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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Not aware of this. And while totally not related to this thread, can you point me to a bug tracker issue? Since there's not enough context given
  2. Yup, 1.2.2 was a non-breaking release. I'm waiting for the various upload places to sort out letting me use the right version, and will also be doing some serious mod consolidation this go around.
  3. @mikerl is correct. It ensures you do not fill the output of the given resource by x% (i.e. 0.95 = 95% for fuel cells so that solar has time to fill up batteries as well). There is also a TakeAmount that ensures a converter does not drain your power and kill your kerbals
  4. Pretty much it While I have the technical chops to rewrite IR, it is not something I am overly interested in doing as my plate is ridiculously full. This mod fills a different purpose
  5. And that log is completely different... and references a different mod. I fully expect there's something about your install you are not telling us. So probably start with basics like KSP version, mod version, screenshot of your GameData folder, etc. (Better yet use KSP-AVC to show me a list of all mod versions - all of the USI mods support this)
  6. ? That does not make sense given your log is showing Kopernicus.... I think you might be confused as to what this mod does. It does not in any way facilitate inter-part connections.
  7. @Gabriel Strange, @Some Kerbal, @SkyHook - just took a peek, and it looks like the drillhead collider on that model is a bit longer (i.e. extends a bit more down the piping) than the 1.2.1 version. So in the interim your best bet will be to situate drills a bit higher up on the craft.
  8. Not sure how it ended up like that - there may be a mod for re-rooting (tho I am not aware of one off the top of my head)
  9. Awesome! thanks everyone for your patience, for your testing, and for your saves
  10. Github issue please One has a crew slot, one is just a window. The one with crew is a bit heavier and has slightly better stats
  11. You are welcome @Gilph - let me know if this sorted the issue you were having please
  12. 0.5.13 is up - with a hab bug fixed Ping me if anyone is still having issues
  13. You could probably set it to negative @Gilph - save please and I can take a look. I'm also looking into a more permanent fix now that we've confirmed it is habitation and not EC or something
  14. That is precisely what ModuleSwappableConverter does.... And if you are going to use USI Tools, please use it as a full dependency - i.e. keep everything exactly as a user would download, and either bundle the whole thing, or inform your users they need to nab it. Do not under any circumstances move the DLL somewhere else, or you are just going to cause support issues when people start having multiple copies.
  15. Yup - that's the issue I am trying to track. Please please please get me that save wiith a repro. If it's just NFT and USI and stock on that specific ship, that's fine - I can take a peek. Just let me know which specific NF parts are on it so I can install the right subset of parts. First, as someone probably already noted, you need recyclers as well. This is nothing new, been that way for a while. The only thing that got reverted was the wear mechanic (more to keep things a bit simpler for now). Second... yeah, you're being a bit salty. The stats are all there.. that didn't change (here are even more stats shown now than in prior versions). Life support works just fine... heck, if anything, stuff tends to have much longer durations these days (i.e. I eased up on some of the constraints). You're also on the USI-LS thread not the MKS one, so I don't have all of the context of why you're having an issue.. I would bet a cookie though it's something trivial. But saying you are not being salty... then dumping a heap of salt on us... does tend to make folks a bit less enthusiastic about support. Also, obligatory reminder. Neither you, nor anyone else who plays KSP, are the 'audience' for the stuff I make. I make things for me. People see them, and ask to have them. I, being a nice guy, share. It's a good social contract... I share stuff, people help test things, toss in pull requests to help out, etc. - and everyone wins. So when I change something, I change it because I probably saw something when I was doing my own play through that I wanted to adjust a bit... so I do so. Simple as that.
  16. What @ShotgunNinja just detailed is what USI Tools does with ModuleSwappableConverter. But yeah, for what you are trying to achieve, a part module that overrides or enhances a converter is the way to go (USITools has examples where I override harvesters and converters to add a bit of sugar to them).
  17. Will take a peek. Also, there's a 0.5.12 up. The main thing this patch does is note how your Kerbals are getting killed off or turning into tourists. For those with heisenbugs, please let me know what the new status message is.
  18. Yes, wear has been deprecated for the time being.
  19. You need to cool off. Seriously. FYI the stock catch-up mechanics specifically scale EC. Granted, you still need some storage, but generally not six hours worth. And yes the LS window just reflects battery storage, it does not reflect any other stuff you have going that either adds to or reduces your EC draw. In the interest of better troubleshooting, will be adding in a note as to *why* bad things happened to the Kerbals so we can sort if people are having EC, supply, or Hab issues. Not related.
  20. Ok if anyone can find a save that repro's the 'micro holiday' issue (again, with stock and USI parts) please attach it to a github issue with repro steps as I cannot repro it here. @Wyzard - did you turn the hitchiker's hab function on once on the launch pad?
  21. Ok 0.5.11 is up. Things are settled down, this just fixes a small display bug that I noticed while doing some updates in an attempt to surface the heisenbugs some of you are experiencing. Give it a go, please post results.
  22. FYI did some poking around this morning, and have some updates to what I believe is causing the occasional 'refuse to work' issue, just need to clean some UI issues as well.
  23. @steve_v then we are back to needing a save, because this one is being an absolute bear to repro. @Bluebottle - MM would not affect this, and I really can't provide guidance on older versions.
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