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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I tried both, but both didnt work, thats why it might have shown up in blocked string list. Well thats a rather counterintuitive way of saving. You'd think the actual "save" button did the saving, and thats what I've been trying it with. Oddly enough, by not using the "close" button, and using only the save button, it did however remember the setting in the GUI. As in, I close the plugin GUI, or go to another filter category and I come back and the blacklisted body is still there. But it doesnt seem to be applied. Anyway, ill try it with the close button and see if it does anything. You might wanna change the Close button to something like: APPLY & CLOSE.
  2. Well, I didnt figure I'd need the logs and such already as I thought I was just doing it wrong. But here goes: Settings: Link Output_log: Link I figured it out myself though from these logs, apparently the "Edit All" button doesnt actually change all the Contract types at the same time as I expected. You didnt need to be snarky btw, that was just rude.
  3. Haha I just copied the UI from the Science overview tbh, apparently it looks like that there. I tried using ContractFilter, and it didnt really do what I wanted it to do.
  4. I can't seem to get this mod to work. Tried blacklisting bodies but it doesn't seem to do anything. I've saved the setting and clicked "start sorting" but it's still showing contracts for Kerbin, which I blacklisted.
  5. I love playing KSP, but whenever I play career mode I inevitably get annoyed at the poor implementation of contracts and mission control in stock KSP and stop playing because of it. I searched the forums to see if there was a mod to replace KSP's stock Mission Control screen but I couldnt find any. I currently dont have the skills, time and experience to make this mod myself, so I figured why not list the idea of the mod on the forum in case an existing modder finds this idea interesting and wants to make it. Stock Mission Control and whats wrong with it. The current implementation of stock mission control and contracts is this: You get offered a limited selection of contracts out of the entire pool of available contracts. Often most of these contracts are not interesting at all, or are for a planet youve just been recently, or for a planet you dont intend to go to for a long time. My experience with the current system generally boils down to this: Spending 15 minutes declining contracts untill I've gathered all the relevant contracts for a place I want to go, for instance the mun. To get all the contracts for this I have to wade through oodles of irrelevant contracts to find the ones I want. This leads to me being frustrated if it takes too long and I stop playing. My idea for a better Mission Control What if the contracts are grouped by location (like: Kerbin, Mun, Minmus) and EACH location gives you a seperate selection of the contracts for that location. More locations can be unlocked by completing a certain amount of contracts for previous locations. Each location has it's own selection of contracts being offered, and canceling a contract for the Mun will always gives you a new contract for the Mun. The amount of different contracts offered for each location depends on the upgrade level of Mission Control. I Photoshopped an example which I added below. I think a mod like this would greatly increase the feeling of progression in the game and also remove a lot of the frustration around contracts. Any questions or comments are always appreciated.
  6. Is there a way to speed up map generation in the big map? I have to wait 5 minutes every time I switch between celestial bodies or resource overlays. Can I save the map data (not just the picture) for easy access later? Or stopping it from autorefreshing the image every time I change the resource overlay would be useful too.
  7. Sometimes when I copy a procedural Tank part in the VAB, it starts to lag terribly and the Error Console gets spammed with errors. [Error]: *ST* unable to find child node from parent: proceduralTankLiquid (UnityEngine.Transform) The only way it seems to get rid of this error spam is to get rid of all the procedural parts on my ship I searched for this error but couldnt find anything, anyone else has this problem or knows a fix?
  8. Oh this looks good, like the isp changes on some of the useless engines. Especially the Rockomax Mark 55 radial ones. I do however think they are a bit too powerful now, the ISP is fine now, but I think they need their thrust cut in half. 1 quarter 2.5m tank on a cupola with 2 engines gives a TWR of 3 and a dV of 1800ish, thats a bit too much imo. Nice job though =)
  9. Yeah I changed it a bit now, made it more the same color as the "Food" text on the part. Its more of an orange now.
  10. I really like this mod, but it always annoyed me that the parts from this mod generally seemed out of place when used in conjunction with stock parts. So I used some of squad's models and retextured them to make more stock-like lifesupport modules. =) Don't know if I'm allowed to share them as I dont know what the rules on that are. I used squad's stock models and only altered the stock textures slightly. If it turns out I can share them I'll happily do if ppl want them.
  11. They seem to work fine for me, it even seems to work with the new light coloring system.
  12. Turning the reinforcements back on in the config doesnt seem to work, stuff still desintegrates on the launchpad. It didnt really seem to make any difference at all.
  13. Updating to the new KJR (and thus basically removing the strengthening aspect), doesnt seem to be as good as it was before 0.23.5. Some of the stuff I built before the update seems to be desintegrating on the Launchpad or on the Runway. Is there a way to use the config file to enable the strengthening again but in a diminished capacity? I don't want it to make my craft unbreakable but would be nice if it played the same as before. I looked at the config file but I couldnt figure it out myself. Any help would be appreciated =)
  14. Your extra tubes seem to shrink slightly on a reload of a vessel. Don't think the originals have that problem. Anyone else have this?
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