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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Be sure to thank @TheRagingIrishman, @TauPhraim, and @DoktorFrogg as well
  2. 1.3 versions of all USI mods are on GitHub. Headed to sleep, will toss out some patch notes and update the constellation in the AM
  3. FYI - 1.3 compatible core DLL is available for the folks that need it. I'll push an official (complete) release tomorrow along with a new thread.
  4. FYI, I am not getting a crash with the latest Module Manager (and I depend on it pretty heavily in several of my mods). It may be something else breaking. I'll have all of the USI ones updated shortly
  5. It does not quite work this way By the time you see something compiled there - there would have been a new release.
  6. Not without making a new thread. Which I will do either with @Snjo's blessing, or if I see he's not around for several months.
  7. Two points. First, yeah. Check the attitude - a bad one kicks you out of the conversation. Second. a 5m kontainer is not required... you could do it with a bunch of 1.25's if you were so inclined. (Bold emphasis mine). There would be zero mass savings, and it would be less efficient volume wise. Also consider just how absolutely massive that ring is, along with all of it's bonuses - it is appropriately balanced. You can also just pre-deploy the ring before launch if you're not concerned with mass. Or to put it another way. Every single part that is kitted out with MatKits can be pre-built. The ability to send it in a smaller package and send up the rest of the bits separately then assemble in-situ is a bonus.
  8. @voicey99 - the Orca should totally not be nullreff'ing in the current pre-release... Make sure you try with the most recent pre
  9. FYI - if you are missing parts, odds are someone is bundling an old version of CCK. Update to the latest CCK (or use the one I bundle).
  10. True, but I tend to use GC to drop them in so they can be pretty
  11. https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases/tag/2017.05.19.01 If you still have the same issue let me know and I'll take a look
  12. Sounds like a bug - though if possible I'd like you to test it on a pre-release (give me a few to bundle it and I'll ping here once done).
  13. No offense, but this is incorrect. Look at the OP for a couple of example pics. Also - that Tundra module will be a lot easier to deal with if it is horizontal not vertical. Use anchor hubs (and anchor them! They act like KAS pylons) if you want to do KIS assembly. Use Salamanders and their corresponding landing module to drop small pods of bases. Use two ball hubs and a truss to make horizontal six-module 'dog-bone' style bases. Use Karibous if you want something mobile. Use PAL equipment to move bits around. Focus on 'pods' of disconnected bases to make a larger outpost. It saves you from the Kraken. I could go on of course, and I expect there are going to be a lot of base pics posted today Also @ruiluth - KPBS != MKS. It's like comparing apples and tractors. MKS is first and foremost a gameplay mod. KPBS is primarily a parts mod (though the integration pack @DStaal works on changes that.
  14. All will be moved eventually, other than community bits like CRP and CCK
  15. Correct - as long as the folks are on your base (even if partially disconnected), you should be good to go
  16. Yep, the actual release will likely be tonight. Have to fix some broken nodes in USI Core first.
  17. If you are getting nullref spam in the VAB with the pre-release this is sorted, just have to bundle things up
  18. There are mission durations where all of the parts make sense. Sometimes all you need are supplies. Sometimes a Kolonization module and ColonySupplies make sense. Sometimes you want a greenhouse, or you want a ton of hab. All of the bits have their break even points.
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