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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Need Play-testers The last few releases, and rounds of bug-testing necessary with the recent uptake of the mod, have made it pretty clear to me that the current approach to releases may benefit from a change. I could use two or three volunteers with some spare time, who are experienced users, not just fans of the mod and who can give reliable feedback on problems found, to help play-test new versions before release. If you'd like to help and feel you're qualified to, drop me a PM. You'll obviously get early-access to mod updates and some credit for helping prevent my usual screw-ups. Cheers for your consideration.
  2. Not exactly. It's some simple features that make certain buildings useful or functional in some manner. Hangars you can temporarily store craft in and roll them out when you need them. Barracks you hire and house staff for assignment to other facilities. Business centers generate funds over time. Research centers generate science over time.
  3. No worries chap. I kinda sorta have a known issues list but it's mostly in the old noggin'. Don't worry about it
  4. v0.9.4_EX now available from KerbalStuff. This is a big update so I'm tagging it as experimental. That means there may be bugs. Some of the features, whilst useable, may seem incomplete. That's probably because some of them are. If you don't like to test new features or be exposed to possible bugs, then stick to the previous version. However, I only have one play-tester for this mod before a release - me. That means I rely on YOU to test the mod and tell me whether something is broken. Changelog: REMOVED: medsouz directory. KK now installs to GameData/KerbalKonstructs. Make sure you delete the medsouz directory and its contents before installng this version. Added: KK Settings window. Open this via the Base Boss KSC Manager in the Space Center scene. The KK Settings window exposes most of the settings in the KK configuration file for changing in-game. There are several new settings options available allowing tweaks to KK's functionality to more suit your style of gameplay. New settings include (but not limited to): always hiding closed bases in the tracking center/map view *, having to go to bases in order to open them *, disabling launching from custom launchsites. Added: Operational hangars feature. Added: Operational research centers feature. Added: Operational business centers feature. Added: Operational barracks feature. Expect updates to your favourite statics packs to make use of these features. Fixed: Colliders being re-enabled briefly when an instance is deleted. Added: Static Model Config Editor. This allows some of the fields of a static model's config file to be edited in-game. To access the SMCE, click on the mesh name of a model under the Spawn New tab of the Statics editor. The SMCE is one of those features that definitely isn't finished. It works, but I plan to add a lot more fields for configuring default facility properties, for example. A preview of a model will be spawned when opening the SMCE. It spins! You can disable previews in the Settings window if you get dizzy. Added: Minimised view to the Statics Editor. You can toggle between a normal sized and compact sized Statics Editor. Added: Column sorting and filtering in the Spawn New tab of the Statics Editor. Added: Option to disable camera focus/position editing in the All Instances tab of the Statics Editor. This way you can examine instances without the camera whizzing off to a PQS quadrant that isn't being rendered. Made a few changes to the display layout of the Statics Editor (again). I'm always trying to optimise the layout of this particular GUI and feedback on usability is always welcome. Round Range now utilises the custom instance importer. If you don't want the base, just delete what's in KerbalKonstructs/Statics/ExampleBases. * Dedicated to Justin Kerbice. You got your feature request.
  5. Call back to an outstanding feature that has been requested a few times. I'd been mucking around trying to create preview thumbs for static models a number of ways and then remembered that I have a mod that spawns static objects... As part of the editor tools overhaul, static models are getting some editing features. Whilst it's not exactly what's been asked for, when you click for information for a particular model, it'll just spawn an example without any active colliders. Merrily click for information on another model and the old preview instance is replaced by a new one. Hell, I might even make them spin.
  6. KerbinSide is licenced to allow the release of custom instances and KerbinSide's bases use the import features of Kerbal Konstructs now. That means you could release an alternate KSCUpgrades pack you do yourself for just this purpose. Your users would just go in to KerbinSide, delete the KSCUpgrades pack and install yours.
  7. magico13 has only recently been trying to integrate KCT with Kerbal Konstructs. He'd probably appreciate the bug report. Just with a bit more to go on. Assuming you mean KerbalGalaxy 2 this is one of a kazillion planet packs/solar system mods, none of which KerbinSide, and probably Kerbal Konstructs, works with. Since Kerbal Konstructs places static objects at set positions on stock terrain, it's not surprising. I'm afraid there'll be no attempt to be compatible with such mods.
  8. Essentially the latin equivalent of "Your text here" or "Someone else in the marketing team adds blurb in this space and yells at the art team when they haven't enough space and they tell them to use a smaller font then and then a producer steps in and slaps everyone top-side of their heads". That's not an actual translation.
  9. Regarding some of the issues being reported with imported custom instances. Whilst Kerbal Konstruct's import process will extend the loading time of KSP slightly (a pause before the Main Menu appears) this should not be excessive. Unless you have been making your own custom instances with the editor and have a lot of static packs installed. In this case, Kerbal Konstructs will save every single instance, regardless of whether it is custom or not to the relevant core configuration files of your statics packs. This is intentional. If you have not then removed any exported packs of your own, or imported packs, the importer will attempt to import a bunch of duplicate instances when loading KSP. This will extend the load time. TLDR: If you use the KK editor, once you finished your edits and hit Save, you will now have duplicates of everything, until you remove any pack you have exported yourself, or a custom instance import pack you installed. This is how it's supposed to work for anyone who uses the editor.
  10. Landing guidance is something I plan to add to the NGS in combination with an expansion of the ATC feature. It's a ways down the list of planned features but it is on the list.
  11. That does look a little odd, yep Can you reproduce the issue for me, with DebugMode = True in the KK config and the let me have the KSP.log please? That might give me something to go on. DebugMode will lag your game but you can set it back to False after you've finished. EDIT - Studied your image a little more. That looks a lot like the PQS quad (the section of the planet's terrain) not being rendered properly. This happens when the camera is asked to focus on an object that is outside the currently loaded PQS quad. There's nothing I've been able to do about that. Always have a craft or kerbal near the objects you're working with and take control of that before using the KK editor. The All Instances tab of the Statics Editor is mostly for reference due to this limitation.
  12. Work in progress for the next update. More operational facilities. Editor Tools overhaul for improved usability and in-game editing of the various new features. Eyecandy! Operational hangars! Store craft for later use. Operational barracks! Hire and house staff for assignment to other facilities. Operational business and research centers! Generate funds and science, assuming you can get the customers and provide the materials. Editor Tools overhaul. In this example you can see a new minimised mode for the KK Statics Editor. No more shoving it off the edge of the screen to actually see what the hell you're doing. And a heck of a lot more. This is a big one so it'll be out "when it's done".
  13. I used to do one using scansat but discontinued it once the map view icons were working. Feel free to do one and I'll hook it up in the OP. No, I'm quite happy with what's linked.
  14. Trying to calculate the dimensions of a Vessel. ShipTemplate scShip = ???; Vector3 vSize = ShipConstruction.CalculateCraftSize(scShip);Easy enough if it was a ShipConstruction in the editor. It's a Vessel in the Flight Scene. I've hunted through what's available on Vessel and nothing seems to point to that Vessel's ShipTemplate. Any thoughts on how I get a Vessel's ShipTemplate, so I can just use CalculateCraftSize, which is right bloody there to do what I want, calculate the size of a freakin craft.... ahem, excuse me. EDIT - nm Occurs to me it couldn't handle docked craft anyway. I guess there's just the long way
  15. I'm open to suggestions if you think some parts are OP with their current tech requirements. Post a list to discuss.
  16. Yep. You need to reproduce that first, otherwise KSP had a brain-fart, carry on. - - - Updated - - - Nope.
  17. I think my favourite discovery was when I used Load and LoadObjects after each other. My twin engined aircraft with two braking parachutes became a monstrous four-engined, four parachute hybrid. Basically two craft treated as one. It cloned the pilot when he got in. It actually flew but I think I heard the craft's soul screaming "kiiiiilllll meeeee pllleeeassee" all the way. The Z tearing was intense.
  18. Consider, if you would, the lovely bit of code I finally got to do what I wanted: public static void UnhangarCraft(Vessel vVesselStored) { // Convert the stored protovessel to a new protovessel. // Use BackupVessel because that seems to work and protovessel does not. `\o/` ProtoVessel pVessel = vVesselStored.BackupVessel(); // Get rid of the original hidden vessel - even though it was unloaded KSP still 'sees' the original craft. // I do not care why. :| vVesselStored.state = Vessel.State.DEAD; foreach (Part p in vVesselStored.Parts) { if (p != null && p.gameObject != null) p.gameObject.DestroyGameObject(); } // Load the new protovessel we made. KSP won't reload (or rather render) a vessel that was unloaded - it will only load a protovessel. :$ pVessel.Load(FlightDriver.FlightStateCache.flightState); // I suspect this is actually a KSP bug since the same crap happens with newly spawned static objects. If you query the active state // of the invisible craft, it claims it is active. And no, forcing the renderers doesn't work either. // Convert protovessel to vessel Vessel vNewVessel = pVessel.vesselRef; // Unload then reload the vessel - this seems to be the way to properly re-initialise flightstate etc. // Don't do this and you get a craft with a stuck surface velocity reading. It looks like KSP transposes orbital // and surface velocity or some other stupid s**t. I don't care. // And yes, this time KSP does load an unloaded vessel with no need for protovessel b******t. I don't care why. vNewVessel.Unload(); vNewVessel.Load(); } Here's the spec: A craft rolls up to a hangar. The crew get out. You use a simple GUI to 'hangar' the craft. The craft's id is saved to a text database/persistence file/whatever and is then set inactive and unloaded. Doesn't matter that the vessel still 'exists'. There's a check every frame once you come back to a flight scene that makes any hangared craft inactive/invisible. This allows you to take control of a hangared craft from the tracking station or space center scene, which is intentional (and also handled). When you unhangar a craft, the id is matched to the vessel in FlightGlobals, the hangar cleared and then the above code does its thing. I wanted to pick the brains of fellow KSP modders on what exactly I am missing here, seeing if there is a less clunky solution. Because what I thought were obvious solutions just didn't work. Any thoughts, advice, chastisement or hurling of rotten vegetables welcome.
  19. Interesting observation. I'd postulate that the warp not only suspends nearly all physics calculations but effectively 'resets' a bunch of physics related variables being tracked. How long does this 'performance boost' actually last? To be honest, I would expect it to dissipate after a short time as physics tracking is required to do as much work as it did before being reset.
  20. KerbinSide/CoreAssets/.*Icon.* Change the path to that in a text editor.
  21. Or alternatively ATM should be fixed to stop breaking the icons in every mod by default. Until that happens, you can change the path in that config in a text editor.
  22. If by 'launch from' thing you mean the Launchsite Selector, in the VAB and SPH after bringing the window up by hitting the KK button in the appbar, you hit the button again and it's turned off. Also clicking the red X at the top right hand corner of the Launchsite Selector turns it off.
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