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Everything posted by Snoman314

  1. I tried attaching a radial heatshield to the pre-cooler, and that didn't help either.
  2. Also if I fly too fast when lower in the atmosphere, on the way up. They're just getting, like, 10x more atmospheric heating.
  3. I have one intake, one pre-cooler per engine. Missing Precooler Ratio is zero. See screenshot just after hitting the atmosphere. Pre-coolers blows up a minute or so later. I have also tried with the engine attached directly to the back of the Pre-cooler.
  4. I haven't got that stuff unlocked yet, but have you tried attaching the engine directly to the reactor? The other possibility is a size mis-match maybe? I think I read that reactors and engines are supposed to be the same diameter?
  5. I've been googling this for about an hour and cant seem to find a solution, but signs point to possibly KSPI modifying the precoolers. My problem is that my precoolers are all overheating at high speed and exploding during re-entry. I have the air intakes closed. I've tried mounting radiators to the precoolers. I've tried different combinations of intake, precooler, fuel tank, engine, and have figured out the whole "Missing Precooler Ratio" thing in the process, and it doesn't seem to be related. I've tried turning the radiator on and off. Nothing seems to affect the precooler overheating. Specific parts that I've tried are 'Engine Nacelle' and 'Engine Pre-cooler'. Yes I have a load of other mods, but looking through no other obvious culprits are apparent. I'm on KSP 1.10.1, and KSPI 1.25.31.
  6. Oh I'm sad to hear that, but thanks for giving it a go anyway. It does seem to be a fairly niche mod, so if it's going to be more than a simple update/refresh then it's probably not worth, I agree.
  7. Following this thread hoping to see it working again one day. I feel like this mod throughout it's history has spent most of it's time not working, but I remember when it did and miss it. Love your work @linuxgurugamer!
  8. Hey it happens. I'm honestly thankful that you're still maintaining this. This tool has become so intrinsically linked to my experience of KSP, I don't know what I'd do without it! Woohoo! That's awesome, thanks . I've been having some success using the Rendezvous Manoeuvre Sequencer, by manually changing the target craft's mean anomaly by 120 degrees. Fine for LKO, but I'm used to being able to plan the arrival of commsats at periapsis for their capture/insertion burn, already at the correct offset and in phase with other satellites around bodies I'm constellations around. I look forward to returning to my overly planned missions soon
  9. So, my attempt at eyeballing it pretty much went as expected: If anyone knows how to get around this error, or if there's some other orbital parameter I can use to space satellites out evenly, instead of using distance to each other, it'd be very appreciated if you could let me know.
  10. I'm consistently getting an error message that's stopping me from optimising in the Mission Architect: It seems to only be happening when I try and use the 'Distance to Ref. Spacecraft' constraint. I've double checked for something dumb, like setting the reference spacecraft to the wrong one etc, but can't figure out how to get around this. Mission file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d2-ljODWscWlpxRf4HZOGO9LywzkSIhy/view?usp=sharing This is me trying to insert Commsats into exactly even arrangements. I've always done this before by optimising in part with the expected distance from existing sats in the constellation. Is there some other orbital property I could use, set 120 degrees different and use to optimise instead?
  11. OK, this problem doesn't seem to apply to all the rotors equally. I've just tried the Valkyrie engine. It has no roll control and inverted pitch control. I also just tried the Twinblade. It has roll and pitch both inverted, but this means I can rotated the Twinblade 180 degrees around it's axis and the controls are the right way around. Very strange.
  12. I'm trying to build a helicopter and for the life of me I can't figure out the cyclic controls. There seems to be no pitch control, pitch instead controls roll. meanwhile the roll controls seem reversed.. I crash before I can ever figure out what's going on. I've even loaded some helis downloaded craft files for, and they all seem to have the same problem. An hour of Googling later, and I've still got no idea what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help me by pointing out what I'm missing? Edit: I'll add - I'm doing my testing at low power - just barely lifting off the ground. It's not the situation from the FAQ where there's too much power causing uncontrollable pitching.
  13. After trying to figure it out for a couple of evenings I gave up and installed modular fuel tanks so I could play again. I was using, so I'll give an older version a try, thanks.
  14. For me it seems to be working fine in 1.8.1, except for the textures in the editor, which are a minor inconvenience really.
  15. How do I figure out how to unlock other fuel types? I'm sure this has been answered elsewhere, but I can't find an answer after searching for a while. I'm stuck with LFO, LF & O, as the three fuel types my tanks can switch between. I've unlocked LH2O engines, but can't select that fuel type for my tanks. I've opened sandbox, and the full selection is working fine there, so I guess it's a tech unlock issue. However after trolling through a couple dozen likely looking tech nodes, can't find which ones unlock new fuel types for tanks. Does anyone know where I could find this out? Maybe which config files to look for to find where the tank type unlocks are set?
  16. Without reading 9 pages of posts, does anyone know if the reactor science nodes got moved back to come off the propulsion nodes? It's weird to have all the late-game nuclear engines and reactors that are all used for propulsion to sit off the electrics branch of the tech tree.
  17. OK, I've made it a simple constant efficiency recipe, with 10x the energy cost, and now it seems to be working fine. It's a shame to lose the efficiency/heating mechanics, but I guess that's how it is. Thanks for your help.
  18. OK, thanks for the advice @taniwha. I'll try that tomorrow.
  19. I thought I'd chuck in some examples of what I tried, and that isn't working: Input { efficiency = 1 ... //LFOMix = 864.49048 -5186.94288 // 6MJ/kg of LFO, 0.86449048kg of LFO ElectricCharge = 5186.94288 -5186.94288 MetalOre = 1596.882 } Output { efficiency = 1 ... Metal = 1116.9 -9627.678 // 8620MJ/t of Metal, 1.1169kg Metal //CarbonDioxide* = 1056.228 //Water* = 288.24448 } Input { efficiency = 0 ... //LFOMix = 864.49048 -5186.94288 // 6MJ/kg of LFO, 0.86449048kg of LFO ElectricCharge = 5186.94288 -5186.94288 } Output { efficiency = 0 //Carbon* = 24.0214 //CarbonDioxide* = 176.038 //CarbonMonoxide* = 476.1717 //Formaldehyde* = 30.02598 //Hydrogen* = 14.11116 //Water* = 144.12224 }
  20. I'm having NaN errors when I try to edit the recipe for the smelter. It's pretty clear I'm messing it up somehow, as when I revert to the un-edited recipe config, the errors stop happening. I'm trying to remove the LFO requirement for smelting and scrap remelting. My idea is to simulate something along the lines of Molten Oxide Electrolysis. For now I'm ignoring the oxygen this would produce, and just trying to set it up to produce metal with an equally high energy input, coming from electric charge only. (I use KSP Interstellar, so powering smelters from a nuclear reactor is viable option). Does anyone have ideas on how to go about correctly editing the recipe file to achieve this?
  21. Consider me corrected. I understand and agree with what you're saying. I guess I figured that if I personally hadn't acknowledged something after 2 weeks, it means I never will, and then applied that here. Apologies again to @Booots. Awesome! I'm going to check it out right now!
  22. I've been digging into this for several days now, as I can see that there are modulemanager patches that are clearly intended to add life support resources to the command capsules. I think there's something wrong with these patch files however. I've managed to get things working again by replacing this condition: @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0],@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[>0]],!RESOURCE[Food]]:FOR[TacLifeSupport] With this: @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0]]:FOR[TacLifeSupport] I don't really understand what I'm doing, and I expect there will probably be some unintended consequences, but this change has got it working again for me.
  23. Awesome to hear from you @Booots. Apologies for offending you with my post. I did legitimately think that this mod was abandoned - as you say, the issue was raised 2 weeks ago, and this is the first time you've acknowledged it. Combine that with no activity on the Github or this forum thread in approximately 4 months, and I thought it was a reasonable conclusion. A small correction here: I have identified no workaround. I found that uninstalling Wind Tunnel fixed all the mod issues I was having, including the one I first raised with the kOS team. That's the only solution I've found. I agree, it's an awesome mod! I hope it to see an update at some point so I can continue using it
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