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    Geriatric 3D Artist

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  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrloa6dq7bowf9j/InternalProps.zip?dl=0 try the RFNavBall prop in there see if it helps, it's part of the RFProps unitypackage. It's been a long while since I touched anything KSP things are very fuzzy. But if you know exactly how the visible mesh is flipped, it should be simple matter of flipping the mesh in blender without changing the pivot orientation to fix it in KSP. Blender (and Max) compounds the problem as well by having Z up instead of Y up like KSP/Unity. I don't know anything about the new config entries though... last I made any props was 0.9.
  2. You can, it's a different job. A Concept designer or artist to be exact. If that's what you want to do, team up with a 3d artist who can take your concepts to a game ready asset. If you want to make game ready assets, you have to know that stuff that you don't want to learn. Tough cookies bud.
  3. It's the orientation of the node that hosts PartTools export script. Generally it has Y+ Up; Z+ Forward; X+ Right (toward launch pad), as seen from default viewpoint in the VAB. When you take control of a docking port with "Control From Here" the navball reorients to match the orientation of the object specified by ControlTransform name. This is useful when your docking port points in a different direction than the part's default... like the Mk2 docking port with bay doors.
  4. reflection probes do work. just not exactly as you'd expect. It's actually a very interesting way to get a behind the scenes look at how the KSP scenes are built. Check Lilleman's plugin thread, I capped a few videos.
  5. mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, 1 in the config file takes a bit of trial and error though depending on the direction your gear is exported out.
  6. you can trick it by setting a part to INTERNAL{} or PROP{}, which will allow you to spawn the part in Unity scene, but no ability to edit or anything else.
  7. any NullRef errors in game when you trigger the animation? does the new animategeneric need to specify the object that hosts animation component? The wheel part modules do, don't remmeber if animate generic does as well. can't really check at the moment, you'd have to dig into the c# assembly to see it.
  8. There's been a good deal of stuff from earlier 1.1.x days. Still very unpredictable. Wheels and Landing Gears seem to be better than Lander legs. With a little work you can get a solid wheel part. Lander legs on the other hand, not so much. The wheel blocking detection Squad implemented as a workaround to the Unity problem isn't too great, I guess most people are hoping for a solid fix on wheels from Unity before anything else. Lofi and Shadowmage are working on a wheel system as a plugin, not sure what the current status is. I haven't paid much attention to KSP or modding for the last few months. here's a sample wheel I uploaded a while back: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pxjv6bowyzfisru/seeThruWheel.zip?dl=0 you'll have to dig a bit to find the wheel threads from earlier in the year.
  9. It's probably just a pecularity of the MU importer. far as I can remember one of them is always an empty transform.
  10. Pretty sure Wings3D doesn't do skinned mesh. you need Blender, or one of the other industry standard apps like Max or Maya. and it has to be FBX export, check "Animation" and "Skin Data" in Animation/Deformations subcategory. DAE may or may not work. OBJ or 3DS doesn't store skinned mesh data.
  11. you need skinned mesh for struts to work. you can get curved strut if you weigh the vertices in a gradual fall-off. All it does is place one joint at the start part, and one at the end part, the mesh is stretched between the two ends. A small collider on the base is all you need. fuel lines work the same way. this thread has some more info. and a sample unity asset
  12. the Ladder tag looked correct from your screencap. the gameobject can be named anything.
  13. "Chamfer" is CAD/Max/Maya jargon, comes from engineering/manufacturing I think. depending on what modeling software you're using it maybe be called "bevel". basically splits an edge and create a new face matching the original edge's normal. Sorry that's probably even worse than ebfore. imagine that edge was an entire loop around a cylinder, you end up with a ring of new faces, which you can then extrude out from the center of the ring. making what looks like a ridge around the cylinder
  14. you mean the structural reinforcements the struts attach to? they look simple enough, chamfer the seams where the tubes join and extrude out. or make a tube and place at the center of the 45 degree edge loops. without detailed cad drawings you have to guesstimate what's under all that fabric.
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