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Everything posted by AbortButton

  1. I guess mine would be Eve. It's the first planet I landed on when I was an absolute newbie at the game and I still remember the absolute nail-biting experience that was my first ever landing.
  2. Granted. You are dropped into the middle of Antarctica. I wish that I have infinite Funds.
  3. Mind=blown Seriously though, that's actually really cool. I never knew that.
  4. I'd love to do a land battle with someone when I get my computer working again. Anyone interested?
  5. I would think that a post-mars landing would likely be on an asteroid since it's a body we can actually reach with our current manned mission technology.
  6. Minecraft and any other game that I have played did not consume my life like KSP did. Therefore, KSP is the best game. (In my humble opinion)
  7. I feel that if you want an insurance feature as a fall-back option, you're better off just using quick save rather than asking for a feature which may or may not get implemented.
  8. I built a boat that recovered two pods and pushed them on the shores near KSC, but it broke when I did a sharp turn while attempting to recover the third.
  9. That got a chuckle out of me. Fine job.
  10. But dragons don't exist! Therefore how would you know how they type you cheater?
  11. Wait, what? The thread of my dreams actually exists! When I get my computer back up and running, I'm definitely going to be participating in this.
  12. Granted. You turn into cookies and I eat you. I wish I had a pet dragon.
  13. Well, as someone who plays without part mods, I really liked the new SP+ parts, but that's just my opinion.
  14. I have it on my computer but I never figured out the controls.
  15. Star Wars battlefront 1 (never liked battlefront 2) and a game that I kinda doubt anyone else here has heard of: battleship: surface thunder.
  16. As I understand it, the treaty forbids nuclear weapons. Using a nuclear device to divert an asteroid away from earth wouldn't really be a weapon.
  17. Oh joy... Now I have to wait until the hotfix before I can launch my oversized planes again.
  18. To me, it's kinda ehhh... I liked it until the 1.37 update which made it incredibly grindy.
  19. i'm having a problem with the mod not loading any of the clouds or lights. I'm using no other mods other than this.
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome. I can already tell I'm going to love this community more than I already do!
  21. Well, I've been playing KSP since .20 and lurking around on the forums since then but I've finally decided to get an account. Anyway, hello KSP community!
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