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Parts Hero
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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. heh, thanks Now please let me know if there are any issues
  2. Ok. Version 0.5.10 is going up now, sorts the decouple spam.
  3. Working on this now, guys. Expect a patch tonight.
  4. @Dazpoet - for your specific case, you could delete the Squad/Parts folder. the rest of the stuff you need
  5. @Kaa253 - Science skill is scientists only. You can see a lot of this in the stock configs. The older system had primary/secondary skills, but I have deprecated that in favor of stock.
  6. Ok let me repro that case then Ok.. 0.5.9 going up now. Hopefully the last one for a while @Gilph - can you reiterate your specific bug and do you have it reproducible in a USI+Stock save?
  7. Do whatever you want for your own save. I'll handle the official ones.
  8. @Gilph - delete your LifeSupport folder and give the install another go please.
  9. The offset rectangular dark patch on the face should cover that (it's how I align them).
  10. Ok - 0.5.8 uploading now, will sort this.
  11. hrm.... Well that's a new one lemme see what I can repro on my own save.
  12. You would need to add the appropriate part module
  13. New version up. Pretty significant change, looks to work, please post if anyone has any issues. Better yet, let me know if this solves those heisenbugs some of you are having
  14. Function swapping has been deprecated. Also - for those still experiencing weird issues WRT kerbals becoming tourists, etc., I am tossing out a new patch in a bit
  15. @4dcatman - Sounds like an installation issue. Confirm your KSP version, and show us your GameData folder.
  16. Nothing there is tied to profession, just very hard to track down oddities without a save,
  17. There is a new USI-LS out (just published a few minutes ago). Load that. Make a new craft. If you can replicate the issue, provide me with a save.
  18. Short version. Construction ports are a separate port type by design. Use them when you intend to expand something. Use regular docking ports when you do not. Construction ports are also a brighter white than the stock dark gray.
  19. That is normal as it does not have an IVA, only portrait placeholders.
  20. Update USI Tools, because that fixes this. It will integrate just fine with an existing save.
  21. Review the API documentation or ask a much more specific question, since it's a massive subsystem. Almost everything is publicly accessible and override able, so you're really talking more of a mod architecture / design discussion vs an API discussion anyway.
  22. To accomplish that you'd be better off modifying the corresponding converters, etc.
  23. Well to clarify... stock and USI
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