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Everything posted by Jasper_f

  1. I plan to have fun with airplanes and such when 1.0.5 hits, but will most likely hold off on starting any serious savegame before 1.1. Make some cool craft files, a couple of screenshots, and work on some mission patches. In the meantime I keep looking forward for 1.1. It will be good to start a serious career again though (last time I did that, we were in version 0.25).
  2. Did not do anything in KSP, but did something for KSP today. Made a patch that I might use with a new savegame when 1.1 hits. Of course it needs some rescaling to use it in-game later!
  3. Once again, thank you for the amazing summary 5thHorseman! I have to admit that I'm feeling a bit sad thanks to the contradicting news the past couple of weeks: (week 1) they're really close to QA, (week 2) they´re getting closer to QA, (week 3) almost ready for QA, (squadcast with maxmaps) not sure when they will be ready for QA. I think I'll stop waiting for the upcoming update, restart a campaign, and pray to the kraken the save will not be that badly broken when 1.1 hits.
  4. For the past month I've been able to put off playing KSP due to the expected 1.1 Unity 5 update. However, yesterday I caved and started building some spacecrafts I expect to use in my new career once 1.1 hits. These are made mostly using stock parts, except for Nertea's Near Future pack and TAC-LS parts. Perhaps I will be tempted to start a new career before 1.1 hits and gamble that some of these part files will not be broken by the update...
  5. Thank you very much, 5thHorseman, for your summary! It turns out that regarding KSP news I look forward to devnote Tuesday and your summary on Saturday!
  6. This happened to me last year at the ESA - ESTEC event in the Netherlands. Of course at such an event I was bound to run into KSP players. I was wandering through the facility when I entered a big hall that had models of rovers, probes, capsules, and the ISS. I was admiring all these models when I heard someone explain the chronological order of construction of the ISS. I turned around and saw that a son (roughly 15y) was explaining to his father how the ISS was constructed and what the purposes were of each of the modules. I asked the son if he was aware of KSP (because if he wasn't, I thought that would be a missed oppertunity). In response he looked at me as if I were a complete idiot, because "of course he knew about KSP!". He then confessed that he learned all the info of the ISS by watching the "project gateway" series from KSP youtuber Bob Fitch. Still makes me smile when I think about it, and I was really happy to see so many young people interested and excited by science.
  7. My most favourite book? That is a very tough question to answer. I would name several: -Shogun by James Clavell absolutely stands at the top of my favourites list, although to be fair the entire Asian saga is fantastic. Would thoroughly recommend anyone to read the series. -The Stand by Stephen King -The Lord of the rings by J.R.R. Tolkien -I am Legend by Richard Matheson -Dracula by Bram Stoker I guess I should read some scifi themed books. I’ll follow the thread and pick up some recommendations!
  8. I have to admit that this was the first thing I checked with the 1.03 update. However, I am very grateful to be able to fall back to the fantastic stock clamshell fairings mod until Squad adds tweakables to the fairings.
  9. For my flags and patches, I used GIMP like many others. A fun, free program that lets you do all kinds of cool things.
  10. I think that plan failed due to creditcard/Paypal issues. It was awesome though. I recall someone made an in-game kerbal statue delivering a pizza box. Cannot find the image unfortunately.
  11. The enthusiasm you guys have brings a smile to my face. Perhaps order the devs pizza to help them push the 1.0 update ?
  12. Pardon me for bumping the thread, but almost 600 views and no comments? Come on guys, I've seen you voice your oppinion on the forums for two years. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could give me some suggestions/feedback to improve or change the patches. I'm learning as I go. What would you like to see? Perhaps a different style? What are your thoughts on a personal patches: -- Jasper
  13. Hi everyone, Like a lot of people here, KSP has inspired me to create and accomplish challenges regarding rocketry and spaceplane design. But the game challenged me to do so much more. To create a reliable satellite network (RemoteTech 2), build aerodynamically sound and aesthetically pleasing rockets, etc. Now, while I await the 1.0 update, I have not really felt like playing the game (which always happens when a new update is imminent). However, after seeing mission patches from NASA, ESA, and jpvalery (https://www.behance.net/gallery/13065333/Kerbal-Mission-Patches), I decided to attempt to create my own. I only posted these patches on the steam community page and not on the KSP forums because I did not think them that special in relation to the other fantastic artwork posted here and on steam. But then I saw this:
  14. My KSP has been enriched with numerous mods, and most of the time I am having an absolute blast playing the game. On occasion I encounter some bugs that either crash the game or drive me to stop playing KSP, yet only for a short duration. While this has altered the way I used to play (I now save much more frequently), I accept this can happen on occasion. In addition, I like to think that bugs/problems can also be a source of unexpected entertainment (does anyone remember Skyrim's dragons flying backwards?).
  15. Hi guys! Even though waiting can be bothersome, you guys provide some quality entertainment aboard the hype train. A big thank you from me!
  16. Hello everyone, I am a first time poster, but a long-time visitor to the forums. After watching the SpaceX presentation of the Dragon V2 and the in-game model being made by LazarusLuan, I decided to assemble a similar functioning module using (almost entirely) stock parts. The heatshield is of course from deadly reentry. Some creative part placement was required, but I think I merely bended the rules a little bit. Hopefully I added the images correctly and will be displayed below:
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