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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Thanks! It's inspired by the iconic Mars Excursion Module, but designed for the kerbal environment. So instead of having a laboratory/hab, you send along a small Pathfinder base instead. Or, you land a base separately, and just fly the lander to it. Or, you just use the capsule as an orbital crew transport. Or... Anyway, I'm starting to create the cutouts for the integrated landing gear. Once I get that and the gear themselves done, then all the exteriors for the Estonian are done.
  2. I made more progress on the EDL Frame: The Frame has a built-in decoupler that is automatically set up to share fuel. What you do is attach the engine to the EDL Tank, then attach the frame to the tank as well (there are two nodes to do that). Once you decouple the Frame, it serves as a launch pad for the rest of the vehicle. All that is optional of course, you could SSTO the Estonian to low Duna orbit with enough fuel. The landing legs you see are placeholders; I'm almost ready to cut the mesh to make the integrated landing legs. I've got the EDL Tank configs set up properly too. With Pathfinder installed, you get a Bootstrap configuration that has enough storage space and resources for a small Pathfinder base.
  3. More progress on the EDL Frame: The Frame has a built-in decoupler that is automatically set up to share fuel. What you do is attach the engine to the EDL Tank, then attach the frame to the tank as well (there are two nodes to do that). Once you decouple the Frame, it serves as a launch pad for the rest of the vehicle. All that is optional of course, you could SSTO the Estonian into Low Duna Orbit with enough fuel. I've got the EDL Tank configs set up properly too. With Pathfinder installed, you get a Bootstrap configuration that has enough storage space and resources for a small Pathfinder base.
  4. That's out of date due to changes in the game. If you use the wheel jack, you'll need to attach a docking port to the wheel jack's top, with the hatch facing the wheel jack. Meanwhile, Buffalo is almost feature complete, which is why you haven't seen many updates lately. I'm working on DSEV for the time being, but last night I was able to make a part that I've wanted since the start of Pathfinder: A micro-ISRU! Its capability is limited; it can only produce one resource at a time and it is slow, but it comes with its own solar panel to power the converter.
  5. Right click the short logistics module and click Reconfigure Storage. Make sure your short logistic module is configured for science: From the lab, open the Experiment lab tab and press one of the Transfer buttons: Available destinations will be outlined in blue. Once transferred you'll receive confirmation:
  6. I’ll take a look, thanks for the info. Some of the issues I haven’t been able to reproduce.
  7. In Pathfinder, you can convert the Chuckwagon into a greenhouse, and the Hacienda has a greenhouse template as well. Same as above for the resource consumption.
  8. Hasn't been removed. You can also build out the body first, add ground stabilizers, and then use the ground stabilizers to jack up the body and install the chassis and wheels.
  9. Both the TACLS D2 Centrifuge and D2 Greenhouse have greenhouses that take Waste, Water, and CarbonDioxide to produce WasteWater, Oxygen, and Food.
  10. Sounds cool, these changes will definitely add new gameplay options.
  11. You'll need to return those experiments home to get the rewards. Be sure to transfer them into a short logistics module configured for science, then return the experiments to Kerbin.
  12. The units converted is based on mass and density. By mass, oxygen makes up the majority of the mass of water.
  13. Yup! It is called the AE-35 array, and there is a sticky note in the Clydesdale IVA concerning it...
  14. No doubt the Laytheans saw the aircraft and are freaking out. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
  15. I finished the Estonian's EDL Tank: I also started working on the EDL Frame: The EDL Frame will have storage boxes and landing gear that surround the central tank.
  16. Got a good start on the EDL Frame: Here you can see the fuel tank: The landing gear and storage boxes will surround the central fuel tank. The frame will also have a built-in decoupler; by mounting the aerospike on the EDL Tank, the frame becomes a launch pad for the ascent stage, and the aerospike is use for ascents and descents.
  17. I don't know where that's coming from. You'll have to make sure that all your references point to a 1.3.0 version of KSP. https://github.com/Angel-125/BARIS/releases/tag/v1.3.9.3 Is the last version supported in KSP 1.3.0...
  18. The Mule doesn’t start with resources in its configuration file. The Coach doesn’t have the problem either.
  19. Ok, we need to isolate which files are still adding the fuel swythen. There should have been a lot of files in that folder. Need to add the exclusion to all of them.
  20. I'm not seeing what you're seeing, I tried reproducing the steps shown in your video, and in my game the fuel tanks store exactly what and how much I previously set. Did you make those changes to all config files for IFS? Does the IFS fuel switcher show up at all?
  21. Yeah, I think the problem is that you've got IFS along with WBI switching going on. @TheReadPanda had a similar problem. The issue is that IFS doesn't ignore WBI's resource switcher and just steps on it. To fix it, you'll need to edit the IFS config files: Go to the GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches folder. You'll see a bunch of config files in there, such as IntegrationLiquidFuelOxidizer.cfg. In the config, you'll see an @PART declaration like so: @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant],!MODULE[ModuleTankManager],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],!MODULE[FSfuelSwitch],!MODULE[B9PartSwitch],!MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],!MODULE[ModuleEngines]]:NEEDS[InterstellarFuelSwitch&!CryoTanks&!ModularFuelTanks&!RealFuels]:FOR[InterstellarFuelSwitch] You'll need to add an additional exclusion: !MODULE[WBIConvertibleStorage], Save your files and restart KSP.
  22. Make sure you're using https://github.com/Angel-125/WildBlueTools/releases/tag/v1.31
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