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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Apples and tractors. Ubizor essentially creates new parts via model welding - which messes up your PAW, etc. - not really a direction I would be interested in going. What version of KSP? And you are grabbing them from the Konstruction custom category yes? Because it sounds like you're missing a DLL or using the wrong part. tbh replacing the ports with a different part makes station planning harder, and it also limits the visual style you can achieve.
  2. Then you likely have a design issue. Show us what it is you're doing
  3. But it's not. You just have some extra rigid joints. If you can get your docking ports to be in a giant circle, and compress them, you will get the same thing. So your two 'C' sections coming together, if docked, would still respect the part tree but have the residual extra joints.
  4. You can change the config if you're getting too much hab time pressure. but in general - hitchikers and cupolas, or configure one of the inline life support modules as a hab multiplier. The new ones are not ready yet - letting everything settle first. Sorry, no support for versions that old :/ They should return to normal after hitting 25K altitude - if not, that's a bug, send me a save file. It does automatically based on your game settings The cupola needs to be fixed then. The hitchhiker is explicitly configured for habitation, I did not make a version for the Mk2 crew cabin. It's based on KSP settings This ^^
  5. At the moment... poorly. Though I do have a module I have lying around that may make this be a LOT easier.
  6. If there are bugs, report them. An issue with the electric engines was reported earlier, and wheels need sorted. Priority for me is plugin updates, parts are secondary.
  7. The new version will allow more options in the PAW to sort this.
  8. The same plugin that's in that download... just grab it and the version file.
  9. Working just fine last I checked, I use texture switching in several of my mods.
  10. Yup, the Karbonite tanks come with Karbonite which is required for this mod.
  11. TBH, I just don't see that happening. They work in completely different ways. I expect you'd see a comparable offset upon collapse.
  12. Log a github issue, I'll take a peek
  13. All experiments are supposed to be in start. Sounds like something is messing with your tech tree....
  14. Good that it's fixed... not sure how I feel about tying the stupidity stat in. As an option, sure.. but does change the original flavor of this mod a bit.
  15. Balance is against stock or NFE. IVAs are at the very bottom of my list, right after 'wash my pet cat'. I own no cat.
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