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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. @Gilph - Would love to get that save so I can do a patch
  2. It's a global config option I really need a save that's just stock and USI-LS so I can sort this one :/ yw
  3. Just stuff hanging on the vessel - removed the physics range explosiveness a while back
  4. It does quite a bit, actually. The whole 'ships blowing up' bit was fixed ages ago, and we also have core heat to handle heavier systems like ISRU and drills.
  5. Ok got a fix in for the recycler and GUI displays that I will publish after I look at some of these saves. Guidance is coming soon(tm) and I will double check the hitchikers. @Gilph - will toss you an answer in the AM unless someone gets to it first, was just about to go to bed
  6. Rock is essentially the same as any resource - you chew out the mass, and it converts it to what is available. No storage and it is dumped. Regarding mass... yeah, this pretty much kills asteroid redirect missions, it was a balance choice.
  7. For the folks having odd issues above - can you please get me a save? Just make sure any ships I am looking at only have USI or stock parts. Then log a GitHib issue and attach the save file, and I can take a peek
  8. New release is up btw 0.5.5 - (KSP 1.2.1) ------------------- Category fixes (Thanks tarheel1999!) CTT Fixes (Thanks SirCharizard17!) Recyclers, Extenders, and Habitation now properly enable/disable and scale.
  9. Atmospheric does not include Exospheric. Exospheric is outside of the atmosphere. Atmospheric is also based on airflow for atmospheric harvesters. It is. CKAN will update when I push releases, which I am working on wrapping up. Yup
  10. Oceanic and Atmospheric do not support variance. In this case, that's by design
  11. umm... not that I see? And please start with letting us know what version you are using, and what KSP version
  12. FYI- with the dust settling, I will be publishing new balance guidelines for USI-LS. Note that these are based on mass as well as volume.
  13. Sure, share that for now - point will be moot with next release
  14. This is by design. Asteroids are a lot less fluffy. So either drill them out until they are fluffy, or accept that redirect missions will be really really hard.
  15. Provide more specific repro steps and I'll look
  16. This is because K+ is about to be merged into Karbonite once I check everything in.
  17. Sorry, at this point I am only supporting KSP version 1.2.x
  18. The scooping border - there's a spoiler a couple of posts above yours
  19. huh, interesting one. Something must be shifting the object's position, and that is something I am not going to have easy control over. Best bet is to just stick in the bubble
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