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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I already clarified this. It was a stock bug that was sorted.
  2. TBH I have zero idea what you're even getting at *shrugs* Peace out
  3. But that is what I meant. Concentration is important when you deal with the threshold limitations of smaller drills. And concentration varies in the same biome. And the only way to figure that out is with an NBS and a surface scanner. Sorry, some folks just don't like surprises. Or - given I am the fellow who designed and built the resource system - it was designed for mods from the start. i.e. we included code for atmospheric and oceanic resources even though there are none in stock... and a fancy pie chart even though we only include one resource.
  4. Because the mini drill has a concentration threshold. So sometimes that extra tenth of a percent matters. Also, mods (remember resources were built as a framework with a simple stock implementation).
  5. Ground scanner only. The orbital scanner is there to give you a rough idea of where to look, and reflects averages till ground truthing takes place. It's resolution is also pretty low (NBS has much higher resolution). Also bear in mind in real-life drilling and real-life combustion engines, we are also taking advantage of oxygen that's free for the taking in the atmosphere. Also life, as noted previously. i.e. we're kinda cheating
  6. Probably a combination of both. Within a biome you can get 10%+ swings once you've unlocked the biome and go prospecting.
  7. 1. ART uses rock. 2. You cannot achieve 100% self sufficiency with USI-LS without some external input. This is by design. A 100% closed loop is, for all practical purposes, impossible. A self sufficient base is trivial. 3. There are already large drills. Also make sure you have an engineer. Requests: 1. They are fairly close in CTT, but open a github issue. 2. Matter of opinion. Unless I have crowds yelling about balance, I tend to leave things as is. 3. No, this is by design. Thanks
  8. FYI - got a fix for the efficiency parts being way too weak (this was a bug, has been sorted, testing it now).
  9. That was a stock bug, which should have been sorted in 1.3. - i.e. nothing i could have done about it anyway Yes, this mod is still being worked on. And yeah... Sal was incorrect on what he said on that ticket.
  10. Sure, always happy to take pull requests
  11. Atmospheric density and angle of attack (if you have an intake transform) are now also taken into account.
  12. Literally just tested this variable, worked for me (though I had values 40 and 40000 ;))
  13. FYI - I've looked into this, and the atmospheric harvesters are working fine, both stationary and mobile, with and without air intakes transforms.
  14. I will need to noodle over whether I want to change stock or not tbh.
  15. The machinery amount for the MPUs changed - they consume at a lower rate than the standard rate. Unrelated - the Malemute is indeed based on the rover in Last Days on Mars, and the Karibou is based on the LER
  16. Look for LIFE_SUPPORT (99% sure this is it). If you delete the entire scenario it will force it to rebuild it from scratch as you go to each vessel.
  17. This is insufficient information. What KSP version? What MKS version?
  18. Had to add some guard clauses - glad it got sorted, means I can push this as a general release
  19. @Kobymaru - Here's a link to two WIP DLLs... drop these in, let me know if the problem vanishes. USI Tools: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdcyx75xzq1fux9/USITools.dll?dl=0 Kolonization: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w64zls80iqcitgv/KolonyTools.dll?dl=0
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