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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. And to be more specific. MKS leverages (extensively) the stock resource system and conversion system. Probably moreso than any other mod out there given I wrote the stock stuff, and know all of the levers and dials on it Kerbalsim, last I checked, completely overrides the stock functionality. To do the whole background processing bit, some pieces are cut out. Unfortunately, these are pieces that core MKS processed depend on, so stuff gets broken.
  2. Probably 12 hours as noted above if you start with stuff half-full... but yes. It will put the excess in PS.
  3. As long as you have enough storage to support 6 hours of production (the default catch-up chunk for stock) you will be fine.
  4. People visit them periodically. And this does not need to be daily, as PL has no limit.
  5. In the short term? Nothing. Other than parts going Legacy. In the long term, a config will not be bundled (but likely available as an optional download, and if you kept the old one around it will still work). But there will no longer be EL parts in MKS, just GC parts (and GC will be included with the download). No. You only push to PL when the vessel is focused.
  6. Apples and tractors. And I would not reccomend installing both. Also... what the heck are you trying to scale? I have kontainers up to 5m
  7. Their abundance and biome placement are random. Seems you won the RNG lottery, rejoice in your victory.
  8. It's the latter bit (manufacturing DIY kits in-situ) that I want to work with @allista on. Tho I need to do my part of the bargain and wrap up models Log a Github issue on this as this has been a somewhat common request, and I can roll something into the next patch
  9. Yeah the worksheet is *almost* done, but I want to do more testing (case in point, EC usage just got massively chopped since not everyone has nuke reactors) before releasing it into the wild.
  10. I am discussing how we can do in-orbit construction with @allista The irony... I once offered to make new models for EL a while back and was politely turned down The whole reason I am moving off of EL is simply because after years of asking, I've realized there is no desire on that end for real collaboration, and what @allista already built was about 95% of what I would have made myself anyway (i.e. I really prefer how the assembly process is decoupled). There are some ancient pics around somewhere of what I had in mind even Here was my analogue to a DIY Kit from GC... (To add) There will remain nothing stopping you from using EL, you'll just be using EL parts. I'm just kinda done with trying to reconcile a pretty large balance difference, and would rather focus on something that will work with a lot less friction.
  11. You are missing something obvious Habitation is limited more by volume than by tonnage. Also, crew capacity allocates a portion of both tonnage and space, as does resource storage (including separate allocations for battery mass/volume). It's not nearly as simple as tons times x = hab. Now couple that with modules that have swappable converters - all with different mass/volume requirements. In short, there is absolutely a method to all of this (and it involves a really big spreadsheet). If you feel a specific module is out of balance for whatever reason, the best place to voice that is a GitHub issue (and note what you feel it is unbalanced against). since calculating all of this stuff out is more than a bit time consuming.
  12. Next patch it will be bundled. EL won't be touched, but the parts will be marked legacy (And eventually deprecated) and the EL config To be honest, wear is likely not going to come back. Correct Nope.
  13. FYI - I already use IntakeLqd in the sub pack for this purpose
  14. The fifteen day grace period for supplies already represents them stretching things (burning oxygen candles, etc.). Unrelated - working on the next release and this will include a few adjustments to hab caps that make Scouts/Pilots more balanced, and also makes long-distance voyages easier.
  15. If I'm lucky someone will gift me with a PR before I get to it on the list Still working through all of the MKS updates and stuff for GC. Good news is that I'd say we're hitting a relatively stable patch with MKS - I do not anticipate any major system changes going forward, only bug fixes and some small additions (not the wholesale reorgs we've had in the past).
  16. Doing a quick drive by. When comparing a Hitchiker to a Tundra don't forget to account for machinery mass. Also, stock modules are weird since balance is a consideration of both volume and mass... and I can't control that ratio for stock, so I have to pick one of the two to roll with (I would have to double check which I used). In any case, probably a better topic for the USI-LS thread as I am much more likely to see it there
  17. I would love to get something like this, and could either link it in the OP and/or add it to a wiki (that I can enable on the project when you're ready). Or even KSPedia
  18. Ok - new thread time it looks like (OP has been updated, I'll make a new Karbonite one next release). Some quick answers to stuff: @voicey99 - The plan would be to move all hiring to the AC, but allow specialty selection since I plan on borrowing some of @theReadPanda's AC code. @Kaa253 / @Space Kadet - unfortunately I can't dictate which professions are allowed in the AC. @blakemw - Kolony rewards do not scale with difficulty, but you can change their multipliers via the settings file in the MKS folder. The idea is that they are there to help you bootstrap and fund your colony. These do get pretty expensive after a while. I am happy with their balance so I don't see the defaults changing unless I find it annoying in my own playthroughs. @Noel32 - for documentation, look at KSPedia as well as the Wiki. Those are reasonably up to date (link in the OP) and if something is out of date let us know in the thread. @jd284 - I'll see about rolling Tundra style ISMs in a future release. Adding a github issue means I don't forget btw @Gilph - the Ranger and Tundra stats should be exactly balanced RE Mass/Volume ratios and inflation costs... @revolioclockbergjr - no idea why KIS would lose the lode given it is just another part. That being said, I would reccomend using a grappler. @Toonu - Radiation is on the roadmap for USI-LS, but a matter of when I get to it. @Jumberlack - Log a github issue RE larger K+ drills @Kertech - don't use Kerbalism (unless they finally stopped doing a wholesale override of stock modules).
  19. Yes... you're in the wrong mod thread You probably want to post this in the Near Future thread
  20. Thanks, and yep I agree with @DStaal - keep it simple, use the same module
  21. FYI - in the latest GC from SpaceDock, I am seeing every vessel with crew as a workshop - even a single Mk1 pod It would also be fine to just use your existing module, and pick some variable (even an existing one) that would suppress it being a workshop and save you having to make a new module
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