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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Yes, you can KIS attach them... but note they stack attach only, they do not surface attach
  2. Should have... inclusion in that category is based on manufacturer name. Note that you will need to restart KSP not do a database reload.
  3. As noted best to just use the KSC GUI. And default immunity was deprecated a while back Yup if you don't need them, delete them Wiki on GitHub. Some of the numbers have changed but the concepts are the same.
  4. You added charges correct? Of the right size? And selected said charges on your engine? And you are on the latest version?
  5. They are new as of 1.2 Also - don't ship gypsum - ship fertilizer.
  6. Again... these are just config files. It literally has no code. Not it.
  7. Rover wheels are very picky about their orientation. But glad you got it sorted
  8. You kinda have this - right now there is an option in the latest update to compress with rotation. This will align the two construction ports before performing the compress operation.
  9. It just updated a few minutes ago - 0.1.6 0.1.6 - 2016.10.22 ------------------ Two new parts - Lateral and Inline adjustable legs You can now assing groups with master/slave servos You can now highlight konstruction servo parts as needed Lots of revisions to construction ports - toggle for angle snap, and some other PAW changes CTT configs! (Thanks theRagingIrishman!) Akita Tags! (Thanks DavidRWilliamsJr!) Moved all fallback categories for Konstruction to SpecializedConstruction
  10. RE The biome behavior - that's because asteroids have no biomes. This is stock and by design. Show me a screenshot of the scanner PAW once you are attached.
  11. Did you activate in orbit? It is nerfed in atmosphere. See prior question. See above.
  12. If you are getting no other resources sounds like you did not install Karbonite - which includes CRP - and Karbonite is a pre-requisite for this mod. It is not stand-alone.
  13. The functionality of MKS-Lite will be rolled into the main MKS mod as a config option once some of the collective dust settles.
  14. The stock grappler is already magnetic - added that in at launch. The bit of your ask that gets funky is when you added 'Crane'. The crane moves around it's magnetic point. Which is fine. It does not have a node at the end. That's a pretty important point. Because to add one (and attach said 'mini grappler' to it) now means I have to move the node around. i.e. I've just wrote Infernal Robotics. Looks like the pad is missing - I'll take a peek
  15. Just bear in mind this is not about changing stuff other people use, it's simply a clearing house for mods that want to avoid potential conflict. Which is not very exciting for users, but pretty nice for content creators.
  16. It means the magnets will only target the little magno-pads, and not anything they latch onto. Not sure what your ask is - the snap angle can be adjusted on the fly to what you need? And it would always be the same for both parts since it is based on their relative angle... Because that would be a major code change that involved dynamically moving the nodes around, which is a bit non trivial (i.e. we're right back to rewriting a combination of IR and KAS).
  17. Side note. There's a pretty hefty mass disparity between a recycler and a greenhouse for comparable volume (i.e. greenhouses weigh a lot less since they are mostly empty space, vs. equipment). As a result, I'll be moving the current modules to legacy (to avoid breaking saves), and update with dedicated greenhouse vs hab parts to address this. I also have a smaller model that I had not released yet to stand in as a recycler.
  18. Nope, will take a peek. You turned on the MPL recycle function correct? No hatch, grab it with a claw, etc. - as noted there are mods to help black-list these. As noted, Wiki is out of date. I would suggest grabbing a better recycler for a crew that large. The sci lab recycler loses a lot of efficacy because most of it's space is devoted to science, not recycling. Note that all of the LS modules can have their roles changed.
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