a public method for this) which will allow you to set things like their hab, last meal, etc. to the appropriate time. This is something normally taken care of on launch (since on Kerbin your're immune to life support penalties, it gives it time to initialize the system).
  13. Thought I had those moved out - will double check (the legacy ones)
  14. Try this replacement for USITools.dll first @voicey99: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qia8cutp8zwq799/USITools.dll?dl=0
  15. Correct, the intent is that when GC is used with MKS, it will use a more MKS-style chain (MaterialKits for the expansion, SpecializedParts for the DIYKit itself).
  16. At a loss given those modules literally have had no changes in months...
  17. heh, yeah I should do that at some point Also need to work on Curse automation (rainy day project).
  18. 0.50.11 - 2017.01.08 -------------------- Fixed an issue where multi-bay modules were not operating at peak efficiency (Note that this is a USI Tools change so be sure to have the latest version! This is why I bundle MiniAVC ;)) Reduced the size of Resource Lodes to 5kl Added a new resource lode that can be found via the orbital survey scanner. Unlike the smaller ones found with the Pioneer module, these are planet-wide and significantly larger (500kl). Scouts can now be recruited. The USI-LS window no longer conflicts with the Kolonization Dashboard. Fixed prices of Tundra manufacturing modules.
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