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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. Congrats porkjet!! Great to see modders get the respect they deserve.
  2. sp1989

    Which one?

    You guys don't think it will be Deadly Reentry. They have been talking about adding reentry effects for three or four updates now. What about Kerbal Engineer or Kerbal Alarm Clock?
  3. I noticed this too. It was at a time though when I couldn't get the rockets off the ground. So I didn't get to point it out however yes this is definitely a problem too.
  4. That's very true. However sometimes you just feel like a mun run and back. Ummm what about one j2x instead of twin on the upper stage, or a shorter fuel tank? Idk like I said sometimes you just want to go to the mun or mommys and back. Also when the career integration comes just to start your just gonna want that Altair.
  5. Ok so just a few things I picked up on. The decent stage of the Altair doesn't have enough fuel. Its got 720 units of fuel and something like 1200 units or more oxidizer so those numbers should be proportionate to each other? Right now while landing the oxidizer tank is half full when the fuel tank is empty. There is just not enough fuel at all to land for it. Also could you make a craft file for just the Altair? Instead of or with the Munar 2x? So block 1 orion, block 2 munar 2x, block 3 munar (just altair), block 4 (just habitat). Those are just my thoughts. However the decent stage definitely needs more fuel.
  6. Wow that is quite beautiful!! I have already started to think the about what I could use this for.
  7. Is there a fix for them, are you waiting for porkworks to update to 24.2, or is it unfixable? Why was it working for you? Edit: Are the Test modules supposed to be called that?
  8. I don't get the initialization error. I have only gotten that when I have used outdated versions of JSI. So maybe you are still using an older version. Other than that idk why you would still be getting it. Right now the only I problem I have is with certain craft files having no staging.
  9. Check the Monkey Pod Airlock and see if there is any issue there. I decided to check each part on those craft files by just adding them on top of each other. It wasnt to long before I hit the airlock it caused the error.
  10. Agreed and the craft file you gave doesn't work either.
  11. Does all of your craft files work with JSI installed? Because like Onsaid before I can get them all to work without JSI it's when JSI is installed the problems work. I'm gonna check the SLS ones for you now but it's def a problem with the ELMVs.
  12. Check back a few posts. I said it was the station parts except for the the truss. MeCripp posted a piece of his log where it says the craft doesn't have an IVA. The truss station craft file works. I am only having a problem with the station parts, except for the the truss one. Which tells me there might be something to the missing IVA thing. Edit: I can confirm everything works without JSI but the IVAs obviously don't work.
  13. I actually love the way these parts look, I will probably download and use the hell out of them. But shouldn't there be something.....Near Future about them. Shouldn't there be something about them slightly better then what we have now? Like I said the parts look great, Im just saying it doesn't seem lke they go along with the theme of all your great packs. Unless you are planning on something and haven't shown us yet. If thats the case then I will shut up.
  14. The station crafts. Everything else works. - - - Updated - - - Of course I had JSI installed and yes the most recent one.
  15. I have done all I know how to do and still the problem is there. I did a clean install, I deleted all mods, i downloaded and re downloaded everything, I deeply confused. In the end it will something so stupid and simple but right now I just can't figure it out.
  16. Sorry I did that already. I will keep playing around its probably something stupid I am doing so I will keep tinkering. But I know I did follow the instructions correctly.
  17. I have the latest version of RPM and I still get nothing on the launchpad. I don't get the JSI error but I can't launch some of the ships. I know I had the most recent version but I downloaded the most recent one again and alas the problem still persists.
  18. This is another new problem for me. No staging? The stage list is in the VAB but then on the launch pad there is nothing. I can launch by activating all the the engines but its useless because I cant stage. This problem only exists within the station parts craft files so far that I have tested. Everything else I have tested works in terms of staging.
  19. You fixed the emissive problems with the rovers?
  20. Oh Im sure he will. Im just reporting the problems as I see them. Just glad I figured where the problem was coming from for that one, now Yanfret can narrow it down. Is the Altair ascent pod supposed to have an IVA?
  21. I did. It has to do with the internal lights. When I turn the the internal lights on the capsule turns all white. Specifically the internal flood lights. So this is with the lights off in the capsule. This is with the lights on
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