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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Oh my that's tasty. Love the texturing on that. You're changing my mind about military stuff in KSP chap.
  2. Still using and loving your stuff sir. Couple of suggestions/requests. Any chance of giving the 2.5m tail's colliders another look? Get cheaty with some box colliders perhaps? Currently the (mesh?) collider is all kinds of 'knobbly'. Also, any chance of reducing the 2.5m 9 kerbal cabin's mass a lot? I know there's game balance to consider with regards to its crew capacity but I had to massively over-engine that plane up there to get it off the runway I'll do it through MM for now and drop it to around 3t.
  3. v0.6.3 now available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: Mostly editor improvements this time. The Instance Editor has some very useful new features. You can copy the position of an instance to a clipboard. Then when you spawn or select another instance you can paste the position. The instance will be immediately moved to that position. Snap to Surface is now correctly called Snap to Terrain because that's what it actually does. No more manually editing visibility range in the config file. You can do it in the editor. You can enable and disable the colliders of an instance on the fly. Be very careful with this. It can be useful in certain circumstances. Probably not when moving a launchsite with a craft on it. You can now duplicate the selected instance. This immediately spawns a new instance of the same model with the same position and switches selection to that new instance. Make Launchsite is smarter now. It's disabled when an instance can't be a launchsite. The Launchsite Editor has been streamlined. Redundant settings that have to be edited in the config file (like the spawn transform and preview screenie) aren't displayed anymore. 8. You can now set the site category in the editor. 9. The annoyingly difficult to maintain (for me) drop-down for selecting site type has been replaced with just as good buttons. 10. To support the new career mode feature, you can now set the open cost and close value of a launchsite in the editor.
  4. I'm rather spoilt with KSP sitting on a SSD (I know, I shouldn't but I did). It might be the old HDD's loading speed causing the bottleneck but I doubt it.
  5. Heya Hodo. I suspect it'll be the number of drawcalls causing the FPS hit in that case. I'll think about doing a lite version of KerbinSide that reduces the density of statics in heavy areas like the KSC. I'd hazard a guess you've a low-end GPU as well and I don't deny that KerbinSide will hammer a GPU with the number of extra drawcalls at locations like the KSC. Unfortunately reducing texture sizes will do nothing to reduce drawcall rates - they're based on number of meshes in a model and number of textures.
  6. Sounds like either Active Texture Manager or TextureReplacer screwing them up. EDIT - Related to this: I don't use ATM anymore since I wanted my KSP development environment stripped down to essential mods only and ATM was an unstable mess last time I tried it - it actually increased the memory being used by KSP. I'm not exactly sure how to set up ATM, although I'm aware a lot of mods have been having toolbar icons mauled by ATM. I'd drop by that thread to find out what's the what. However... KerbinSide's textures are tiny things and already compromise quality heavily for the sake of memory saving. The total number of textures is also relatively small for the number of models in KerbinSide - I re-use the same set and very rarely add anymore. If you really want ATM to squash them further, one, I doubt you'll really save much memory and two, you'd be better off with 1x1 single pixel colours for textures after the quality loss from ATM. Harsh but true.
  7. v0.6.1 now available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: Persistence now correctly handled for career mode when switching between saves. Launch site selector doesn't keep forgetting the selected launch site in career mode now. Lots of improvements to error-handling to make KK more robust. Now I can miss a model when I do a release of KerbinSide and KK won't just give up loading statics. Re-wrote the app button handling to be more reliable. Fixed a few other bugs no-one noticed and probably created a few that everyone will notice.
  8. Something to keep in mind with recovering from other bases is to always do it in the flight-scene (once you've got the up-to-date KK). Not in the tracking station, as I haven't figured out how to temporarily switch the space centre when you do it there. KerbinSide will get a few more bases elsewhere on the globe soon
  9. I've had some time to think about this and blow off some steam that would have resulted in this possibly coming off more hostile. Anyway... To be honest Justin I'm rather fed up with your attempts at back-seat modding. If you want to contribute to the project, pull your finger out and contribute to the project, instead of trying to manipulate me into doing something you want. I don't have to do anything I don't want to.
  10. Try KK in 32 bit. If you can't reproduce the issue, then the problem is 64 bit KSP and there's nowt I can do. medsouz is the thread author. I can't change the title. Are you following KK at KerbalStuff? You'd get an e-mail when the mod is updated.
  11. This log terminates almost immediately after completion of loading and reaching the main menu. That is indicative of exceeding KSP 32 bit's memory limit of approximately 3.5 Gb and doesn't give me any useful information about the three issues that you listed. I would agree that KK is not the problem, based on this log.
  12. Reproduce a problem, grab the ksp.log and let me see it. If I can't reproduce a problem here then I need more information.
  13. If you believe it's that straight-forward Justin, then code it and put in a pull request. However, there's more to it than that, involving the caching and visibility parts of KK which are notoriously tangled code reliant on a notoriously unreliable part of the KSP API for statics. Regardless, yes I could do it. I'm not going to because "I don't like it IMHO." EDIT - Your concerns regarding Unity's GUI are valid although 'common GUI systems' don't really apply to video games the same way to software applications, except perhaps in turn-based games. I believe some of your concerns are being addressed in an upcoming version of Unity but I don't expect Squad to want to migrate to that or implement the new GUI features in a hurry. Otherwise, the current GUI implementation of 'looping rendering' is actually still very common in a lot of game engines. Whilst prone to memory leakage if your code is sloppy, it doesn't actually have as a large a hit on CPU or GPU performance as you might think.
  14. I've no plan to implement such a feature no but you're welcome to code it and put in a pull request. It's something of a pain to collate the co-ords of all the bases and not something I'm in any rush to do when at least you now get a display in the tracking station/map view (thanks to medsouz). There's a lot of other mod support I want to implement with KK (RemoteTech and SCANsat are top of the list) but poking through other mod's code to figure out how comes after working on primary features for KK. Besides I think having exact navigational data to work with is a bit easy-mode. Mechjeb and NavUtilities ILS already support KerbinSide bases, although the latter needs some work from the player and I'm not sure sarbian has been able to keep up with my updates to KerbinSide
  15. It's a new feature in Kerbal Konstructs v0.6. It is indeed air traffic control but it's very basic at the moment, just some messages when you enter or leave the airspace of an open base. I'm hoping to extend it in future. Adding some audio, for example.
  16. v0.6 now available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: The Launch Site Selector is now draggable in the VAB and SPH. Added Base Boss app to tracking station and map view. Use this to toggle icons of open and closed bases in career mode, and to toggle icons of rocketpads, helipads, runways and other launchsites in all game modes. Please note that currently the celestial body must be targeted in the tracking station or map view in order for icons to be displayed. Just double-click on the planetoid. The Base Boss app in flight-scenes has some new features. In career mode, if you are landed within 2000m of a closed base, using the Base Boss you can now open that base for half the funds it would cost in the launch site selector of the VAB and SPH. When landed within 2000m of a base, the facilities at that base will be listed in the Base Boss. Currently this is just for information and this feature will be expanded on in a future version of KK. A simple ATC feature can be enabled and disabled in the Base Boss. When enabled, you will recieve messages from open bases when you enter their airspace or leave their airspace. These are accessed by the KSP message widget on the right end of the KSP toolbar. This feature will be expanded on in a future version of KK (hopefully with the addition of audio!)
  17. Because you know what I'm like Eskandare Mount Snowey helipad with terrain detail set to high:
  18. This has actually moved on from being a 'mod pack'. I'm busy replacing the various placeholders with parts that I make myself and once a good set of those is complete I'll be releasing a Module Manager config for Squad's parts only.
  19. There's a couple of new tags in instances: OpenCost and CloseValue. There's no real formula I'm using to determine them at the moment because there aren't enough attributes or abilities to measure individual worth beyond location and launch type. I just pulled the current numbers out of the air.
  20. I'm quite aware and if I were concerned I wouldn't have put it on KerbalStuff. I'm not concerned. Thanks for the advice though.
  21. v0.5.1b is available from KerbalStuff. This is an experimental release. Whilst stable, new features may be buggy! If you do not want to help test this version, do not install it! If you do want to test this version, if you have any problems please report them in this thread. Changelog: In career games, recovery will now be to the nearest open base. You will still return to KSC and the widget may report recovery by KSC but the recovery rate will be based on the range to the nearest open base, not KSC. A Base Boss app is now available in the flight scene of career games. Right now it'll just show you the distance to the nearest base and nearest open base.
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