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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Since you just want to use the module (i.e. not change it), the best way to do that is to use it as a dependency (similar to how other folks who've made alternate models do it). Prevents weirdness with conflicts and such. (By dependency I mean 'using X requires installing the Alcubierre Drive mod').
  2. It means it has been installed incorrectly. Show a screenshot of your GameData folder.
  3. For that, just sub-class it and add the behavior you want.
  4. Autoshutdown only relates to heating. ExperienceEffect can use any effect. DefaultShutoffTemp is the temp that it shuts down if Autoshutdown is enabled.
  5. If someone has some specific questions 'What does field X do?' I can answer them (just be sure to ping me). Would not mind setting some time aside to totally document that subsystem, but that's a pretty big nut to chew for the entire thing. For the OP - thermal as in skin temp/internal temp/parts go boom, or thermal as in stuff becomes less effective? They are two different subsystems.
  6. Ahhh - I thought Akita went along for the ride, so I will have to fix that
  7. I'll have to peek RE tech tree placement, especially with CTT. Possibly make them peers, as they have different purposes (the Karibou, now bundled with MKS, being more of a mobile base platform)
  8. Stopping by to only state that the balance is by design. If you want discussion you may want to rethink your approach.
  9. There are two versions of the leg with alternate wheel positions.
  10. The parts hierarchy is still a tree. So multi-weld is great for 'tree' type welds, If they were in fact actually docked they should have welded, but multi-dock in general with rings is pretty tricky.
  11. These will be deprecated next release.
  12. FYI this bug is fixed in the next update, doing a constellation update this weekend
  13. Sounds like a bug. Issue with a save would be good
  14. As noted, has to do with catch-up mechanics. Fairly easy to have this just be listed as 'Unknown' when not in focus. @Wyzard, @Uberns, @ruiluth The Hab/Home are working as intended based on what you are posting. And now you see why there are two of them Remember - if EITHER is exceeded, it is a fail case. So yes, while having Kerbals shuffle around a bit will help the Home timer, it will not increase the hab timer for their current vessel (i.e. there's no way to make a kerbal ever last longer than five years in a five year hab vessel, even if their home value is 100 years long. It's buried deeper in the thread of course, but there's a method to all of this - it's original use case being to allow for transit vessels with significantly less hab space than the final destination (say. a 2-yr vessel for transit to a 20-yr base), or the reverse - a 5 yr vessel then transfer to a 7 day lander and back to the 5 yr vessel to go home. I would REALLY want a save on this. Same. Should be trivial to take care of... once I have a save
  15. @Potato3478 - I do not take part requests, sorry. The rest (DLL bugs) I'll take a peek at as I have time.
  16. Start with logging a ticket on the KSP public tracker with an attached (stock only) save. Then PM me that issue number. Oh... and yeah, make sure it is stock only. otherwise there may be mods messing with the thermal code.
  17. Ok. There are apparently two different things being discussed in this thread. The first is skin/internal temp and atmospheres. In your pic you are referring to core heat. Apples and tractors. Are you on a modded install?
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