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Everything posted by Snoman314

  1. There's been no response from the mod author, so posting here as well. It looks like this mod is broken and abandoned at this stage. Dunbaratu from the KOS mod narrowed down the exact cause of the problems this mod is causing to all other mods installed with it, and posted here: https://github.com/DBooots/KerbalWindTunnel/issues/5 Just thought everyone else should know before trying this mod, seeing as the author seems to have abandoned it. (Which is a shame, I really like the concept for the mod).
  2. OK, that makes a lot of sense about preventing using the drinking water as propellant. It took me a minute, but I've now spotted how to convert between the two. I was going to go back and be more specific about which parts, but looking at it now, it's literally every single fuel tank that isn't from this mod. Edit: OK, acting on a hunch (I was wondering why you would ask me "Exactly what parts are missing KSPIE fuels?"), I removed the Cryo Tanks mod, and voila! KSPI style fuel options for all fuel tanks!
  3. Dang, just saw your message, and I don't have time to go back and get the exact part names. I have a spaceplane built with Mk2 parts, plus B9PW wings with internal tanks. But in other news, I was playing with the atmospheric resource harvester thing. It seems to be only capable of collecting drinking water, not liquid water? Is this on purpose? why is there a difference between LqdWater and regular Water?
  4. I think I have some kind of modulemanager error going on. None of my crewable command pods have any life support resources added. I checked and I have the MM_AddResources.cfg in my install, but it doesn't seem to be working. Log file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cg2-duBRBE1LFYmxImC0dgQr3tSMoNKK Does anyone know what might be causing this?
  5. OK, this leads me to my next problem: None of the fuel tanks I have to build my spaceplane out of can carry KSPI fuels, like Liquid Nitrogen, or water, or whatever. What do you guys do in this situation? Cryostats inside a cargo bay? Edit the files to add KSPI tank functionality to other tanks? I'll take any suggestions!
  6. OK, I just tried both the Thermal Turbojet and Thermal Ramjet, on a craft that had Xenon, Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Helium and Liquid Water on board. I could still only switch these thermal nozzles between Atmospheric and IntakeAir/Hydrogen modes. Edit: Never mind I just realised that I didn't have cross-feed enabled on the tanks I added. Yeah it's working fine for the other propellants. Thanks for your help.
  7. Huh OK. I tried with liquid fuel, LFO, hydrogen, Lox, methane and methalox I think it was. Had no clue the chemistry of the propellant would have any bearing on things whatsoever. I'll try a non reducing propellant when I get home. I was specifically in Sandbox mode, trying to figure out how this mod works through trial and error.
  8. ^From the KSPI wiki. Is this still true, in regards to the turbojet being upgraded to be able to function as a thermal rocket? If so, I can't seem to make it work. I can only seem to select atmo+hydrogen mode. Unless there's something I'm missing?
  9. Yeah the electric charge, megajoule and other bars in the resource panel would glitch out, running out of space for more zeroes, and then eventually looked like they overflowed in to a NaN, or something like that. Turns out I don't need that mod with KSPI installed anyways, so all is good now.
  10. In the end I tracked it down to a conflict with Dynamic Battery Storage. I deleted that and the problem went away. It happened every time I went to time warp with a KSPI power producing part active.
  11. I'm having a problem where the electric charge and megajoules are going to NaNs during time acceleration. NaNs love to spread into other variables and break everything of course, so it's a bit of a show stopper. Has anyone else seen this problem?
  12. I can still fly usually, due to body lift from the fuselage mostly. Best symptom is turning on the aerodynamic vectors like in @Me1_base's screen shot further up, and noting the lack of lift from the wings. I missed that! I'll try that when I get home again.
  13. I've done another clean setup. Vanilla game, manual install of MM, MFI, FAR & B9PW. No change, the bug is still present. If anything it's gotten worse. I'm now sometimes (not always) seeing the voxels disappear partway through making the craft flyable (I started checking the voxels periodically, after every few actions in the editor). Although this might have happened at some point before, without me noticing. I only started checking the voxels before launch after I noticed there was a problem. May I ask: Are you testing against craft you're building new, or just loading old craft that worked previously? It seems possible that the thing is borking out when the wings are being edited. As you can see from @Me1_base's post above, it's not just me with the problem. I've tried a few other things: Placing the PWing on different sides of the craft, with mirroring, in case there's an orientation component getting flipped when placed on the other side - No change, bug still present. Running with and without the usual command line parameters I use - No change, bug still present. Running the game from the vanilla launcher (something I've never done before) - No change, bug still present.
  14. When I installed 0.90, I manually deleted the 0.80 folder, and manually added the 0.90 folder, and got the same behaviour. Later today I'll start fresh with a new vanilla install, and manually download and install B9PW and FAR, plus dependencies, and try again.
  15. Well, it's literally any B9PW that I create, but OK. I gotta head out to work in 5 minutes, but I'll upload one later today.
  16. Just updated to 0.90, and the same bug is still present. procedural wings generate no lift. screenshot
  17. I'll have to go and check one of the stock craft when I'm home again, but the stock wings work fine. Edit: OK, confirmed. The stock craft work fine, as do craft I build with stock parts. Just spotted this though: [EXC 16:59:01.467] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.MeshFilter].get_Item (Int32 index) WingProcedural.WingProcedural.UpdateMaterials () WingProcedural.WingProcedural.RefreshGeometry () WingProcedural.WingProcedural.UpdateCounterparts () WingProcedural.WingProcedural.Update () Latest log file
  18. OK, I've duplicated the exact same bug with a clean install, with just FAR and procedural wings. GDrive log file link Imgur screenshot link Inside the wing screenshot. Ckan install screenshot Same as before: Voxels look fine in the SPH pre-launch. Flight goes terribly wrong, due to no lift, then after reverting to the SPH, the wings have no voxels anymore. At no point have I used old craft, they've always been fresh builds. Steps taken: I started the new install. Created a sandbox career. Opened the SPH. Built the simple jet plane with procedural wings. Checked the voxels - looks good. Launch. Try to take off - no lift, bounce off the end of the runway and crash. Revert to SPH. Check Voxels - voxels on the wings are gone. Take screenshot. Grab log file. KSP version is 1.6.1.
  19. I'm having issues with Ferram Aerospace. It's not registering the procedural wing parts. When I do the voxel display, it's got everything, including the procedural control surfaces, outlined with voxel markers, but not the main wing itself. I've done some googling, but can't find any recent mentions of this problem, despite faintly remembering the same problem a long time ago. I'm on KSP 1.6.1, with procedural wings fork 0.80. Initially in the editor, after first placing and shaping the wings, everything seems fine, but when I test fly it, it fails to take off or get lift. Reverting to the editor, and the wings have lost the voxel markers when I try it again. Has anyone dealt with anything like this before?
  20. The performance across the past few releases is immense. Well done. As I mentioned on the GitHub, rolling back to 1.4.6 was very painful. I had a orbit tourism mission, which I dealt with by boosting into orbit, then doing a retro burn half way round to land back at KSC. 2 hours in and I hadn't reached the retro burn yet, it was taking so long due to the stuttering. I'll try in a moment, but besides the crew bug in, it was otherwise working perfectly. Still the odd stutter, but I can with high confidence attribute that to other mods.
  21. I found a fix of sorts, for now. I rolled back to KCT version 1.4.6, and the problem has gone away. Edit: Except now my rockets are warping 90 degrees on launch and exploding RIP Jebediah.
  22. I was in the same boat for a while with my trash fire of a mod set. Once I saw others with exact same problem I started looking at it properly and saw there seemed to be more to it.
  23. I just spotted this in the log file: [WRN 16:19:33.282] Cannot add crewmember Janvis Kerman to smallCtrlSrf. Part Crew Capacity Exceeded. [ERR 16:19:33.282] Error when assigning Janvis Kerman to smallCtrlSrf smallCtrlSrf is a control surface. They're the ailerons on this particular vessel. Why is the game trying to put the pilot 'into' an aileron? Given that KCT overrides the vanilla crew assignment, it does seem like KCT is the problem here. In @salajander's log file I see a similar thing: [WRN 19:52:58.385] Cannot add crewmember Valentina Kerman to solidBooster.sm.v2. Part Crew Capacity Exceeded. [ERR 19:52:58.385] Error when assigning Valentina Kerman to solidBooster.sm.v2 GitHub issue raised.
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