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Everything posted by Othuyeg

  1. I use NEAR and once spent hours hopping around on Duna, trying to land a massive glider. Really hard, but ultimately fun and rewarding.
  2. Buy a copy to a friend as a gift. You know the gift is good and you will be supporting the game.
  3. I like to think it is based on the ideals of exploration. The leaders are the ones who have gone where no kerbal has gone before.
  4. I am going to allow two more mods so use them if you wish: Procedural Wing & Fairings.
  5. Due to the speeds associated with the last meters of this journey, we can consider the bump as the boundary of the ocean.
  6. My experience has shown that before the cliff there is a bump that will demolish the craft if going at high speeds. In a few cases my command pod has survived but it ends up in the ocean seconds later.
  7. the green bit will still not be near the tens of kilometers that you need to travel to reach the ocean when launching from the south pole station I am going to keep the challenge based on south pole and will be monitoring entries and developing my own.
  8. Well, I am just going to have to compete against myself. Alone. On valentine's day. I got under 3 minutes, but I still have things to improve. Btw. I am playing with NEAR aerodynamics so it is actually quite fun.
  9. The thing is KSC only has the length of the runway... It just doesn't test stability.
  10. I love the aspect of planning. For me it is all about constructing stuff. Weird stuff.
  11. I don't know if it counts as a plane... but it is tiny and it does do SSTO. It is also a very cheaty KSPI craft... And I am a lazy bugger who just points it up and allows mechjeb to do a simple circulation burn for the video. http://www.twitch.tv/othuyeg/c/5193787
  12. Seeing as nobody has shown any interest in this concept, I am compelled to ask if there is a problem with the challenge and if so what could be done to alter it. Is it the mod requirement for the polar runway? I think there are multiple things here that work to make this an interesting challenge. Steering, route, aerodynamics (Stability issues with FAR vs. stronger resistance in stock)
  13. I call him Tiny Timothy Quite obviously I did not invest much time in it and it is very much a mod craft, mostly with tweak scale'd parts. Can not be bothered to count points.
  14. Okay, my submission. Total mission time 3 minutes 23 seconds.
  15. Hello, This is a challenge where you are tasked with building a fast ground vehicle. These vehicles are to be launched from the south pole station (the one with igloos) runway which is added in by the Kerbinside mod so this is a required mod for this challenge. This is the one you want: In addition to Kerbinside, you are allowed to use the following mods: B9, FAR/NEAR, Procedural Wing & Fairings, Tweakscale, KAS, Mechjeb (Yes, if you want, even the autopilot). No hyper edit! No alt+f12. You must build a vehicle which does not leave the ground at any point and get it from the runway to the ocean as fast as possible. I will be submitting my results shortly. Submit an image of your craft and an image of the final report after you have hit the water. (Crashing into the water at hypersonic speeds is recommended by the cool kids. The vehicle does not have to remain intact.) Leaderboard: Othuyeg - 3 min 23 seconds
  16. Well... I had to get out and push with my RCS pack. Quite a few times.
  17. It is designed not to lift off at all. That is why FAR/NEAR is required. It has downforce, which keeps it on the ground and stable up to 120m/s or so.
  18. So... How does a badass kerbalnaut go about horizontal travel in everyday life? On a jetbike, naturally. I do not really know where to upload the ship file and don't really know if anyone is even interested. The bike requires a load of mods including NEAR/FAR, TweakScale, B9 and KAS. Might be some others aswell as I have a long list of mods active. And here are two videos of the thing in action. First one is some cruising around the KSC and the second one is a super low quality recording of the top speed. http://www.twitch.tv/othuyeg/c/6001269 http://www.twitch.tv/othuyeg/c/6001289 I highly appreciate comments...
  19. I think this belongs here. - - - Updated - - - The same plane got reconfigured and was used to launch an expedition. This time it stayed under 10 000 meters all the way to the south pole.
  20. Repurposed the interplanetary jumbojet, turned it into an actual cargo plane And went to the south pole.
  21. I sent an expedition to the south pole. I really like the way my jet handled.
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