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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. That's actually incorrect - CCK works off of tags, not directories. I'll happily add more categories, but only if we hit a point where it's valuable to two or more modders (i.e. I expect this will remain a very small pack specifically designed to avoid the conflicts we bump into from time to time).
  2. That's @Nertea 's resource so you have to get with him
  3. This would be correct. If there is something that can be publicly exposed to assist the author, that's fine and I will consider PRs, but it's not something I would undertake myself.
  4. For this one, best bet will be for the author to provide a pull request that exposes whatever it is they need to sort for this.
  5. It has nothing to do with filter extensions, it just adds a new tag-based category for modders.
  6. Picture of your GameData folder please and your UmbraSpaceIndustries folder
  7. some pro tips. use the latest version - if you don't have compress with rotation it is not the latest. roll pushes you towards alignment regardless of snap. If you want to snap to an angle vs perfect match turn off roll and rotate manually. snap can be toggled. A snap angle of 0 means you want an exact fit. Works best in zero g. In that case, only have roll on one of the ports and have it near zero. if it is still problematic turn off roll and snap, and use compress with rotation. Are you using KJR?
  8. Which part can't you claw? Since there are (technically) no parts too small to grab..
  9. Not necessary though - you can always use a claw
  10. Your stuff is going to tend to spin around with a single magnet regardless - better to try with two, or grapple it with a claw.
  11. This is a KJR problem, and he will need to fix this. Or send me a pull request.
  12. @vorg - Add an antenna (specifically, that nice surface mount variant included in the same node as the Comm-16)
  13. All things are possible. Things are even more possible with a pull request
  14. Just launch one... it should be orange in the SPH... and EVA. You don't need a contract.
  15. That should have been fixed in the most recent release - if it is not, let me know.
  16. Not without a significant amount of work. (If someone wants to do that... I take pull requests :P)
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