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Everything posted by Jasper_f

  1. Yap, was also posted on twitter: Link to KSP-TV twitch link for those interested: https://www.twitch.tv/ksptv
  2. While I think it is a lovely idea, I'm afraid this will have the same ending as the LEGO ISS: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/61057. Best of luck though!
  3. You have to beat him at a game of riddles in order to stand a chance of even stopping stopping at a platform. His speed might match that of this 1.1 hype train though, so a risky transfer might have to suffice. Long days and pleasant nights.
  4. Currently doing my PhD in cognitive neuroscience at a University. KSP has rekindled my long love for space exploration. After high school I strongly considered doing my bachelors in Aerospace Engineering, but that required that I'd do a preparation year to increase my math and physics knowledge. I chose to take another path in the direction of cognitive neuroscience (which has been fantastic so far; don't misunderstand me). However, I daresay that, had KSP been around at that time, my choice in bachelor education would likely have been different (a thought that brings a sad, nostalgic smile to my face). But, like I said, KSP has rekindled my love for space exploration and research. I've been following developments on all fronts as much as I can, try to watch live streams (SpaceX keeps upping their game when it comes to livestreams!!), and keep watching the skies. In 2015 I finally took the plunge and purchased a Skywatcher Evostar-120 along with a guidebook titled: "stargazing for dummies". On one summer evening I set up the telescope, scanned the skies, and wondered what 'that bright point in the sky' would be. Turned out to be Jupiter and its four Galilean moons. Seeing that through my telescope for the first time felt as much as a triumph as landing on the Mun for the first time! Also, watching satellites and the ISS float is always satisfying, and last year's Perseid meteor shower was loads of fun. I wish you all long days and pleasant (clear) skies!
  5. I searched for this specific bit in the stream. Screenshot sharing starts at 04:35:55. Das stated that he specifically asked Dr. Turkey for permission to share these 1.1 screenshots (slightly before the timestamp I posted). If I combine that with the tweet from Squad themselves, this leads me to believe this is indeed a stock 1.1 feature. If you draw any other conclusions from this, I'd be happy to hear them =).
  6. Early access for the media team regarding the 1.1 experimental build(s), it seems:
  7. Please pardon me for the bump, but I thought this twitter message was very much worth your attention. Have not seen this on the forums yet. Feel free to delete the post if this is not the correct place for discussion. Personally, I think this way of IVA view is fantastic!!
  8. Just out of curiosity: has there been any mention of an animation being developed for the upcoming 1.1 update? I simply can't recall having read any comments on this, but those animations always make the updates feel special. Highest compliments to @danRosas @danrpaulsen !
  9. I do, and the memory always brings a smile to my face. At that time I told you that all of you were amazing, and you still are. While no real pizza's were delivered to Squad HQ, Kermu was able to provide Squad with pizza in-game:
  10. ... You are my new hero. I have > 800 hours in KSP, but did not discover this EVA feature. Please have all my rep. for sharing this!
  11. All of you are amazing in this united response. Please make it known what is still needed for contributions; I would be most willing to help out wherever I can.
  12. Finished my hardware installation yesterday. While installation was all but smooth (had to reinstall Windows and had several other issues..), performance has most definitely improved over my previous i5 750. Framerates have doubled in almost every game, which is specifically appreciated for KSP. Now don't get me wrong; this PC is used for personal and professional goals. I play games on this pc, but also plan to do some high-density EEG ICA analyses. A good CPU will most definitely be useful in both regards =). Best of luck to everyone upgrading his/her hardware!
  13. Just picked up my new i7 4790kand MSI Z97S SLI Krait motherboard! Replacing my old ones and keeping my 12GB RAM + Radeon HD 7870XT. While I do not think the replacement will be painless, I am already looking forward to playing KSP 1.1 with the new parts.
  14. Personally I feel a bit disappointed. I postponed playing KSP 1.0.4 ever since Unity 5 upgrade and comsat gameplay was announced, and was very much looking forward to playing with satellites and creating a long-lasting network. It's been a good couple of months of development for both Unity5 and the new comsat feature, so I wonder if this decision was driven by the state of development or rather the state of the QA/experimentals team. The decision hurts, but I will trust that you know what is best. I just hope that the modders of remotetech and scansat will be able to update their mods for 1.1 without too much problems.
  15. This is fantastic. I am once again confronted by the fact that all of you are all amazing and inspiring! With respect to the game itself, there is one big aspect that I truely love, and that is that I can do anything and everything in this game. In any space simulator I can fly a spaceship, yet not design the mission nor the ship itself. In a flight sim I can perhaps create the mission and fly the plane, but not design the plane! KSP gives me ultimate freedom to create my very own ship and fly it myself, all while executing a mission of my own creation (or imagination). And maybe, just maybe, the fact that KSP has rekindled my love for space exploration. The past two years have been filled with watching livestreams of launches by Roscosmos, NASA, SpaceX, ESA, etc. I fully expect to continue this trend in 2016 (launch of the Falcon heavy, anyone?!).
  16. Indirectly I am. Currently I am using a five year old machine with Windows 7. Given that I want to make use of the free upgrade to Windows 10 - and taking into account Windows 10 is not happy about you making major revisions to your hardware - I plan on upgrading my motherboard and CPU. Currently I am using an i5 750, but plan to upgrade to an i7 4790k with an MSI Z97S SLI Krait motherboard. After replacing the hardware, I will upgrade to Windows 10, use this hardware for at least another five years, and hopefully enjoy somewhat better performance in KSP as well! For the moment I will keep my current GPU (AMD Radeon HD 7870 XT), given that the ones with better performance are still quite expensive. Thus the plan is to future-proof my machine and get some extra power for KSP on the side ;).
  17. Another RUD. Too bad, but a good attempt!
  18. Given that everyone is still behind their computers instead of high-fiving each other, I take it the landing did not go smoothly. Perhaps another Scott Manley dub is in order: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRsufOoNOIQ ?
  19. Looks like we will not see live footage from the landing attempt. That is really unfortunate.
  20. Fantastic to see they implemented map view in the right window :)!
  21. T-30s! Any predictions whether they'll be able to land the first stage with choppy seas?
  22. Welcome to the forums Puddle Jumper! I have to admit that I am in the exact same position as you. Purchased KSP in July 2013, logged just over 850 hours, and have only been to Kerbin's system, Duna, and Eve. Restarting with every update (and postponing play until the update is out) doesn't help at all. Have fun on the forums!
  23. Tried making the Serenity in KSP, now that we have the cargo ramp and bigger engines. Unfortunately due to the fact that the ramp is clipped into the top layer of the plane, it starts to oscillate, which results in decapitation of the Serenity (which is more serious than losing the primary buffer panel). I will try to find a solution. -- quick edit-- If you know the solution, please let me know!
  24. I played 1.0.5 for a little while, but only to get the screenshots I needed for the mission patches I plan to use in my upcoming 1.1 savegame. Spent more time with GIMP than with KSP. Waste of time? You decide!
  25. Apologies if this thread is too old to revive, but it seems we have some more teasing from squad on Twitter with regard to 1.0.5 (teasing appears to be short-term):
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