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Everything posted by ayana

  1. Well, something about the config files is broken too. Fully transmitting data isn't getting applied by ModuleManager. Puzzling it out right now.
  2. What do you mean, of course this is a wonderfully efficient and easy to land idea.
  3. VOID, a really, really useful mod. Edit: have another improbable bad idea.
  4. No landing legs for the new parts? No problem.
  5. 218 tons and a little extra. The quad may weigh 13 tons but a quad of quads sure makes a good booster. And my TWR was still a little above 1.5 on the pad.
  6. Only this mod doesn't touch the stats of the SRBs in any way. Edit: Now do it with a payload that big and full, it's more fun.
  7. Less of an issue, not a non-issue. But it's just an idea. I should probably go look what kind of a impact it'd have.
  8. Could it possibly be any harder to hit land on Laythe? It doesn't even have to be where I planned, so long as my rover doesn't end up in water. But I made it, I put a rover on Laythe while running FAR.
  9. I've gotten used to using RCS Build Aid myself, so I'm not really concerned about wasting a lot of RCS trying to manevuer somewhere. My thought was just to give a craft that relies on RCS a good deal more time until it needs to be refueled. Weaker reactions wheels wouldn't be quite as annoying then.
  10. About the suggestion to reduce the power of the reaction wheels, if players are supposed to depend on RCS more it'd be good to raise the ISP of it. You'd still have to worry about fuel but not need to bring quite as much of it.
  11. About 200 tons as an experiment. But that's with FAR and without fuel lines. Haven't been motivated to make an actual mission with all that capacity yet.
  12. There's no need to do anything. As things stand now, even if you did try to balance their stats it wouldn't matter. By the time you get them in Career mode there's almost nothing left to use them for. Even if there was, players could just solve the problem with, what else, more engines. I've used them with edited stats and it wasn't more or less of a challenge, either way I can't come up with a payload big enough to stress them.
  13. Disabling engine fairings completely toasts FAR's drag model for every part below the affected engine. I haven't got a clue what might be the reason.
  14. Oh that was terrifying, a mod that let me toggle engine fairings broke FAR and let me experience the stock drag model. How did I ever, ever manage to fly rockets in that soup.
  15. That new engine sound is the best thing.
  16. Now we only need sun rays and cloud shadows. But that might hurt computers and take forever to make work, wouldn't it?
  17. After trying them out with somewhat decreased thrust and raised mass, it's really not that much of a difference. The lack of proper structural parts to support the 3 meter fuel tanks is noticeable, though.
  18. I love the boost on the radial engines. This might make a Tylo lander possible that doesn't look utterly insane.
  19. For some reason, the Poodle stats aren't being changed. Or, only the mass is. There isn't any other ModuleManager file overriding it either, I checked. Edit: Oh I found what it is. HotRockets actually renamed the engine module. Bet you didn't expect that one?
  20. I've just had bad experiences with changing the mass of a part while it's in use.
  21. This probably won't work for existing flights without breaking something, will it?
  22. During a Duna mission tonight, I was trying to set up the encounter and it looked pretty good to me. But as I got the periapsis down a few days out, the indicator started getting entirely inaccurate. The numbers I was getting from the RPM screens showed an approach within a hundred kilometers, and the map that I'd entirely miss. It turned out the RPM numbers were correct once I got an unnanounced encounter with the perfect periapsis I wanted. So what's up with the map not getting it right? The numbers are obviously there or it wouldn't have worked so well. Thoughts, anyone?
  23. Landing / waiting to hit the ground on Gilly. Learned why it's smarter to treat it like docking instead.
  24. Science, science and more science. I finally found a way to put the Mobile Processing Lab to good use.
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