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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. To add to what @voicey99 said. Readily available captive water (And by that, we're not talking lakes and streams of the stuff...) can be retrieved with just a drill. To extract trace amounts out of rocks is a more involved and advanced process.
  2. I did nothing - just sounds like CKAN being CKAN and fixing itself... Obvious questions... what KSP version, what MKS version, and does it replicate in a clean MKS install where it is installed from GitHub?
  3. @allista - no reason why not, since a DIY Kit is like Ikea
  4. Not that I am aware of, but log a github issue and they may make a comeback
  5. That's correct - Konstruction ports only link with Konstruction ports.
  6. If you are getting log spam, the best thing to do is ping @allista And there's nothing stopping you from using EL. If you're not using USI-LS then there's no point to the agriculture modules. That's usually the only time I hear of these not working.
  7. @gamerscircle - once you figure out which converter you want, take an engineer on EVA to the module. There will be options to cycle through next/previous converters. As you do that you will see the swap option change (that's the one that says something like 'Agroponics=>Cultivator(D)'. When you click on that button, it charges you a quantity of specialized parts, material kits, and EC to handle the conversion. So make sure you only use that button once it is dialed into the new converter that you want (i.e. don't use that to cycle through options!)
  8. @Perringo - the Wiki/KSPedia is pretty thorough, and over the releases, efficiency has been simplified. If something is not covered in the Wiki/KSPedia and you feel an explanation is needed, ask. And once you have an answer, add it to the Wiki. Though these cases seem to be getting fewer (more often than not, I see people pointing folks to the Wiki/KSPedia sections). The math should all be covered there. The rub with the math of course is that there are a lot of variables, especially when you throw planetary concentrations into the mix. If a conversion has a bug and is not working correctly... same answer as previously. GitHub issue with a USI+Stock save.
  9. Ahh... good point Sounds like a bug, please log a github issue and I will sort it.
  10. Not sure why you would only update the DLL... really best thing is to just update the whole thing just in case.
  11. @Baladain - You don't right click on the tanks, you right click on the place you want the contents to go (i.e. to perform maintenance on - in this case, a reactor). @LatiMacciato - I have heard MKS called many things, but a platform for making things easy has never been one of them
  12. The best way to see bugfixes is to log a github issue and attach a save. What exactly is it doing?
  13. Just a heads up tho... such goodies are going to be tied directly to achieving appropriate kolony reward levels So a rehash of the plan I covered months ago is that you start small (life support, shipping in stuff). Build up to a certain level of self sufficiency (optional... your other choice is lots of launches), and your capstone reward is a highly automated colony.
  14. So... today was a design day. Some new code in the works, including full support for automated interplanetary transfers. So you could have a mining operation on Ike that fed resources to a factory on Duna, and have both supplied with machinery from Minmus. Without ever having to swap vessels to play catch-up. We'll see how quickly I can knock this out Log a Github issue
  15. Would have to noodle how to do that without it being breaky. Log a GitHub issue on the USI-Core wiki
  16. Yeah probably want to take this over to the GC thread and ping @allista on it
  17. K+ resources are also getting a bit of a refresh, removing time as one of the factors.
  18. I don't care what people prefer... (I prefer manual installations for a multitude of reasons). What I do care about is when people keep asking the same question and clogging the thread due to a CKAN issue (in this case, a pull request that has been sitting around for days....), and also care when people can't be bothered to spend a minute to manually install a mod.
  19. Hopping in to join my voice to those asking (nicely) that the CKAN folks look at GroundConstruction-Core, which is not yet appearing. The natives are getting restless.
  20. Short version - based on current temperature, it's how much additional energy gets added.
  21. @voicey99 - I'd be ok with a fuel modifier (LFO, Ox, Mono) of x10. For heat, best bet is to steal the heat parameters from the three drill sizes
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